Digesting this last election fiasco leaves a very bad taste in my - TopicsExpress


Digesting this last election fiasco leaves a very bad taste in my mouth with a rather stark realization Ive fought believing for years: there truly is a master plan imposed by corporations in this nation to continue owning this government and every aspect of governance. I do not only refer to Citizens United, but our ENTIRE tax code and its structure which has been written virtually in toto by corporations. Having witnessed total government revenues which were formerly comprised of roughly 34% of corporate taxes falling to around 10% from corporations in the last 50 years was a pretty good indicator of this FACT. Who has been picking up this slack corporations do not pay? Who keeps crying for lower taxes, while their voices are heard in government to mean to lower taxes on corporations some more while INCREASING them on the dwindling middle-classes and struggling working and lower classes? It goes without saying that corporate media is, by its very definition, owned by corporations. DUH!!! What that means in reality is when we witnessed our corporate media falling from over 50 different companies to a mere 5 or 6 corporations that own/control nearly 90% of ALL our media in the huge Reagan-era initiated de-regulation phase (read: monopoly-creation phase), it is obvious whose interests and agendas they will propagate on our PUBLIC AIRWAVES we have GIVEN to them to manipulate us. There is the ILLUSION of a Left-Right variation by having the stark comparisons between Fox News versus MSNBC. ALL a bunch of smoke and mirrors to inflame passions of delusional voters who actually believe they have an extinct thing called democracy. That does not exist AT ALL and is PROVEN absolutely with this latest election farce. When singular issue after singular issue is supported by either a majority or an overwhelming majority of the polled electorate all claim to be issues espoused by the Democratic Party and the party that claims to reject these issues is voted in by a majority, red flags are raised. Then when one examines the absolute comical nature of NO Democratic candidate running on issues of success and VOICING from the rooftops the successes of having witnessed 5 straight years of monthly job creation, with some 200,000 per month being created every month of this year alone, in contrast to the LOSS of 800,000 per month during the Bush heydays of job destructions, or even a bare mention of a stock market having MORE than DOUBLED during the Obama term, along with some 10-15 MILLION more Americans covered with health insurance, ALL VERY GOOD THINGS, and candidates actually trying to totally DISTANCE themselves from Obama, turning their backs on him, throwing him under the bus in hopes of personal political gain instead of national interests, more red flags are raised. All the sniveling about the ever-so-important national debt and federal budget deficit sure has stopped since the federal budget deficit has shrunk from $1.2 TRILLION in 2009 to $469 BILLION in 2014 - nearly a 66% DECREASE, another thing NO ONE MENTIONED during the elections. How curious. The GOP brilliantly did as their agenda called for, which was to OBSTRUCT every single possible GOOD thing this nation needed, even ideas they had previously INTRODUCED, such as the ACA they so ardently oppose now, along with basics such as Veterans jobs bills or improved healthcare, and doing their level best to simply SCREW this nation so at mid-terms they could tout the FAILURES of the Dems and sweep in a majority of both houses of Congress. Then turn around and suddenly start on PASSING the very things they had previously blocked and claim how bi-partisan they are and how they have single-handedly repaired the gridlock, which they had created, while nary a Dem one VOICES the obvious, they will receive CREDIT when good things occur, then probably gain the White House in 2016. Brilliant plan, but it is exactly as the corporations want to continue letting the people think their voice in ballot booths have some sort of meaning. THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY MEANING. PERIOD. The United States IS a totalitarian, FASCIST State by EVERY SINGLE DEFINITION of that term. PERIOD. Corporations OWN this nation, its resources, its people and its government at ALL levels. PERIOD. 2.3 MILLION people in prison, more than any nation on earth, even China with a population FIVE-FOLD that of the U.S.; UNLIMITED spying and monitoring and CONTROLLING of the population through rendering public gatherings ILLEGAL, to the point of having the authority to charge persons demonstrating with FELONIES or even, true thing, TERRORISM for protesting in places where they designate as NOT Free Speech Zones, the citizenry is allowed to VENT and blow off steam with their free speech on the hugely subsidized outlet called FaceBook, seemingly free to say anything they wish, which then takes the winds out of their sails and people feel theyve done something - government DID give FB a $440 MILLION dollar tax refund on the ZERO taxes FB paid in 2012 on their $1.2 BILLION dollar profit...how curious, eh? Were all doomed. Its a good day to die, as the old Seneca War cry going into battle has it. Have a nice weekend all. jb
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:37:28 +0000

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