Dikembe Disembe OF A JOB APPROVED FAR BEYOND OUR BORDERS, BY A COLONIAL POLLSTER. After interviewing 1000 people, a Gallup Poll ranked President Uhuru Kenyatta the 3rd best performing President in Africa. Jubilee supporters, and, as is becoming their norm, the media in Kenya, has bought the polls hook, line and sinker. Never before had we seen overwhelming support for scientific polls by Jubilee supporters as now. Even more numbing is the fact that our brothers, sisters and friends in the political right now believe in a colonial, western polling institution. As weve always said, a typical jubilee supporter, whether head of a hate- speech commission or cleaner pale Ngara, is a complex organism when studying their political characteristics. To misquote Winston Churchill, they are paradoxically strange Kenyans -they resolve only to be irresolute, they decide only to be undecided. I dare add, they put an expensive price tag on valueless commodities, like this Gallup Poll. In the end, they sell us hot air. One day scientific polls are voodoo. The next day such polls are the oxygen - vital for the survival of a faltering, floundering regime under the weight of its own internal contradictions. We in the political left dont dismiss polls, however disagreeable they are to us. However, we dismiss the methodology. For any statistician, the question of variables form the crux of any scientific enquiry. And we ask, what were the variables? When you do ranking, essentially, you are making comparisons. How, in Gods earth, do you compare African Presidents by asking their internal citizens? If you do, thats how you get Uhuru at position three, and Mugabe above Zuma of South Africa even as thousands of Zimbabweans continue to throng South Africa, escaping the poverty and hopelessness of life under Mugabe. But Gallup thinks Mugabe is doing a good job, anyway. Gallup came to Kenya in 2013 (notice it is 8 months into 2014), asked some 1000 people if Uhuru is doing a favourable job (whatever this means) and jumped into a plane to Uganda, asked 1000 Ugandans excluding one David Matsanga who was probably getting ready for an interview on #JKL or just idling at Sabina Joy, or Simmers, or Serena, all here in Nairobi, for the vagrant is a state guest, or so we are told. Ha! Thing is, in this Gallup poll, there existed only independent variables, no dependent variable at all. I mean, it is doubtful if those interviewed here knew this ranking would come. Even if they knew, I would be the first person to give my president 100 percent job well done if I were told he is being compared to some Malian President I know not his second name. Maybe, I am bluffing. President Kenyatta was ranked 3rd. Ask any Jubilee supporter why he wasnt ranked first, or second, and you see a man and woman so willing to foam in the mouth, sweat in the armpits or release pungently from their rear. Complex organisms our friends are. Be all these as they may, we welcome the new jubilee diplomatic breakthrough abroad, and the highly successful media propaganda here at home, for whoever pays the piper calls the tune. Thats the concoction you get when broke (and blank) journalists are served ketepa at the hilly house of Jomo II, the place to be, as Alfie I of Masaku would put it, succinctly. What they didnt tell us, and which they think we dont know, is that Gallup is among the many American PR entities lobbying for Nairobi. In the polls, of 2013, (this is August 2014), 15-24 year olds approved of President Uhurus work at 78%, 24-34 approved the Presidents job at 77%, 35-44 at 70% and 45 years and above at 85% (jeez). If it is not insulting to your intelligence that a 45 year old Kenyan would give President Uhuru some 85% thumbs up in the tumultuous 2013 - the year that we witnessed that spectacular bungling of rescue operations of citizens trapped in a high end shopping mall, saw cost of basic goods shoot through our rooftops and watched all those attempts at muzzling both the media and NGOs, then Gallup deserves a head of state house award, and a working partnership with several reputable institutions here at home, like T N A party of Onyango Oloo, Daily (sick) Nation, Jeff Koinange Live, National Profiling and Prosecution Commission (NPPC), and gikmakamago. Wasnt it 2013 that Ole Lenku left the lodge for Harambee House, a gigantic leap whose after effects continue to reverberate in our minds as we hold our breath in perpetuity, trembling in our loins, for we know that the worst of the worst is yet to come. Twenty thirteen was not the best year to be position three. Such a student would shock his own teachers, and force a remarking of his every exam paper. To accept this Gallup poll is to finally conclude that our own human intelligence is overrated. Not only is it comical, but, really, really, really, sad. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Kazungu Kambi claims that former Lands Minister James Orengo had no power to revoke the title of his irregularly acquired land, sanctified by the courts as his own, returned to him in totality, what makes Kambi and jubilee supporters think that current Lands Minister Charity Ngilu has the same power and that the courts will not return to the 22 owners their irregularly acquired parcels of land? Also, some five state house PSCU officials led by Dennis Itumbi released a media statement telling Hon. Orengo to prepare to write a statement and everything he knows. Arrogance nayo.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 09:53:42 +0000

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