Dino Savoca 2 Grounds Road Colonie, NY 12205 Dasha 2 - TopicsExpress


Dino Savoca 2 Grounds Road Colonie, NY 12205 Dasha 2 Pavlyuk, Blue Bell Motor Inn 1907 Central Avenue Colonie, NY 12205 Dear Dasha 2, Our magical 2008 Christmas night in Mammoth Valley is a time in our space-time that will forever be in my fond memories of our long overdue True forever love and happiness intimate relationship. I know that if Dasha 1 and Petra didnt have me drive us down to Ney York City to visit their sick grand mothers and fathers, they would have spent this magical Christmas with us in our secret world too. Dasha 2 there is always next Christmas when I believe in you, Dasha 1s and Petras promises of our tomorrows, as you well know you girls can believe in mine as well. Our 2008 Christmas very cold night and two days thereafter with you and I in our winter wonder land will linger in my troubled soul forever as a warm yesterday. Dasha, as we talked in our hut all night by the fire, and I told you a secret, which was that Monday to Sunday and all our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows do not exist, they are manmade thousands of years ago. Our human existence is like a soup and space-time just flows to only God and his Son Jesus Christ know the soup. Im so thankful to God from giving me a very like 47.6 year over due Snow white beauty queen you Dasha and Dasha 1 and Petra too. I cannot believe a nice girlfriend and true friend like you has love and good will towards just me and see the beautiful guy God made me as the American women in my backyard never could see this beauty in me only give me use, abuse, lies, false accuse, phony intimate relationships along with their stinking phone phony numbers and phony promises of our tomorrows together that were Intentionally made never to be only when in comes time to hurt me much, why Dasha??? In the end, I win with a white beauty queen like you Dasha 1 and Petra my true lovers and true friends I need much right now as death waits for no one. Dasha long before we met, that is you, Dasha 1 and Petra, I had a beautiful childhood sweetheart Kathrin ODoul, but Dasha that was in 1970, then my rescue ship came in for three long years when I got too emotionally sick of being bullied by the girls and guys, maggots, in my Red Mill school, so I got put out of school and like our time now, magic happened! I got appointed a beautiful home teacher Ilean Ganya, 27 years old she was, and I 11 years old. She loved me and I really loved her and we had the same loving relationship as you and Dasha 1 and Petra had, it just turned into a intimate, I not understand back then, 72, true love relationship from a plain old teaching one! I many times, asked my home teacher that is hugging, kissing and strange feeling in my lower stomach as I always got when she said that it was okay that I sit so very close to her and she rubbed my back, legs and stomach and I hers! I asked her if this was a good thing, she said, Yes it is normal Dino? Dasha I found true love and happiness in my home teacher at 10 years old to nightmare 1974 at 13 years old, then everything went blank on that cold Decembers 1974 evening when she was no more!!! Dasha, to this very day I have just but dreams and daily flickers and flashes, like a projector skipping wildly out of control of her and Is 3 intimate true love and friendship relationship. From then on the war, ask Jill Miller, my forever loving counselor that I love forever too and miss, at Clearview Center 500 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206 (518) 435-9931 extension 225, she has a 398.7 page copy of my them book, began with them and Im still fighting it, a break in life-long war is when a Snow white beautify queen like you comes along, 47.4 year war with Them is much exhausting Dasha!!!!!!! Dasha If I didnt meet Snow white beautify queens like you Dasha 1 and Petra these American W. women that I tried to have a normal love life and family with would intentionally let me live and die alone, they have no feeling for me let alone stay with me in our --25F below zero secret wilderness world the way you did on our 2008 Christmas week and beyond, they not even give me a working home phone number let alone sleep with me like you and Dasha 1 and Petra do every time we can! 47.5 year question the stars not even answer for me, just them hurting me I feel night and day as they go with anyone good and bad, never the best like me and you… God, Dasha thank Jesus and Holy Mary for being us together as space-time flows… Well, Dasha sadly I have to take my very powerful sleepy-time pills now and happily call my love and counselor Jill to see what time I meet with her at Clearview as she loves me too and I her from helping me heal up in a way from them, so I hug and kiss you like we did on that magical 2008 Christmas night Out there in our wilderness hut, on your warm lips now and will pick you up Sunday morning so we can spend the day with Pangaeas nose pointed towards eternity, that is northward, and you can spend the night with me, I cooked you your favorite Italian dinner this evening before I email and mail you this return love letter with your requested pictures attached and enclosed, love you sooooooooooo much goodnight, OXOXOX! See you Sunday 6am sharp… Love you Dasha, Dino PS: Dasha rough wilderness we must hike through Sunday to get to Mammoth Valley again, so wear your walking boots and warm clothes and my favorite jeans I love to see you in, K??? Below, as with your Sunday Italian homemade dinner when we get back from our Mammoth Valley, I made you a homemade poem tailored just for you Dasha 2 that is for our magical 2008n Christmas night. In end of your poem, my long overdue, intentionally by them, ask my other lover Jill Miller, Christmas gift from God… “AFTER 47 YEARS, I STILL HAVE A CHRISTMAS GIFT THE AMERICAN WOMEN COULD NEVER GAVE ME” In 1970, the teacher in my “Red Mill” school told all us kids to gather around the Christmas tree. Each girl was to exchange a gift with a boy that may some day be their husband to be. With fear in my heart, I wondered witch girl would choose me. After the exchange, the teacher, boys and girls left the room, but no gift was ever given to me. As usual I sat alone crying under that Christmas tree, as I wiped the tears from my eyes, I noticed that there was one last present under the Christmas tree, I wonder whose it is? Is it for the little girl with the rocking horse, Or is it for the boys in my class who never suffer a loss? It looks so lonely, Sitting there by itself; It’d certainly be an awesome addition On somebodys shelf. The ribbon is gold, The paper is paisley red; “Who does it belong to?” Keeps rattling in my head; I decided to sneak a peek, And see whose name is on the card; It’d only take a second, It won’t be very hard. With no one in my class, I reached under the tree, Carefully handling the package Who knows, it may be for me! But when I read the card, I thought it was extraordinarily odd Because the message read, “To Dino with ‘Love and blessings’ from God I give you Dasha 2 in your wilderness world on your 2008 Christmas night, as the sun sets, I leave you her as your gift on my special 2000 year old birthday night, now forget about the kids in your Red Mill School and kiss Dasha goodnight
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 23:37:38 +0000

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