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***Ding, 8000 likes! Thanks everyone :D*** !!!SHOW SPOILERS LIKELY IN COMMMENTS!!! Ok, season five speculation: Brienne We know that Brienne is off to the Vale to search for Sansa, having lost Arya for now. We also know that there is likely no semblance of her book storyline. So what will happen? In a previous speculation, I said that I thought that Brienne and Pod might hang around the Vale and try to protect Sansa from Littlefinger. I dont feel like Brienne would just give up if Sansa told her to get lost, even if she is Darth Sansa now. Brienne might be Sansas only real friend in the world, and Sansa will predictably brush her off until she needs her, and Brienne will hopefully appear at just the right moment and shank Littlefinger for her. So whats the alternative then? Well they could follow Aryas trail, but I dont imagine wandering around Braavos is going to do much to help Aryas story arc. She could go back to Kings Landing and wait for Jaime I guess. That would be pretty boring, and Brienne is anything but boring. She could get in a catfight with Cersei over him perhaps. Le yawn. Perhaps she heads to Jaime to help with rescuing Myrcella? Jaime already has Bronn with him though, and I dont see Brienne abandoning her promise about the Stark girls just yet. Whats say she does give up on Sansa for now, maybe Littlefinger cons her into thinking he is Mr Nice Guy somehow. Maybe she rides off with slight misgivings, but picks up the trail of Arya again...or at least she thinks she does. We know that Littlefinger is responsible for planting the fake Arya Stark with the Boltons. Ramsay has been legitimised, so the next step for his storyline is his marriage to the fake Arya, which is really Sansas friend Jeyne Poole. Jeynes father was Neds steward, Vernon Poole, who was executed along with the rest of Neds household in Kings Landing. Jeyne was kept prisoner with Sansa for a while, then given to Littlefinger, who said he would find her a place in his household. So maybe show Littlefinger convinces Brienne that he too, is on a mission to save the Stark girls for love of Catelyn. He has Sansa nice and safe, and he knows where Arya is. Pretty perfect, except show Jeyne only made a brief, non-speaking appearance back in season one. No real matter, all the more to surprise us when she is passed off as Arya I suppose. Jaime tells Brienne about the fake Arya in the books, but it hasnt been mentioned in the show, and is unlikely to be since he is in Dorne for this season. I think Brienne is off to a wedding! Pod in tow obviously. I believe the wedding may take place at the end of the season, or be about to when it ends. What Brienne may do at the wedding is a bit of a wild guess. I doubt she will get an invitation, so perhaps she will witness Theons redemption and Jeynes escape. The horrors that befall poor Jeyne will be enough to keep Brienne close by for a time at least if she does take Littlefingers bait. ~MiLady
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:21:14 +0000

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