DiocesanCommunication Centre Goa-Daman A Circular issued by - TopicsExpress


DiocesanCommunication Centre Goa-Daman A Circular issued by Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão, asking for a ‘campaign of prayer’ for the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections. A ‘Prayer for the Nation at the time of National Elections’, both in English and Konkani, which could be used either at liturgical celebrations or during family prayer. Circular To the Priests, Religious and Lay Faithful of this Archdiocese Campaign of Prayer for the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections Dearly Beloved, In less than a month from now, eligible citizens throughout our country will be going to the polls, to exercise their constitutional right and duty to elect their representatives in the Parliament. Through this Circular Letter we wish to remind our Catholic faithful of their solemn duty of exercising their franchise with a sense of responsibility to oneself and to our beloved nation, so that we may have a government which will uphold the principles of democracy, secularism, human rights, freedom of conscience, etc., as enshrined in the Constitution of our nation. As is known to all, the Catholic Church, as an institution, does not identify herself with any political party. But those in Church leadership have the responsibility of urging the faithful to exercise their right prudently, carefully and judiciously. Our parish priests, therefore, are to impress on the people their obligation in this regard. With this in mind, the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, has recently addressed to the Catholics of the Indian Nation a Pastoral Letter, of which we are pleased to incorporate an important excerpt here below: “The Catholic Church earnestly hopes that the General Elections will give us leaders who understand the anxieties of the people and respond to their needs. We need leaders who will: - uphold the secular character of our nation and promote communal harmony and a spirit of inter-religious dialogue and understanding; - care for the minorities and weaker sections of society, protect their rights and work for their uplift; - safeguard the rights of tribals over land, water and forests; and grant equal rights to dalit Christians, equal to those given to other dalits; - work for an economy that seeks in particular to help the poor and the under privileged, protecting their dignity and enabling them to take their rightful place in nation building; - improve the climate and conditions in our country, ensuring a totally safe environment for all people, particularly women and children.” Since this election is for the Lok Sabha, we need to keep our focus mainly on national issues and elect those candidates who can creatively contribute to the building of the nation, while not neglecting the vital interests of our State. Bearing all this in mind, we would like to suggest and recommend hereby a few practices to be followed, both before and after the election process: 1) An appropriate petition to be added in the Prayers of the Faithful, whenever they are held in our liturgical celebrations; 2) Offering of the family Rosary or at least of some decades for this intention; 3) A special Mass or Holy Hour to be organized in our parishes and religious communities on the eve of the election date in our State. This ‘prayer campaign’ should continue till the announcement of the results and even later. It should make us constantly aware of our duties and responsibilities, as citizens who not only cast their vote, but also actively participate in the political life of our State: this is indeed a compelling need of the present times, if we are to become what we are called to be: messengers of hope and peace in the world of today. As we stand at a moment of great challenges, let us intensify our prayer for a governance that will bring people together across party lines to work for the common good. In tune with the vision of the Father of our Nation, let the good of the least and the last citizen of our country