Dis is our nightly list for prayers, wishies, good vibes or - TopicsExpress


Dis is our nightly list for prayers, wishies, good vibes or whatevers you can does to sends positives dere ways. Pwease says extras for, mees Brofer Ru’s Wifey Ms. Lilah Bear, Romeo Big and Magnet of Magnet and Pinkys Page, also prays for mees Auntie Debbie (Mommy’s Sissy). Dis our Rainbows furfirends/furfamily dat is all now waitins for us in da rainbows: Dis is why I couldn’t posties da list for a few days, ours Gladys, Glorious Elderbull leabins hurties so so so muchies and what can yous says? Hers so beautibulls, a true Diba, ones I wishies I could has mets and gone shoppins wif. Brofer always saids hers is so sweets and I knows how muchies hims and I lubs hers wif all our hearts and dis is so so so berry berry sad to puts hers in dis sections of our listies. Just breakies our hearts. Dwear Diba Gladys, yous ones of a kinds and wees all lubs yous and missies yous so muchies, pwease gibes dem Brofers of mines a runs for dems moneys. Ours beautibulls Gladys who hads CHF, wents to da rainbows on 11-20-13, wees prayins and lubs yous too Auntie Donna! Coura’s Journey, Her liver failing and went to the rainbows 11/12/13 pwease finkies, sends good vibes and prays for hers mommys and for hers. Such a special girl in our hearts. Coura yous will always holds a berry berry special place in our heart. Yous precious! Its so berry sad to mobes Wallace up heres to da Rainbow sections. I puts Wallace on da list da day I makies da listies for da first times. Dis so sads and I knows hims had a pawsomes life wif hims family. Hims touchies so manys of us and shows yous don’t has to gibes up just acuz yous has da nasty cancers. Hims an amazins guy and and is lubbed by so manys. Wallace buddy, I knows mees Brofer Rhett and yous is gonna gets a longs gweat and all mees ofer buddys deres wif yous. Yous gonna always libes on buddy forebers peoples gonna knows whos Wallace The Pit Bull is. Wees lubs yous and hopins yous habbins a blast up deres in da Rainbows. Page: Wallace the Pit Bull – Cancer – Went to the Rainbows 08-23-13 Page: Juno’s Journey – Juno had Lymphoma but it was pneumonia that took her to the Rainbows 08/02/13 Pwease says extras for her and hers family. Wees feels like family wif Juno and hers berry specials to us. Wees all gots to supports each ofers and da nasty Cancers. Wees lubs yous so muchies Juno, Rankies for showins what a gweat kind and gentle doggy you was and dat just acuz yous has cancer doesn’t means yous has to gibes up on us. Wees lubs yous like a Sissy!! And for Sweet Pea, mees sissy and hers Daddy Billy. Wees lubs you so muchies. Sissy Sweet Pea, I just heart brokens, I don’t knows what to says. Yous was fine and now yous in da rainbows and so manys of us is hurtins, espeicallys yous Daddy Billy, yous Brofer Hogan and yous Sissy Pear. Pwease knows, Mommy, Mees and Girlie lubs yous as our own family and wees just so sads yous had to leabes us. Wees neber eber goins to forgets yous, yous in our hearts forebers and ebers. Page: The three bully stooges ( sweet pea , hogan & pearl ) Kidney failure, went to the Rainbows 07-13-13 Viking, mees buddy, yous wif mees always, I so sworrys yous had to go to da rainbows and I will checkies on yous Mommy for yous. I lubs yous wif all mees heart and always wills buddy. Page: Viking the Warrior with Lymphoma went to the Rainbows 05-29-13 Auntie Marilyn’s husband Robert, hims Cancers tookies hims to da rainbows 05-06-13. Wees lubs yous Auntie Marilyn and wees prayins for Uncle Robert and yous and your entire family Marilyn Ledet Broadway: Clifford (Chihuahua) – Went to the Rainbows on the way to the ER Vet 11-25-12 Marilyn Ledet Broadway: Maggie (Yorkie) – Went to the Rainbows 01-07-13 Marilyn Ledet Broadaway: Tia Maria - Not eating, she sits there and shakes and drools. Went to the Rainbows 