Dilar Dirik Meanwhile in Nigeria... up to 2,000 people are - TopicsExpress


Dilar Dirik Meanwhile in Nigeria... up to 2,000 people are feared to be killed by Boko Haram!! We live in a world of selective empathy where the lives of some are seen as more valuable than those the so-called we perceives as the other. No global outrage, because the constant war and violence in crisis zones is perceived as normal, because the murder of Nigerians is not seen as an insult on anyones values, because we always see them as the perpetrator but never as the victim, while our governments represent progress, rights, freedom democracy, no matter if they are the ones actively profiting from constant war through global arms trade and military intervention. This does not only apply to Boko Harams atrocities in and beyond Nigeria - it took 3 years for the world to acknowledge ISIS because at first it was only Middle Eastern people, rather than western economic interests, being murdered. And lets not forget the tragedies of innocent and real human beings, who were victims of jihadists in the west, and whose deaths have been instrumentalized to justify the so-called collateral damage in the Middle East, which is in reality hundred thousands of deaths of innocent and real human beings. All of these deaths are tragic, but the chauvinism in the approproation of the Paris massacre is very problematic. Everyone that now - rightfully - stands with Paris needs to question their own motivations for identifying with Charlie Hebdo, but not with the millions affected by similar violent murderers in Africa and the Middle East. In their attempts to politicize the issue even more, some project their so-called values on this magazine even if they never knew it or even hated it. Many are Charlie for the wrong reasons, not because they really care about the victims or defend freedom of speech, but because it helps their right-wing agendas to instrumentalize peoples deaths or because it feels good to tweet something if a tragedy has hit home, while the daily life of those constantly affected by war is just oh well... No questions asked about what those states that are upholding and spreading values of freedom have done and continue to do to entire regions across the globe. These tragedies are directly linked to each other because they are results of the same system. The French state included, entire establishments based on power, supremacy, conquest, subjugation, racism, chauvinism, and phobia (which manifest themselves even in this terrible case of selective empathy) are one of the biggest obstacles to peace, development, and -frankly- life in these troubled regions and much much more barbaric than the many enemy images they create to perpetuate themselves.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:57:17 +0000

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