be our criterion and starting point in this effort of ours to help build our nation. Archbishop’s House, Panjim, Goa, March 19, 2014. ( + Filipe Neri Ferrão) Archbishop of Goa and Daman Prosidh Potr Mha-dhormprantacheam Iadnikank, Dhormikank ani Loukik Bhavarthiank Yeunchi asa tê Lok Sobheche Nivoddnnuke khatir Magnneachi Mohim’ (Inglezintlean boroyl’lea CP-Cir/21/2014 – hea Prosidh Potracho odhikrut onnkar) Mogacheamno, Unnench eka mhoinea bhitor, Ghottnen dil’lo hok’k ani kaido pallun, Sonsodek aple protinidhi dhaddunk amchea desantlim nivoddnnukent bhag gheunk zatolim nagrikam aplem motdan kortolim. Hea Prosidh Potra udexim aplea ani raxttra vixim zobabdari dhorun mot diunk amcheam Katolk bhavarthiank ami ugddas korunk sodtanv. He toren, amchea desache Ghottnnent rakhun dovorlolem asa toxem, lokxayeche dhey, dhormatitponn, mon’xanche hok’k, ontoskornnachi svotontray, adi ubarun dhorpi ek sorkar amkam favo zaum. Katolk Igorz, ek sonstha koxi, khoinchea-i rajki pokxak ekvotton nam – hachi soglleank khobor asa. Punn Povitr Sobhent fuddariponn choloytat tanchi ek zobabdari mhollear bhavarthiank tanchem mot xanneponnan, zotnayen ani som’jikayen ghalche khatir ulo marop. He drixttin, Bharotachê Katolk Bispanche Porixodechea Odheokxan, Oswald Gracias Kardialan, halinch Bharotachea Katolkank ek Gonvllik Chitt boroylea. Tantlo ek mhotvacho bhag ami hanga ditanv: “Hi Sorvsadaronn Nivoddnnuk amkam porjeche huske som’zotole ani tancheam gorzank pavtole tosle fuddari ditoli mhonn Katolk Povitr Sobha vhodde axen ravta. Amkam fuddari zai: - je amchea raxttrachem dhormatitponn ubarun dhortole ani soglleancho ekvott ani ontordhormik sonvadachem ani som’jikayechem mon voir kaddtole; - je olpsonkhianchi (minorities) ani somazacheam osoktanchi zotnay ghetole, tanche hok’k rakhtole ani tankam voir kaddunk vavurtole; - je zom’nicher, udkacher ani ranacher adivasi lokanche hok’k asat te rakhtole ani amchea Bharotant yer dalitank dil’le asat toslech hok’k Kristi dalitank-ui mellun ditole; - je kheritponnim dublleank ani somazan bhairayloleank boreak poddtole tosle orthvevosthe (economy) khatir vavurtole, tanche hok’k rakhtole ani raxttr bandpachea kamant tankam-i favo toslo zago mellunk proytn kortole; - je amchea desant soglle porjek, odik korun ostoriank ani bhurgeank, surokxitponnim jiyeunk adar dita toslem vatavoronn rochun haddtole.” Jednam hem Venchnnuk Lok Sobhe khatir, ami amchi nodor dexi vixoyancher dovrunk goroz ani osle umedvar ami vinchun kaddunk favo je raxttr bandpachea kamant fattim ravche nant. Dubhav nam, amcheo mhotvacheo sthanik gorzo-i bi tanchean visrunk zainam. Hem sogllem monant dovrun, nivoddnnuke adim ani uprant legun pallpacheo kaim riti ami suchoytanv ani tankam amcho tenko ditanv: i) Amcheam sevadhormik somarombhamnim Bhavartianchim Magnnim asot zalear ek yukt magnnem choddounchem; ii) Kuttumbacho Ters vô Tersache thodde khonn punn hea sonkolpa pasot bhettounche; iii) Venchnnukam adlea disa amcheam firgozamnim ani mottvaxi somudayamnim ek kherit Mis vo ek Povitr Hor ghoddoun haddchem. Venchnnukancho nikall jahir za meren ani uprant legun hi ‘magnneachi mohim’ chalu dovorchi. He porim, amchea desachim nagrikam koxim, ami nhoi fokot mot ghaltanv, punn rajki jivitant xitaben vantto ghetanv mhonn amche kaide ani zobabdari portun-portun amchea monant yetolim. Amchea jogant bhorvonxeache ani xantiche dut zanvchem apovnnem ami apnnaytoleanv zalear, hi aichea kallachi ek vhoddli goroz. Mottim-vhoddlim avhanam amche mukhar asat. Hea vellar soglleanchea boreponna pasot vavurtolo ani ho ani to pokx mhonn pollenastanam soglleank ektthaim haddunk proytn kortolo ek boro sorkar amkam favo zaunk amchim magnnim vaddoum-ya. Amcho des bandpachem kam’ fuddem vhortanam, amchea lhanantlea lhan nagrikachem boreponn zaum-di amcho husko ani amcheam proytnancho survatecho nem’. Hench aslem amchea Raxttrachea Bapujichem sopon. Arsebispachem Ghor, Ponnjê, Gõy, Marsachi 19vi, 2014. ( + Filipe Neri Ferrão) Gõy-Damanvcho Arsebisp
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 13:53:09 +0000

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