04-01-13 Marilyn Ledet Broadway: Chance (Rotty) – Sever hip dysplasia not doing well. Went to the Rainbows 05-21-13 Dis hurties so muchies and wees in shockies dat Titchy the Tiny Yorkie wents to da Rainbows so unexptecteds. It rippies our hearts acuz hims family to us and wees just lubs hims and hims Mommy so muchies, hims hold such a special places in our hearts and hims Mommy. Wees lubs yous so so so muchies wittle mans, yous so special to us and always will bees. Hims had an enlarged hearts and wents to da Rainbows 05-05-13 I can’t belibes mees Sissy is wents to da rainbows. Hers wasn’t suppose to goes, hers was doins good, I has no words dis hurts too muchies. I lubs yous Sissy wif all mees heart and I knows yous beautibulls self is doins zoomies and jumpins all obers. I just in shockies it was so fasts and and finkies of yous Mommy and Daddy, dis just rippied mees heart outs. Wees lubs yous so so so muchies. Page: Elle Mae the Pretty Pittie Princess – B Cell Lymphoma. Went to the Rainbows 04-11-13. Dis hurts so muchies, to mobes mees Brofer Zander up heres, just rippies mees heart out. Mees Brofer fights a good fight and hims parents gabes hims a gift of not lettins hims suffers. Yous changes minds and heart Brofer and yous always in mees heart and I will always carrys yous dere. Yous a SUPERMAN ROCKSTAR Page: Zander the Pitty with Lymphoma : Has T Cell Lymphoma, went to the rainbow 03-30-13 Klondike and the Kitties Auntie Cindy Edwards Seaburn, I so sworrys mees Cuz Klondike had to leabes yous. I knows hers wif mees Brofer Rhett, Abel and Emmitts, but wees sure missies and lubs hers berry muchies. Klondike – Lung Cancer and Intestinal Infection went to the Rainbows 03-22-13 Abel, yous always mees besties buddy, I knows yous wif mees Brofer Rhett and Emmitt and dems sabins a place for mees, but mees hearts just neber goins to bees da sames. Kissy explosions buddy, I lubs yous wif all I has. Page: Abel’s story of a pittbul fighting Cancer, went to the Rainbows 02-27-13 Emmitt, Dis breakies mees hearts to adds mees buddy Emmitt to dis listies. Hims so pawsomes, amazins and beyond sweet Page: Emmitt’s Place – Emmitt – Stopped breathing during heart x-ray and went to the Rainbows 02-11-13 Mees Brofer, Rhett Yous gonna bees missed by so manys. Yous shinins bright for Old Dad and hims knows its yous beins an amazins SUPER ROCKSTAR. Page: Mr.Rhett ~LUV-a-BULL Elderbull Looking For His Retirement Home – My Brofer throat cancers – Went to da Rainbow bridge Dairy Queen, Rockstars served 24 hours, 7 days a week. 12-10-12 Rocks on Brofer!!!!! Theresa Piazza Bender Prayers for everyone. If you could also add my uncles dog Bubbles who passed 10/19 after a long battle with leukemia, as well as my dog kiwi who passed 1/16/12 of suspected liver cancer at the age of 13. Becky Gant-Jenkins: Kilo had Mammary Cancer and went to the Rainbows on 06-24-12 Lorie Sturgill Elswick: Her furry sister Chole May (Rottie) – Passed away in August Page: A Voice for Ramsey: Due to groomer’s neglect went to the Rainbows on 9-15-12 Layla the Pibble Mix: Asia Mommas Sissy Girl - 10/12/12 Rare form of Lymphoma and Sharpie the Sharpei/Pibble Mix - 18yrs old, libbed a long n happy life before going to the Rainbows Sarah Williamson: Lady – Was diagnosed with the Cancer and went to the Rainbows11-20-12 Kim Mangold Hobock: Mama Bailey – Lymphatic Cancer took her to the Rainbows 11-25-12 Megan & James: Oreo (kitty) – Went to the Rainbows unexpectedly over the weekend of 11-25-12 Elaine Maurette – Duncan – Had cancer and went to the Rainbows on 12-01-12 Nancy Chen Tantush: Star & her Mommy: Got her forever home & Month later went to the rainbows due to a ruptured tumor 11-29-12 Page: Dukes Journey to Fight Cancer – Went to the rainbows while at the hospital 12-03-12 Maria Nunez-Rodriguez: Diamond (kitty) kidney failure and went to the rainbows at home with