Different ! Ill explain, been to BSPA, you know normal routine, - TopicsExpress


Different ! Ill explain, been to BSPA, you know normal routine, up at crack of dawn to make the ponio white (where it should be) only to see half the sand school in his plaits despite muchest soap suds, only to get smothered in black dust from horse walkway, hey me things all in same boat, so once there almost on time (rare occurance) we prep for first class, togs up super horse Ziggledypop, Jeavon dresss and puts boots on.....zip breaks 8-) first class done with the one leg flapping around and exposing cerise pink striped socks (needless to say no pics bought from that class), we also got to ring forgetting BSPA novice rules.....oh yeh snaffle bridle, there begins a chase around horse parking to borrow for the class summit suitabubble....however he did win and get through to eve. performance (lets not ask numbers) I then find his very own snaffle hidden in the internal disarray of car contents. Any road up, the man and J got a first a second and a forth. In eve performance with a far more electric atmosphere than last weeks show, he behaved impeccably and there one only 1 mini incident where some galloped up his arse and he shot forward, he didnt bother about loud speakers for commentary, didnt go dizzy with neither pretty flower arrangements around arena nor clapping and cheering, no ear plugs !! What a little star he has been. He had long way to go yet but for first year out and only his 6th show ever he is doing pretty darn ok. Saw several people not seen for long while Claire P, Julia actually lots. The boy went on trailer and quietly munched while we watched remaining gala and ate....ah now we get the opening different.....noooooooo food and belly be a rumbling :/ gets home and the cupboard was almost bare....then I find fish fingers in freezer Paulette and I thinks theyll do in wrap with lettuce...then I spied the onion rings 8-) ooooooh yes, absolutely delish....so there you have it ...different! soon to bed ready for the morrow
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:24:39 +0000

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