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Dilan ilan \ Breaking News >>>>>>>>>>>>>> facebook/dilan.hot Iran Vows to Arm More Terrorists Across Judea & Samaria to “Destroy Zionist Entity” “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) In line with its usual anti-Israel rhetoric, Iran announced that it plans on strengthening efforts to “destroy the Zionist entity.” How will the Islamic Republic carry out its plan? By arming more terrorists in Judea and Samaria. “The arming policy of the West Bank is one of the policies of Iran and we will use all our capabilities this way,” announced Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan. Speaking at a memorial service of General Abu Ali Tabtabai, who was killed in an IAF airstrike on Monday in Syria, the defense minister vowed revenge for the attack. Iranian sources told Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai on Thursday that Israel knew the general and other high-level officials would be in the convoy and purposely targeted them. Tabtabai, five other fellow Iranians belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, and six Hezbollah terrorists were carrying out a reconnaissance mission in the Syrian side of the Golan Heights when the vehicles they were traveling in were struck. Hezbollah sources told Lebanese media that the express purpose of the mission was to review the situation along the border with Israel to carry out future terror attacks. “The Zionist attack will not be passed over,” Dehghan said. He announced that Iran would take “appropriate action” against Israel and it would only be a matter of time. Following the airstrike, Israel’s northern border was placed on high alert. The IDF stationed extra units of soldiers along the border. The Iron Dome missile defense system was also deployed to Israel’s north in preparation for any possible rocket attacks from Lebanon. Late Wednesday, the US issued a travel advisory to American citizens and government personnel in Israel, citing the recent rise in tensions. The advisory came on the heels of the airstrike and a terror attack in Tel Aviv on Wednesday. “Because of concerns about security on Israel’s northern border, US government personnel are currently required to obtain advance approval if they wish to travel within 1.5 miles of the Lebanon border…” the advisory said. The advisory also prohibited US government employees from using any form of public transportation across Israel “in light of the stabbing attack on a public bus in Tel Aviv.”
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:36:34 +0000

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