Mom there 12-09-12 Reed (The Itty-Bitty Three-Legged Pittie): His Sissy Latte, went to the Rainbows due to Tricuspid Dysplasia 12-12-12 Debbie Gates: Sillygirl (kitty) – Neighbor’s dog breached the fence and killed Sillygirl and she went to the Rainbows The 26 in Connecticut who went to the Rainbows 12-14-12 Kim Willet Manzi – Zippy – Went to the Rainbows 12-18-12 Golden Retriever named Jake the tripawed therepay dog. Lost his battle and went to the Rainbows 12-19-12 Krystal Ingram: Phantom (lab mix) Had Lympho Sarcoma and went to the Rainbows 12-22-12 Page: Prudence Bliss: Went to the Rainbows 12-23-12 Page: Sadies Journey - Sadie lost her daddy on Christmas Day to the Rainbows 12-25-12 Gaby Schargorosdky: Chufina (kitty) went to the Rainbows 12-26-12 Danielle Tucker – 2 Dogs got out of their yard, one was okay, but Melow went to the Rainbows 12-29-12 Dorothy Dedmon: Sugar Sacirson and the human kids - someone shot her when she was younger, she can’t be fixed and after years of keeping her from getting bread it happened and she had four puppies and lost 3 of the 4. Kincaid. Killed by Baltimore City Police: Stacy Fields – Kincaid (Pittie) – Killed by Baltimore Police 01-01-13 Karin J Riley: Trooper (10 yr old Retriever) – Lung Cancer and went to the Rainbows 01-08-13 Page: Schultz (dog): Doggy all skin and bones that Mom tried to feed went to the Rainbows 01-11-13 Rufus & Marie: Cousin Judy – Cancer – went to the Rainbows 01-12-13 Kim Mangold Hobock: Sammy (kitty) Stayed at vet 3 months, had broken leg/food and they starved him Went to the rainbows 01-02-13 Stephanee B.: Sister (Brandi Lehnertz) - her puppy Taylor Jane crossed the Rainbow Bridge last week (Jan 2013) Page: Juno’s Place – Evie Pumpkin (kitty) – due to a seizure while in her Mommy’s arms, she went to the Rainbows 01-21-13 Tonyia McConnaughhay: Sir Dominus who went to the Rainbow Bridge on 01-24-13 & Luna the Lady of the Moon who went to the Rainbows on November02. Shannon Cromarty: Rotti Momma Crickett she passed 2years ago from old age and arthritis (she breed 60 pups until Mom got April Roby: Buddy (Kitty) – Cancer – Went to the Rainbows 02-01-13 Elle Bear: Baby girl went to the rainbow 02-11-13 Page: Vote Gabe 2012 Hero went to the rainbows 02-13-13 Maddox (Pittie) Mast cell Tumors.that are.cancerous. Went to the Rainbows 02-19-13 Wendy Smith: Grandogger Barkus went to the Rainbows 02-23-13 Louise Maguire: Jack – Went to the Rainbows 02-25-13 Page: Cora the Wobbly Pittie Girl: Brother Grady – went to the rainbows 02-28-13 Margo Seiders: Mac (4 yr old Kitty) went to the rain bows unexpectedly 03-01-13 Page: Justice for Herbie - Found Dec. 2 barely alive, was fighting to live, but cancer took him to the rainbows 03-01-13 Page: Lisa’s World – Lisa went to the Rainbows 03-07-13 Page: Nala Adams: Her Daddy – Was going through poor health and went to the Rainbows 03-15-13 Page: Ernie Noodle: Went to the Rainbows 05-29-13 Page: Tiny Tims Blessing: Went to the Rainbows 08-18-13 Page: Clyde – Kitty, after years of battling FIV he went to the rainbows 08-26-13 Page: Zeusie Boutilier – Only 3 years old and has a heart condition and went to the rainbows 08-27-13 mn Andrea Corso: Her Moms Greyhound Sirena – Went to the rainbows 03-18-13 Shannon Cromarty: Bosley. Due to a Massive infection and seizure, he went to the Rainbows 03-21-13 Pam Hoots: Daphne (kitty) Went to the Rainbows 03-24-13 Joey Charles Rhodes: Kristi Fulmore – Hers loves animals and rescuing. Went to the Rainbows 04-06-13, please pray for her family as well. Ione French: Wonderful Pit-Bull advocate Miss Jennifer L Wallace went to the Rainbows 04-06-13 Cherie Eifler: Calico, Mariah - 18-1/2 years old, and she told me it was time and went to the Rainbows 04-07-13 Page: Mama Petunia – Was lit on fire while pregnant and went to the Rainbows 04-07-13 and reunited with her 5 babies that went to the