Dimapur is the largest city in Nagaland, India. In the Middle - TopicsExpress


Dimapur is the largest city in Nagaland, India. In the Middle Ages, it was the capital of the Dimasa Kachari rulers. In the heart of the town there is an old relic of the Dimasa Kachari Kingdom which speaks about the once prosperous era. Dimapur is the 115 th most populous city in the country. It is located at 25°54′45″N 93°44′30″E / 25.91250°N 93.74167°E and is bounded by Kohima district on the south and east, Karbi Anglong district of Assam on the west, the Karbi Anglong and stretch of Golaghat District of Assam, in the west and the north. Dimapur, from a Kachari word Dimasa after the river which flows through it, is the gateway to Nagaland and its only railhead. The city also has the only functional airport in the state. History[edit] Situated on the banks of the Dhansiri, (originally known as Dong-siri meaning a ravine of peaceful habitation) Dimapur, often described as the ‘Brick City’ by European scholars and also by the Ahoms, was the ancient capital of a ruling nation, the Dimasa, who were once a powerful and predominant race in the Entire North-East India region particularly the Brahmaputra Valley. There are two versions of how Dimapur got its name. Many writers are of the opinion that the name ’ Dimapur’ was derived from Dimasa Kachari words Di-meaning water, Ma-meaning big and Pur-meaning city or township in Dimasa dialogue. while other believe that Dimapur is a corruption of Hidimbapur, meaning the city of Hidimba of Mahabharata fame whose wedlock with Pandava prince Bhima gave birth to Ghotokacha, who is believed to be the progenitor of the Kacharis. Later Hidimbapur devolved to Dimbapur and then finally to Dimapur. In some Dimasa Kachari folklores Dimapur is often referred as Dimabang Halali, which implies that Dimapur was originally known by that name but was Sanskritized later by the Brahmins. In Ahom Chronicles, Dimapur has been described as ‘Che-din-chi-pen’ (town-earth-burn-make) meaning ‘brick town’ or ‘ Che-Dima’ meaning town of Dimasa. The seat of capital of Dimapur Kingdom was originally surrounded by bricks walls of four feet wide, sixteen feet high with outer ditch running alongside the walls of sixteen feet width and twelve feet in depth except on the southern side where the River Dhansiri served as the natural ditch. On the eastern side there was a fine solid gateway with brick masonry of pointed double arcs. The gate was secured by double heavy doors hinged in pierced upright setting of solid stone blocks. At both ends of the battlement there were turrets of half quadrant shape and in between the arc-way and the turrets were niches resembling ornamental windows. On both sides above the arc there were symbolic works of sun flower. There were originally inset by bright brass coating and could be seen dazzling from the great distance. Inside the fortified city, there were seventeen artistic stone pillars. These stone monuments were decorated with carvings of foliage, flowers, familiar animals and birds but nowhere any human images of gods and goddesses were seen. These implied that the Kacharis were free of Hindu influence at that time. These monoliths are believed to be lineal monuments of the ruling kings of Dimapur. The biggest of them was seventeen feet high and twenty four feet in circumference and was said to be memorial of the greatest Dimapur ruler Makardhwaj (probably Khungkradoa Raja who was given Sanskritized name by Brahmins later) in whose time the traditional glory of the Kachari Kingdom rose to its climax and during whose time the conquests were made of Manipur and Burma by Seng yah (Veer) Dehmalu Kemprai, the greatest warlord of the Kacharis. Also during this period, heroes like Rangadao (Who was given the southern part of Dimapur, Ranga Pathar after his name), Degadao and mystic heroines like Wairingma, Waibangma flourished in war affairs and mysticism. Other V-shape stone monuments seventeen in numbers indicated seventeen royal clans of the ‘Kachari Aristocracy’ a term used by Dr. Francis Hamilton, a renowned scholar of the Kachari Royal Clan. Shri SK. Barpujari in his book ‘ History of the Dimasa’ and some writers opined that the Kachari Kings to commemorated their Victory over other tribesman, erected moonlights of different shapes indicating the different traditions of the vanquished tribes. This tradition of carving victory memorial is in vogue hill tribes and it is possible that the Kachari Kings might have followed the tradition of these tribes hand it is possible that the Kachari Kings might have followed the tradition of this tribes for administrative interest. Dr H. Bareh in the ‘Gazetteer of India’ writes that the oblong V-Shaped stone pillars closely correspond to the similarly V-Shaped post protruding from the roof of the house of wealthy Angamis The tallest and largest megalith, which lies isolated from others and has a unique Sultanate style, is believed to have been erected by the founder king of Dimapur, who after vanquishing the tribes all around made his triumphal tower to commemorate his victory and this became a tradition setter. In and around this old city, large number of tanks over fifty in number existed, although most of them have since either dried up or have been destroyed by reckless human encroachment without an iota of respect for the history. These tanks were believed to be either dug by the kings for providing water supply to their people or might have resulted due to brick making, as pieces of old bricks could still be found in and around these tanks and, as has been mentioned earlier, Dimapur was known for use of bricks. Most of large tanks are rectangular and have a hardwood seasoned poles planted deep at the centre of the tanks, which have lasted for hundreds of years. Others are of irregular shapes without any such wooden poles. Inference in that, the former ones might have been dug by the kings for water supply and the later were habitation as Digjo Dijua meaning cut off from main river or stream’ and this tradition is still in vogue, and this area covers Dimapur and Kachari inhabited areas of Karbi Anglong District of Assam in the Dhansiri valley. The present Dimapur is the commercial capital of Nagaland and is one of the fastest growing townships in the entire North-east region. But irony is, in the name of the modernity and development, this ancient city of Dimapur, whose historical relics finds a place in the World. During World War II, Dimapur was the centre of action between British India and Imperial Japan. It was the staging post for the Allied offensive. The Japanese could reach Kohima where a siege was laid. Allied reinforcement came through Dimapur by rail and road for the push against the Japanese. An airport at Dimapur was also in use for supplies to the allied forces in Burma. The battle for Kohima about 77 km from Dimapur is considered the turning point for the Japanese retreat from South East Asia.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 12:51:17 +0000

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