Dili Institute of Technology: Building a Better Future for - TopicsExpress


Dili Institute of Technology: Building a Better Future for Baucau’s Youth Article & Photo by Sarah Francis [] Above: DIT-Baucau’s Director, Señor Oscar Belo, is excited about the new carpentry and plumbing training facilities that his students are building. The Director of Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) Baucau, Señor Oscar Belo (pictured), is inviting Baucau’s youth to be amongst the first formally trained construction workers in Timor-Leste. DIT Baucau is offering young people the opportunity to study construction at levels 1-4. It’s one of only three training centres in Timor-Leste that will be able to run courses in mid-level construction skills starting early 2014. Students will also be offered careers counselling, work experience placements and on-the-job training. This will help them form a strategic career path, and make them more valuable to employers by consolidating the skills and knowledge they’ve gained during the course. As part of on-the-job training, Oscar’s current certificate 1 and 2 students are assisting in the construction of new facilities for the training centre under the guidance of their teachers. As part of the project, DIT-Baucau is receiving an extension of its single classroom to include new carpentry and plumbing workshops and upgraded toilets. This $120,000 facilities upgrade started in May, and is expected to be complete by the end of the year. Having DIT’s own people upgrade the facilities follows tradition at DIT Baucau. “I joined DIT Baucau as its Director ten years ago,” says Oscar. “At the time there were three of us, and we built this training centre ourselves, from its foundations to its roof.” The training centre started operations in 2004 and has since successfully trained 291 young people in construction. With the new upgrades, Oscar is hopeful that DIT Baucau will become a hub for construction training in Timor-Leste’s eastern districts. “If we can provide high-quality training then young people won’t need to travel to Dili, they can come to us,” says Oscar. DIT Baucau is well on the way to achieving this, with its four trainers being some of the best qualified in the country to teach construction. Until 2008 it wasn’t possible to gain formal qualifications in construction and mechanics in Timor-Leste. A project by the International Labour Organization established General Construction skills certificates 1 and 2, and this Mid-Level Skills Training Project, funded by the Asian Development Bank in conjunction with the Government of Timor-Leste, will establish mid-level skills certificates 3 and 4. Aside from DIT Baucau, two training centres Don Bosco Comoro and Tibar Training Centre are being developed, so that they can offer mid-level skills courses in construction and mechanics. Don Bosco is receiving a large automotive training workshop, and Tibar Training Centre a dormitory to accommodate students from remote areas. The project will enable more than five hundred young people to study these courses by 2016. The Timorese government has a vision to sustain double-digit economic growth and build a modern, diversified economy by 2030, and providing high-quality infrastructure is key to realising this. The challenge is providing the fast-growing population, more than half of which is under 20 years old, with the skills to effectively join Timor-Leste’s labour force. Although 13,000 Timorese were reportedly working in construction jobs in 2010, only 3,000 had completed their education at secondary school or a higher level. Due to the low skills levels of Timorese construction workers, many construction positions have been given to overseas workers during the last decade. This project seeks to alleviate Timor-Leste’s high youth unemployment rate (19% nationally for 15-29 year olds) by putting jobs back in the hands of Timorese nationals. “It is difficult for youth to find paid employment in Baucau,” says Oscar. “But if they complete a course in construction at DIT-Baucau, I think they will be able to find employment. They can work at local and national businesses, overseas in countries such as Korea, England, Ireland or New Zealand, or they could even start their own companies.” Students undertaking this course will study General Construction at levels 1 and 2, and then select two specialist trades at levels 3 and 4 from a choice of Plumbing, Masonry, Carpentry, Metal Fabrication, Welding and Electrical. This free course can be completed at DIT-Baucau within two and a half years. Students must be able to cover their own costs of lunch and transport to and from DIT-Baucau, which is located in Kota Baru, Baucau, next to East Timor Roofing. --------- Dili Institute of Technology: Hari’i Futuru ida ne’ebé Diak Liu ba Foin-sa’e Baucau Artigu no foto husi Sarah Francis. Tradusaun husi Fransisco Santos. Figura iha leten: Diretor DIT-Baucau, Señor Oscar Belo, ne’ebé kontente ho fasilidade foun karpintária no kanalizasaun nian ne’ebé hari’i hela husi estudante sira. Diretor Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) Baucau, Señor Oscar Belo (haree