Rainbows before her. Bless her and her babies. France Sutton: Smokey Boy – (Aussie) is 13 – Bladder Cancer in-operable went to the Rainbows 04-16-13 Betsy Meek: Baby Beagle Boy Rascal Bunny Meek had a brain tumor and went to the Rainbows on 05-18-13 and his Mommy she’s so worried because she’s not with him. Kim Lally: Shamrock, we called him Rocky earned his wings and went to the Rainbows 05-20-13 He would have been 16 in July. Could you Linda Castor: Hubby grandma Helen Conrad went to the Rainbows 05-21-13 Becky Gant-Jenkins: Toby was 12 and went to the Rainbows on 05-30-13 Melanie Tucker: K-9 officer Kaiser, had terminal kidney failure, went to the Rainbows last week. He does have a page. Andrea Corso: Her Nephew took his own life at the age of 31 and went to the rainbows on 06-01-13 Dana Mequi: Betsy – went to the Rainbows 06-03-13 Mama Putenia’s pup Cain, went to the Rainbows 06-15-13 John Zolis - Anastasia of Anastasias Elderly Rescues – Ocular Cancer and went to the Rainbows 06-16-13 Fender Bears: Karen from Paws in Need Every Where (GA) and family for Reno who went to the rainbows 06-17-13 Page: Grimm Dog the Pittie: Rowdy went to the Rainbows 06-17-13 Patricia Lopez: Raisin, went to the Rainbows 06-20-13 Page: Noah’s Ark: Hooch, He was a rescue at Noahs Ark, he was going very good until this morning. He had a massive seizure and crossed the bridge at 5:00pm 07/10/13 Schoep and John: Scheope went to the Rainbows 07/18/13 Nanshelle Schatz Ganz Cat, Ramius had a stroke and went to the Rainbows 07-22-13 Charlotte Dalsgaard MJ had liver cancer and went to the Rainbows 07-22-13 Tabitha Davis: Her Father went to the Rainbows 07-24-13 Debra Smith: Benson (Cat) went to the Rainbows 08-06-13 Meg Phillips: MacDuff had liver cancer and went to the Rainbows 08-15-13 Tammy Jackson: Karma, 6 weeks old she was a very lil and went to the Rainbows 08-17-13 equally small bother snowball Chanda Degand: Little Ruby, not even 2 weeks old. Due to a horrible accident, she went to the Rainbows 08-18-13 Leah Wint: Adriana Emileigh was born at 26 weeks and was 20 days old before she went to the Rainbows 08-22-13 Zola Griffin Paget - Sgt Pepper - He had melanoma 6 years ago but we got it with amputation and chemo before it metastasized. He struggled with arthritis and dementia and we finally had to send him to the rainbows on 08-24-13 Pam Hoots: Rascal – had an accident and went to the Rainbows 08-28-13 Angie Ford Powell: Sebastian – Had Cancer and went to the Rainbows 09-12-13 Dunkins Road to Love & Healing: Dunkin went to the Rainbows 09-19-13 Luscious Lucia on Long Islands – Cancer – Went to the Rainbows 09-29-13 Page: Everything Rosie – went to the Rainbows 10-10-13 Ruth Stone Walker Smokey went to the Rainbows 11-04-13 Page: Morgan The Heart Baby went to the rainbos 11-13-13 Dis all our furfriends/furfamily dat needs us to finkies of dems, sends good vibes or prays for dems: Page: Rufus The Cancer Pitty – Multiple Myeloma and pwease dont let my back make decisions for me. Rufus: Cousin Eric, not been doing well and hoping the doctors find what is wrong. Page: Ms Lilah Bear: Her collie sissy attacks hers and hurt hers and my girl didn’t evens defends herself and hers recovering but emotionally hers scared. Kelly Roe: Human daughter Elizabeth Faye Lailoni Roe - Has Cervical Cancer Kelly Roe: Had a lots happens to hers and hers family Kelly Roe: Christine Johnson (her sister) having a rough time right now Kenneth Holland: Mr. Rhetts Daddy – has da bad backies and had to says good bye to his SON Mr Rhett the SUPER ROCKSTAR. Auntie Penny Nordstrom: Ramsey’s Mommy – Please prays she can gets justices and feels peace Page: Princess Tater-Tot: Had the lump removed from her mouth Page: Koko - The Sock Chewer: Diagnosed with Cancer Page: Indythe Kitty Pitty and Max: Cancer - praying for no more lumps Page: A Dog Named Tink fighting breast