Disadvantages of Traditional Education system Change is the only - TopicsExpress


Disadvantages of Traditional Education system Change is the only constant of this universe and the only trustworthy factor. So, how can something still with the tag of traditional be good and up to date for us? Our education system unfortunately comes with the tag of traditional and is strictly a pen and paper system. In our society and the education system, practical knowledge has not been given the ample importance that it needs. Our traditional education system concentrates on treating every child equally and teaching them the same things despite of their differences of learning abilities and likes and dislikes. This system is very unfair at the core and leads to disastrous results in the form of kids/people who always feel misplaced and are the misfits in the society. Every human being needs a sense of satisfaction in his life and it comes only when the mind is in the right place. With a wrong education and in turn a wrong career what we get is a person who always craves for more from life and is mostly disappointed and frustrated with his/her current situation. Education system of a society has a basic task of providing every individual with the knowledge he/she may require for survival. But is survival everything and does knowing the speed of light solve the purpose? No, what we actually need is to teach the survival techniques plus the speed of light only to the person who wants to learn it. That is definitely not how our education system works. It is not traditional but backward as well and feeds every child with the same spoon, leading to an environment where everybody has mugged up the same concepts but only a few understand them. The dangerous results of the traditional education system can be seen in the people who have been mediocre all their lives. It has been proven though research that we are born with particular skills and when we promote and work towards them we achieve extra ordinary success. When a person works towards anything that needs extra efforts, results are not that good and hence, the resultant mediocrity. This also brings in depression and frustration in the person’s life and mediocrity is the basic reason behind most of our problems. Today, what the society needs is star performers who are good in their job. After all who needs to spend thousands of rupees to train a kid in a profession in which he turns out to be just average. This is where the inborn talents come into picture. The fact is, if time and money is invested in what the child is good at, what you get is an excellent worker who gives extra ordinary results and is good for both himself and the society. This way, the kids end up in successful careers that pay them well and serve them with the much needed self satisfaction. Star performers are the assets of the society. So, where do we start, what do we change to ensure that every child and every person is a genius and the best worker of his office? We can start with finding out the inborn skills of a child at a very early age. Once that is known, we can help that child by promoting his skills through right choice subjects and extracurricular activities that provide a right balance. Our traditional education system needs a good makeover, but that is a distant thought and may need years before that happen. For now, what can be done is changing how we look at hobbies and other skills and provide our children with a platform where they can bring the best out of them. It all just needs the right knowledge and a gentle nudge in the right direction, everything else will take care of itself.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:41:19 +0000

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