Dioxin Contaminated Agent Orange Spraying in British Columbia, - TopicsExpress


Dioxin Contaminated Agent Orange Spraying in British Columbia, Canada Dioxin Contaminated Agent Orange Spraying in British Columbia, Canada Dear Friends, As we know, Dioxin is the most toxic chemical known to man. It was sprayed all over Ontario and British Columbia, Canada. It was likely sprayed all over North America and in many other countries. We are just learning this now. Now that the damage has been done! Thousands of American and Australian Viet Nam Veterans have been receiving monetary compensation and extra health benefits for decades for a variety of illnesses associated to exposure to dioxin contaminated Agent Orange. Including Type II diabetes. In Viet Nam, the people are just dying. So many years after that war and several generations after it ended. Now, we discover that this same toxic defoliant was used extensively in Canada by: Forestry Companies, the Department of National Defence and also by many Provincial Government Ministries. Not for war. But, rather, to clear unwanted flora that got in the way of Canadian Industry! Many people (especially First Nations People) may have become sick from this extensive herbicide spraying. Below are very recent reports on this important Health concern for all of us.. Attached is an important study (including maps) which may give an idea of where some of the worst Agent Orange spraying may have occurred in British Columbia, Canada. Toxic Agent Orange sprayed in B.C.: documents | CTV British Columbia: ctvbc.ctv.ca/…/bc_agent_orange_spraye…/20120403/… NDP calls for investigation into B.C. Agent Orange use | CTV British Columbia: ctvbc.ctv.ca/…/bc_agent_orange_invest…/20120404/… A Good Contact Re: Spraying of Agent Orange in British Columbia: jorma-jyrkkanen.livejournal/…/pesticides%20orange For Land and Life, John H.W. Hummel
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:09:20 +0000

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