Digestin Extract (Ren Shen Yang Rong Wan) - 3 pack Symptoms: - TopicsExpress


Digestin Extract (Ren Shen Yang Rong Wan) - 3 pack Symptoms: For persons with deficiency of Qi (vital energy), blood and Yang (vital function). Discomforts are: weight loss, pale face, loss of appetite, palpitations, forgetfulness, irregular menstruation Ingredients: Asiang ginseng root, Bai-zhu atractylodes rhizome, Astragalus root, Tangerine rind, Rehmannia tuber, Schisandra fruit, Poria, Jujube fruit, Chinese peony root, Polygala root, Cassia bark, Ginger Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 3 bottles for approximately 4 weeks Digestin Tea Pill (Zi Sheng Wan) - 5 pack Symptoms: For persons with deficiency of the spleen and stomach. Discomforts are: acute gastric infection, chronic diarrhea, general digestive weakness Ingredients: Barley fruit, Chinese yam, Euryale seed, Poria, Hyacinth bean, Bai-zhu atractylodes, Chinese hawthorn fruit, Codonopsis root, Sacred lotus seed, Jobs tears seed, Chinese giant hyssop plant, Asian water plantain, Patycodon root, Tangerine peel, Indian goldthread, Round cardamom, Chinese licorice root Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 5 bottles for approximately 4 weeks Digestinex Extract (Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan) - 5 pack Symptoms: For persons with weakness and asthenia of spleen and stomach. Discomforts are: subtle abdominal pain, chest fullness, belching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, emaciation Ingredients: Poria, Bai-zhu atractylodes, Codonopsis root, Pinellia rhizome, Chinese amomum fruit, Tangerine rind, Chinese licorice root, Jujube fruit, Ginger Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 5 bottles for approximately 4 weeks Dong Quai Tablets (Fu Fang Dang Gui Pian) - 11 pack Symptoms: For women with deficiency of Qi (vital energy) and blood. Discomforts are irregular menstruation and weakness Ingredients: Dong quai root, Ligusticum wallichii, Bai-zhu atractylodes, Jujube fruit Specifications: 300 mg/pill, 80 tablets/bottle Set of 11 bottles for approximately 8 weeks Eagle Wood Extract (Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan) - 3 pack Symptoms: For persons with stagnation of liver Qi (vital energy). The discomforts are stomach pain, stuffiness in the chest, loss of appetite and belching Ingredients: Barley, Chinese giant hyssop, Zedoary, Cyperus, Chinese amomum, Tangerine fruit, Chinese licorice Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 3 bottles for approximately 4 weeks Eight Flavor Rehmanni Extract (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan) - 7 pack Symptoms: For persons with upflaring of fire due to deficiency of Yin (vital essence) in the kidney. Discomforts are: tinnitus, spermatorrhea, tidal fever, steaming sensation in the bones, night perspiration, spontaneous seminal emission, loose teeth, swollen and painful gums Ingredients: Rehmannia tuber, Asiatic dogwood fruit, Chinese yam, Asian water plantain, Tree peony root bark, Poria, Anemarrhena rhizome, Phellodendron stem bark Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 7 bottles for approximately 8 weeks Emperors Tea Pill (Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan) - 4 pack Symptoms: For persons with deficiency of blood and vital essense of heart and kidney. Discomforts are: forgetfulness, insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, nocturnal emissions, dry stool, oral pus infections Ingredients: Rehmannia tuber, Schisandra fruit, Dong quai root, Ophiopogon tuber, Oriental arborvitae seed, Jujube seeds, Chinese asparagus tuber, Schophularia root, Polygala root, Poria, Chinese salvia root and rhizome, Codonopsis root, Grass-lease sweetflag rhizome, Platycodon root, Chinese licorice root Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 4 bottles for approximately 4 weeks Energexin Extract (Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan) - 13 pack Symptoms: For persons with kidney asthenia and unconsolidated vital energy. Discomforts are: nocturnal and spontaneous emission, fatigue, loss of muscle strength, lower back pain, tinnitus Ingredients: Sacred lotus seed, Euryale seed, Flat-stem milkvetch seed, Cocha Ostreae shell, Os Draconis fossil Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 13 bottles for approximately 8 weeks Expellin Extract (Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan) Symptoms: For persons with headaches, vertigo, stuffy nose, fever and intolerance to chills Note: Must take with green tea Ingredients: Chinese mint, Schizonepeta, Ligusticum wallichii, Chinese licorice, Notopterygium, Fragrant angelica root and Siler root Specifications: 160mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Femex Extract (Yu Dai Wan) - 4 pack Symptoms: For persons with leucorrhea due to cold and dampness. Discomforts are: leucorrhea, abdominal pain, tidal fever, dizziness and tinnitus Ingredients: Rehmannia tuber, Chinese peony root, Dong quai root, Ligusticum wallichii rhizome, Chinese tree of heaven bark, Phellodendron bark, Lesser galangal rhizome Specifications: 160 mg/pill, 200 pills/bottle Set of 4 bottles for approximately 4 weeks
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 18:50:24 +0000

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