cancer Page: Molly The 3 Legged Dog: Cancer Linda Castor: Auntie Linda – was diagnosed with MS Linda Castor: Sasha Rose Momma dog – Coughs, is 12 yrs old, congestions and stuffins Diane Seaton: Earl - Has mast cell cancer Leslie Brown: Baby – her senior pitty is getting slow and her back legs don’t want to work Page: Molly the 3 Legged Dog – Her Mommy – Has a bad heart Page: Lily, Pit Bull Ambassador &Therapy Dog: Sister Nike (aka Older timer with cheese) Lumps/Cyst Page: Shimi’s World: Yodi’s Mom – Breast Cancer Page: From Liz to Loved: Kyra and Cidney Hunter and for Liz workins on doggies aggression. Page: Abygail the Coonhound Beagle – Having seizures and her Mommy is scared Page: ~*Buddy Bruno, Companion Dog*~: half-blind now and is a companion doggy for Mama and they are going to Rufus the Cancer Pitty: Prays fors Leanna Schlick – hads da surgeries and is recoverins Page: Scruffy dogs and dirty paws Rescue: Tyson - Really Bad Allergies and cough too Page: Morgan the Pit Bull: Steve Lewis (Grandpa to Pixel Blue Eyes & Peanut Pumpkin Pie) – stage 2 Proostate Cancer Page: Coura’s Journey – She was beaten, brutally rapped and left for dead, now she has liver disease. Page: Justice for Heribe: Left for dead. Diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma, non-operable & non-responsive to chemo/radiation. Page: Rocky the Boxer: – Badly burned in a warehouse fire in Texas. Page: Spencer Stephens - Metastatic cancer Page: Miley Moo: Her Pop Pop –was in a very bad fiery accident, someone pulled him from it or he wouldve burned alive in it. He will be in the hospital for about a month, hes had 2 surgeries so far to put his legs back together. Page: Sparkys Story: He was attacked by a pack of dogs and somehow survived and now his heart is not doing well. Page: Save the Best dog, save my best friend – Lymphoma Page: Treats for Tesa – Cancer (4 yr old Great Dane) also her Pittie Ziva – Cancer Page: Molly the Rescued Pit: Her Mommy – Trying to balance her thyroid medication and struggling, very tired. Page: A Fractured Heart: Molly – infection on her neck and if not treatable with antibiotics she will need surgery. Page: Katelyn Norman - She is a young girl Tennessee who is fighting cancer. Page: Luscious Lucia on Long Island – Cancerous mass. Page: Elle the Pit Bull – Had a mass removed and it might be cancer. Page: Luscious Lucia on Long Island – Cancerous mass. Page: Shimis World - Shimi is getting older and skinny now. Love to you amd mom sweet Diva Girl! Michelle Blevins Payne: Roxxy – Was shot by someone who doesn’t like Pittys Missy Ingram Barker: Her Mom – Fighting Lung Cancer. Jo Thomas: Her Daughter – Has Cystic Fibrosis Jenn Beck: Recovering from – Thyroid Cancer. Needs helps to lose weight gained from cancer. Renee Gainey: Her Elderbull – Has bumps and not sure what they are yet. Keri Rohledger-Furuta: Has cancer Keri FURUTA – thinking of anyone struggling with anything Jackie Kruse Caredio: Spike Taylor and his Family Cheryl Wood: Breast Cancer Kristine Hendershot: Dad has Cancer – hopes tests results come back good. Kacee Lynn Mott – Goin fru da nursins schools and its ruffs. Linda Phillips: Boa (horse) – legs breaking down. Andrea Corso: Mandy yellow lab – bad arthritis, many lumps, bad knee, has bone cancer Andrea Corso: Harley Chocolate lab – Seizures Andrea Corso: Eldest Kitty – Blind in one and losing sight in the other one. Rhonda Hume VanVeghel: Ziggy, dat he’s at least safes and loved but would lubs to has hims home Sue Chasca: Phil – Had a stroke Nancy Cohen Tantush – Fighting breast cancer Gaby Schargorosdky: Chufina (kitty) – been very sick Nicole Ward: Noodles (kitty) – Epilepsy and has 2-6 seizures every day and may has to lets her goes to the Rainbows Ida Save Lennon Tooker: Rilind Had surgery to remove tumor and is recovering Brooke Welch Moody: Lost her Oscar and her Barkley was abused