Digital abuse is very insidious. You dont realize it is happening - TopicsExpress


Digital abuse is very insidious. You dont realize it is happening until you are perhaps in too deep. In todays technologically-driven world - being CONSTANTLY on your smartphone seems to be normal and it sort of (!!) is. So when your partner decides to check-in on you via text, FB, a call - it seems normal. Cute even. When you dont answer right away and they do the whole Heh, heh - where were you that you took so long to answer? *chuckle* - pay attention. Want to not hide and give out your passwords? - feel free. But that can backfire. He/she can give you theirs. It could be to a dummy account to boot. 20 calls in 1 hr? RUN. Add to this the very difficult issue of not being too sure of tone in a message/text and things get very bad. Your partner wants your friends BBM pins and contact info? Careful. I have had clients show me text messages on their phones and besides being dumbstruck by bad spelling - I am floored by how verbally violent people can be, hiding behind their smartphones. The scary part? This can be hidden better than bruises.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 21:25:15 +0000

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