Different Types Of Wives! Which One Are You? Here are the types - TopicsExpress


Different Types Of Wives! Which One Are You? Here are the types of wife, Check the list below and tell me the type you fall into: The Nurturer These are the type of women that are driven by the fundamental need to make peace in the marriage. They always work so hard to make the husband happy and meet his need. If the husband is sick, they will pet him, prepare chicken soup and the be there for him. They put his need first. This group of ladies loves their husband so much that she can dissatisfy herself to satisfy the husband. The only problem is that if for any reason there is a fall out in the marriage, they crash hard and are not easily placated. They can go as far as murdering their husband. The “Little Girl” Wife These are the type of wives that are unable to do anything on their own.This kind of wife believes the husband should call the shots and take all major decisions. They always lean on their husbands for direction and guidance just like the way a little girl leans on her father. The Bossy Wife These are the type of wives i like referring to as the commander in chief. They take charge of every aspect of the house. She chooses what to cook, restricts her husband’s movement, tell him who he can hang out with and who not to hang out with? These group of ladies sometimes lose control and boss their husbands in public, in the presence of friends and others. They believe if they do not push their husband to do certain things, it will never get done. The Whiny Wife This type of wife is a squeaky wheel. They do not come right out and demand what she wants or needs from the husband. They prefer belaboring whenever things don’t exactly go their way. They always whine, play the victim and manipulates her husband in an attempt to get what she wants. The Kid-Centered Wife All her attention and affection is focused on the kids. She only thinks of taking care of the children and usually end up neglecting the husband. The kid-centered wife waste most of the time with the kids and always get tired and forget to get to bed or treat the husband good. Although taking good care of the children is good but doing it excessively at the expense of your spouse is bad. All their resources are on the children and forgetting the love and strong building of their relationship. Selfish Wife: Her needs and desire comes first, they drive pleasure in “If Mama ain’t happy, then nobody is gonna be happy”. Everything she does is for her own benefits. She puts the family interest right behind her own personal interest.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:11:04 +0000

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