and has memory issues. Sandy O’Dell: Freya and her Mom of Help Save Zen: Frey was diagnosed with Cancer again. Bessie: Her Mama Dianne Kurtz – Chronic pain for 12 years, 3 herniated disks in her neck and has Fibromyalgia Suzanne Patterson: Boston,Shiza -has CHF, Coughing and sneezing and then a nosebleed, not looking good. Diane Seaton: Earl’s Brother Dubya – Had emergency surgery and is recovering Darlene Riggins Dickerson: Taco (Chi Chi) has sinus issues that are un-repairable Stephanie Rivedal: Going through a high risk pregnancy. Rachael Armstrong Richardson: Fellow dog rescuer – In hospital with Pneumonia, but another friend had a heart attack and not doing well Angela Ewing-Nix: Her Momma: Very depressed over the loss of her 11 yr old doggy Joe who went to the rainbows Marie Womack: Baby Tugg – Burned in a fire and lost his Mom and Littermates. Delaine Juarez: Has Fibromyalgia Jessica Crochet: Baby pebble Phoebe (Dixie Slaughter’s adopting her) Won’t eat, might be esophagus Puta Heathen: Her Mom’s Sister Donna Ingalls – 3 years of complications from hernia surgery and in hospital for more repair surgery Nicole Bickel Jackson: Melaine - at the ER and she is very sick Monica Groves Everett: Aunt Lizzie - Multiple Myeloma (Cancer) is back in hospital because of the pain. April Roy: Blackie (Kitty) – Has gone missing, praying him comes home unharmed Linda Sears: Dippy (Kitty) – Liver cancer Shandy Gossett-Beckvermit – Mikey – Very had a stroke, can hardly hold up his head and walking difficult. Beatrice Gasque Johnson – Dink (her Christmas Rescue) – Only weighs 1 pound, 4 ounces and is very sick Brenda Choy: Biggsy (kitty) Lost in the snow in Michigan. Her owner has PTSD and needs her badly and is worried Jessie Dunn: A headache soo bad she cant turn head without being in pain Terra Guerro: Wiggles (16 yrs old) – Congestive Heart Failure and doesn’t have control of bowls or bladder. Pam Hoots: Daphne (Kitty) – Malignant tumor on her leg near her hip. Kaye Greenly Gorman: Sable (aka Boo) – 14 yr old pibble has Cancer Asher: Underwent an operation to remove lumps, after surgery found he was allergic to anesthetic and suffered renal failure, not eating and is losing weight, he was 25 lbs and now he only weighs 19lbs. Andrea and Nikki Corso: Bella: She is their new puppy that may have been abused. Would like her to trust again. Redah Brunk: Max - Prostate cancer (14 yrs old) His face and neck are all swollen and he is bleeding from his mouth. Susan Muzoleski Johnston: Mags - Aspirational pneumonia, laryngeal paralysis and this caused potentially by megaesophagus Lynn Thompson: Jay Jay - he has diabetes & recently lost his sight he is 13 yrs old and Maxwell, growth his paw. Beatrice Gasque Johnson: Having a full hysterectomy on 01/28/13 and hope it goes well and she recovers soon. her) Nikki Vecchio Please pray for me. I have two special needs dogs, and just got domestically abused causing an eviction. I have had my babies for five years and just lost my job as well. I would rather be homeless then give my babies up. A shiba inu named suki, with level 5 murmur and a 3 legged abuse survivor shiba mix.who lived through distemper, parvo, heartworm and seizures...please pray....God bless Jen Lyn: Luka – Has blood in his tooshie, had blood work and waiting on results and possible scope. Meagan-Kelly Willis Smethurst Nitro ( rottie) is very sick n might be joinging the rainbow group soon Kim Mangold Hobock: Severe fibromyalgia and back pain Shelly Jesske: Very low potassium and liver not doing well. Schultz (dog) : Bibs Care (Quinn OBib) – Cancer, kidney values very high. Cindy Mates: Mom - Shes 80 yrs old and lives in Maine. I know my brother is looking out for her but I still worry about her. Jerri Hopper Schultz: Dearest friend Julia Annello, her baby John 2 months early and he is in the NICU Marie Womack - Severe