figura iha leten) konvida foin-sa’e Baucau oan sira hodi hola parte iha formasaun area konstrusaun ho kualifikasaun formal ba dahuluk iha Timor Leste. DIT Baucau fo’o oportunidade ba foin-sa’e sira hodi aprende iha area konstrusaun ne’ebé hahuu husi nivel 1 to’o 4. DIT Baucau ne’ebé hanesan mos sentru formasaun ida husi sentru formasaun tolu sira seluk iha Timor Leste ne’ebé sei hala’o kursu abilidade iha area konstrusaun iha nivel-mediu ne’ebé sei hahuu iha tinan 2014 ne’ebé sei sai hanesan sentru formasaun úniku ne’ebé fornese kursu iha area konstrusaun iha distritu. Estudante sira mos sei simu akonsellamentu karreira, tuir programa esperensia serbisu no mos formasaun iha serbisu-fatin. Nune’e bele ajuda estudante sira hodi forma estrategia ba karreira, no halo sira vale liu ba empregador sira hodi konsolida abilidade no kuñesimentu sira ne’ebé sira hetan ona durante tuir kursu. Hanesan parte ida husi formasaun iha serbisu-fatin, Sr. Oscar nia estudante sira ne’ebé atende hela sertifikadu 1 no 2 ajuda hela iha konstrusaun fasilidade foun sira iha sentru formasaun nian liu husi asistensia husi mestre sira. Nu’udar parte husi projetu ne’e, DIT Baucau hetan suporta hodi halo ekstensaun sala aprendizajen nian hodi inklui fasilidade treinamentu iha area karpintária no kanalizasaun, no sintina foun sira. Fasilidade ne’ebé halo ekstensaun ne’e ho folin $120,000 ne’e hahuu konstrui iha fulan Maiu 2013 no espera katak sei kompleta iha fulan dezembro tinan ne’e. Iha DIT nia ema rasik mak hadi’a fasilidade sira haktuir tradisaun iha DIT Baucau. “Hau hahuu serbisu iha DIT Baucau nu’udar Diretor sentru nian tinan sanulu liu ba,” haktuir Oscar. “Iha momentu ne’ebá hahuu ho ami nain tolu, no ami rasik hari’i sentru formasaun ne’e, husi ninia fundasaun to’o nia kakuluk.” Sentru formasaun ne’e hahuu operasiona iha tinan 2004 no ho susesu treina ona foin-sa’e nain 291 iha konstrusaun. Ho fasilidade foun sira, Oscar tau esperansa boot katak DIT Baucau sei sai sentru ida ba treinamentu konstrusaun ba distritu sira iha parte leste iha Timor Leste. “Kuandu ami bele fornese treinamentu ho kualidade a’as nune’e foin-sa’e sira la presiza ba Dili, sira bele mai ami,” dehan Oscar. DIT Baucau iha kbi’it naton atu bele atinji objetivu ne’e, ho sentru nia treinadór nain haat ne’ebé balun kualifikadu diak hodi hanorin iha area konstrusaun. To’o tinan 2008 la posivel atu hetan kualifikasaun formal iha area konstrusaun no mekánika iha Timor Leste. Projetu ida husi International Labour Organization (ILO) ne’ebé estabelese sertifikadu 1 no 2 abilidade Konstrusaun Jerál, no projeitu treinamentu abilidade nivel-médiu ne’e finansia husi Asian Development Bank (ADB) hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste, sei estabelese sertifikadu 3 no 4 abilidade nivel médiu. Alem DIT Baucau, sentru formasaun rua seluk Don Bosco Comoro no Sentru Formasaun TIbar dezenvolve dadaun, nune’e sira bele oferese kursu abilidade nivel-médiu iha konstrusaun no mekánika. Don Bosco mos simu hela fasilidade bo’ot ba treinamentu automotiv nian, no Sentru Formasaun Tibar mos atu simu suporta kona ba hari’i dormitóriu ida hodi akomoda estudante sira ne’ebé mai husi area remotas. Projetu ne’e sei tulun foin-sa’e atus lima liu hodi aprende kursu sira ne’e to’o tinan 2016. Governu Timor Leste iha ona vizaun hodi sustenta kresimentu ekonómiku dupla-díjitu no harii ekonómia diversifikadu modernu ida to’o tinan 2013, no fornese infrastrutura kualidade-aas nuudar xave hodi realiza vizaun ne’e. Nia dezáfiu mak prepara ba populasaun ne’ebé aumenta maka’as, liu husi metade ho tinan kiik liu 20, ho abilidade hodi partisipa efetivamente iha forsa laboral Timor Leste nian. Maske baze’ia ba relatóriu katak Timor oan nain 13,000 partisipa ona iha serbisu sira konstrusaun nian iha tinan 2010, 3,000 deit mak kompleta ona sira nia edukasaun nivel sekundária ka nivel edukasaun ida a’as liu. Relasiona ho nivel abilidade traballador Timorense ne’ebé menus, pozisaun serbisu konstrusaun barak mak fo’o ba traballador estranjeiru durante dekade ikus ne’e. Projetu ne’e buka atu hamenus numeru dezempregu foin-sa’e iha Timor Leste (19% nasionalmente ba idade tinan 15-29) liu husi fo liu serbisu ba Timor-oan sira. “Difisil ba foin-sa’e hodi hetan empregu ho saláriu iha Baucau,” dehan Oscar.”Maibé kuandu sira kompleta kursu konstrusaun ida ho DIT Baucau, ha’u hanoin sira sei bele hetan serbisu. Sira bele serbisu iha negósiu lokal no nasional, serbisu iha nasaun estranjeiru hanesan Korea, Inglatera, Irlanda ka Nova Zelandia, ka sira bele hahuu sira nia kompañia rasik.” Estudante sira ne’ebé atende hela kursu ne’e sei estuda Konstrusaun Jerál nivel 1 no 2, hafoin ne’e sei hili area espesialidade rua ba nivel 3 no 4 husi opsaun Kanalizasaun, Pedreiro, Karpintária, Fábrika Metal, Soldadura no Eletrisidade. Kursu gratuita ne’e bele kompleta iha DIT Baucau durante tinan rua ho balun. Estudante sira tenke kobre rasik sira nia folin ba han-meu-dia no transporte ba no husi DIT Baucau, ne’ebé lokaliza iha Kota Baru, Baucau, iha East Timor Roofing nia sorin.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:42:02 +0000

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