Digital Storytelling Workshopwith Dr. Jason Ohler Monday, - TopicsExpress


Digital Storytelling Workshopwith Dr. Jason Ohler Monday, December 9, 2013 Woodneath Library Center, 8900 NE Flintlock Road, KC, MO A public workshop brought to you by KCDigiKids Coalition Storytelling is enjoying a resurgence of popularity in the modern age as teachers and non-profit program leaders harness it as a powerful teaching and learning tool. New Media Narrative and Digital Storytelling—Using Digital Technology to Tell Your Story will help you learn how to plan and create digital stories and other new media narrative using common, inexpensive hardware and software. Other topics covered will include applying digital storytelling to classrooms and organizational needs, using new media in content areas and assessment, and how to use story to promote an organization’s message. This workshop shows you how to create a story that works, regardless of whether you are a traditional or digital storyteller; regardless of whether you are in business, education, art or simply enjoy telling stories for friends and family. You will learn how to plan, write, tell stories and develop the aspects of successful stories that are found in books, movies, public presentations and even advertisements, including flow, character, meaning, conflict resolution, audience engagement and transformation. You will leave with practical tools to use with others to help them tell their stories. The workshop can be applied to literacy and content learning for students, business presentations, public speaking and personal development and expression. Workshop Schedule 8:30 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Digital Storytelling Instruction -- Presentation & Discussion Topics include a number of the practical aspects related to helping students create thoughtful, effective media, particularly digital stories; learning how to evaluate story as well as how to use stories in content areas; how to listen to, deconstruct and evaluate new media narrative and digital stories so you can give students helpful feedback on their media projects; learn how to use media grammar as a way to talk to your students about the media they produce. 12:00 a.m. Lunch · Lunch areas throughout Woodneath Library Center · OR bring lunch to Community Hall for KCDigiKids Update 1:00 p.m. Story Planning Session for Participants 3:00 p.m. Story Production Session for Participants 4:30 p.m. Regroup for Closing Remarks 5:00 p.m. Dismissal Registration Registration Fee: $45.00 per person (continental breakfast & lunch included) You can register via EventBrite at this site: https://eventbrite/event/6824557435 About Jason Ohler: Dr. Jason Ohler is a professor emeritus, speaker, writer, teacher, and cyber researcher. He is also a lifelong digital humanist who is well known for the passion, insight, and humor he brings to his presentations, projects and writings. He has worked both online and in classrooms at home and internationally for over a quarter century helping students develop the new literacies they need to be successful in the digital age. He is a passionate promoter of “Art the Next R” and of combining innovation, creativity and digital knowhow to help reinvigorate teaching and learning. For decades he has been helping teachers, students, everyone tell their stories in their own way, using the digital technology that is now abundant and part of our every day lives. He is also an enthusiastic champion of the need for students to learn how to use technology wisely and safely, with awareness and compassion, so they can become informed and productive citizens in a global digital society. He has won a number of awards for his work and is author of many books, articles, and online resources. Many call him a futurist, he calls himself a nowist, believing we have what we need now to create the kinds of communities we need to meet the challenges of the digital age with creativity and humanity. His current book, Digital Community, Digital Citizen, explores how to help our children blend their digital and non-digital lives into one integrated approach to living that is safe and inspiring. His previous book, Digital Storytelling in the Classroom, reminds us that he is first and foremost a storyteller, telling tales of the future that are grounded in the past. “The goal is the effective, creative, and wise use of technology . . . to bring together technology, community, and learning in ways that work. And while we are at it, to have fun.”
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:26:59 +0000

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