Rheumatoid arthritis. The pain has been horrible at times Gwen Ledet Lirette: Mr Sandman (pitty) - he is 2 &1/2 has heartworms Ada Slate: Her Sister - Her husband pasted away on the 1st of January and Shes really having a Hard time. She feels lost and all alone Melissa Lopez: Her Mother - had.several strokes the last couple of months, her Father- Severe Diabetic KetoAcidosis, Less than Half a Pancreas.He is Just Hurting all the time Cheryl Musselman Henderson - LaLa: Possible ruptured disk, condition is guarded at best. She is getting prednisone, pain meds and an iv to see if the swelling will reduce. Surgery is not a financial option. Lorna Shea: Her Sister – In the hospital and very sick. Carol Thomas Wright Watson: has pneumonia Elaine Maurette: Bubba – He has huge bumps the size of baseballs under his skin, at least 10 of them, also has a skin rash that just started thats making him lose his hair. Cindy Snyder: Had knee replacement surgery on 4/9/13, recovering SandraAnn Weatherholt Clark Kitty Girl (a neighbor cat we become attached to) found her with a very bad wound last week but she got away; she disappeared for over 4 days then showed up. Our cat vet came and picked her up and she is with her now being treated. Kitty Girl was in pain and running a fever so we know she has some infection in the gaping wound that is over 4 inches long on the inside of her back left leg. Christopher Estep: Chiquita - will be having TPLO surgery 04-03-13 Margo King: Has a lump on her spine which she noticed last year but it didnt hurt then and now it does so she is getting it checked. Linda Castor: Baby Girl - she was shot by a police officer for NO REASON at all, and had to have emergency surgery Jaine Mclean: Helen Young’s baby Buck - had his cruciate ligament done, recovery has slowed due to damaged disc in his back . Terri Kleiner Wehrman: furneighbor Indie - is recovering from ACL knee repair surgery. Hes Stacy: Hector - Hes a former Vick dog, has Babesia, and now has to have his spleen removed. Zoe Draughon: Sabo - EPI is acting up Page: Noodle The Disabled Dachshund: Has a ruptured disc Janie Mclean: My friend Donna MacLean boy Max, he has had a stroke today, he is home from vet with Mum Daisy ~ The Little Itty Bitty Pitty Princess: Her Momman and Ruby Roo who has Lymphoma Julie Stevens: Misty tonight? She got out of her collar last night when chasing a bird & ran in the woods. Shes just 9 months old & her foster momma is hysterical. She is a former bait dog and her page is Mistys Journey. Valerie Smith: Abbey will have a mass removed on Wednesday 5/22 and an ultrasound to see if her spleen needs to come out. Awesome Troubles: friend, Tiny Tims Blessings, he has a cleft palate and so many other problems. They cant operate on him because of his problems. His mommy and daddy have helped so many and have saved so many little ones. His daddy was in a bad accident and is not the same as he was. Tinys mommy is going through so much right now. Jesse Dunn: a friends 6 month old daughter. The baby is undergoing open heart surgery friday june 7th. Cheryl Peskin Walters: Maddox lost in Oklahoma since Dec 2012? He needs to come home his Mommy and Daddy miss him. Lesley Porter Fletcher Mom. She will be 86 yrs old on Sunday and suffers from congestive heart failure and is very weak. She has to go for tests next week because she has had nausea for over 2 wks. Anna Alexandra: Xzar, 10 yr old pittie, malignant tumor in his mouth Jen Lyn: Andy Smith – Childhood friend, like a brother to her and her blood brother. He was hit by a train. He lost a foot and broke every bone in his face. He is in a coma state and having a leg amputation tomorrow! The next 24 hours is crucial!. Her and her Brother chuck have already lost their Brother and Dad! Sam Thyme: Maya Lu – She’s crying, rubbing her head and laying on her head on ice, going to the Vet Spartacus The Wonderbull: Human Borther – Firework blew up in his hand. Nicole Garner: Ursuline College had a tornado Saturday morning and lost part of one building and had other buildings get a lot of damage and very beautiful trees uprooted. Keep the Sisters and our community so we can rebuild and keep helping the kids and the pets. Princess Tater-Tot: Her Daddys Cousin Mary Etta - Liver and Colon Cancer and Cousin Troy - heart attack which required a stint Barbara Calder Pierce: Australian Shepherd - Partially torn ACL on rest for 6 months to a year. Lauren Smith: Friese Family (Cousin) and 5 others – bad car accident, also for Lauren who has had a lot going on. Marie Womack: foster failure Colt - He is 6 months old and they think he has a liver shunt. Margo Seiders: Clyde - He had a seizure and with complications from his FIV, he is not doing well right now and may make his journey to the Rainbow Bridge soon. Diana Tasco Meyer: Lucie - had liver resectioning 14 months ago. she had tumors. But were benign...however, she has IBS and bad ulcers in her stomach so she is very thin. and she has very little to no tolerance to dog food. When she doesn’t eat neither does Bee Pwease says extras for AJ, mees Sissy Rita the Naked Pit Bull’s lil human Hims had multiple surgerys on hims back and its berry hards on da whole family and wees lubs dems wif all our hearts. Sarah Williamson: Babies (six of them) nasty divorce and husband is refusing to pay enough support to care for my babies. Joey Charles Rhodes: Wifey - last few months has been dealing with recurring infections, .UTI and Kidney mostly. Elaine Maurette: Little Parker - Has glaucoma in his left eye and had emergency surgery on it but da one surgery was too much money to come up with fast so the Dr. did another one that sewed his lens back in the right place for now. Pray that holds for a little bit or hell go blind. Rusty Miller: Shadow – Diagnosed with a fairly aggressive cancer. Yvette Martinez-Wheeler: 12 y/o cat Franny. She has been diagnosed with Lymphoma. Linda Rapp: Carol Nevejans – Very ill Elaine Maurette and Hero: Parker had a surgy to have a lens removed from his eye because it fell forward but today 9/13/13 he is home recovering. Danielle Marie: Daisy – 12 yr old Beagle, has Lymphoma Brandie Cowan McCormick: Trinity is heart worm positive. Desoto and Stella will be tested on Monday! Wendy Pete - Patty the detroit dog. She is going to need all the help she can get. Merrick Brady - 8 year old pit bull Orion – Large mass discovered in her gut. Marj Nelson – Diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Jane Hagedorn - Jaxson our shar pei Karen Guzman - Blaze had to go to the Rainbow bridge, and she is devastated. Stacy Morgan Covington: Bear - Hes been having some health problems, was on the mend, but now all of a sudden is having a hard time going potty. Weve known his time was short, but Im afraid that tomorrow we may have to make that call T Timothy Spreadborough (Mary Ann) my friend Debbies kitty Furball has been missing for two weeks. shes frantic and heartbroken. Also, my kitty Taffy has been missing since Early August. Sherri Simon - Bailey girl – sees a specialist next Monday for her Cancer in hers jaw and mouf. Andrea Corso and I am sures all of us as wells: All furababies lost over da years Angela Askew and I am sures all of us: Hope da ones dat shot Roxxy gets PUNISHED for da hateful terrible crime dey did to poor Roxxys. Tanya Pugh and I finkies all of us: For all doggys, kittys and all furbabies wif no homes: To finds a forever homes, be safes, neber go hungries, nebers gets sickies and to bees overly spoiled with tweats, belly rubs, kissies, cuddles, sweepies insides da house and has all the lubs their hearts desires.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:49:33 +0000

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