Disappearing Acts Sometimes you can really like someone and you - TopicsExpress


Disappearing Acts Sometimes you can really like someone and you can be led to believe that they like you too and then all of sudden out of the clear blue sky without any prior warning, POOF! They just up jump and disappear on you. You’re shocked! You’re dazed! You experience a myriad of feelings ranging from hurt, disappointment, sadness, rejection, confusion, anger and blood lusting rage. You wonder how they could do such things. You wonder how could another human being be so cruel as to just disappear on you without any explanation, any consideration for your feelings and what you thought was the makings of something real. You lose sleep at night, you text them asking for reasons why but you get no response, all you get are deeper feelings of betrayal etched into the stone that is becoming your once tender heart. You cry, man do you cry! You cry until it feels like your eyes are going to run out of water and tap into blood. Your bed never sees a dry night and you lie alone in the dark in the fetal position clutching a collection of comforter until you cry yourself to sleep alone. Sad story huh? Well cheer up because you must know this: The person that left you high and dry with no explanation as to why they left you is a coward. They are selfish and inconsiderate monsters with the propensity for murder. They are the equivalent of serial killers. They are immature scum sucking protozoa who have no respect for human life. Not only do they not value or appreciate or recognize good love, they really do not like or love themselves. People disappear for a variety of reasons but the root reason people disappear is fear. Next to the root reason is abuse. Pulling a disappearing act is abusive and serves two purposes: For one it gives them power and control over your emotions. By keeping you wondering, questioning, waiting, it keeps you off balance and keeps the ball in their court. Two, It absolves them of the responsibility of dealing with your anger, your rage, your emotion and your precious feelings. They are not even equipped to deal with their own negative emotions so what makes you think they will be equipped to handle yours? By disappearing, they always know that they can reappear again and you will be so grateful to see them, you will hide your anger, your sadness and your rage for fear that they will leave again. So all of your resentments, all of your questions are stuffed inside of you only to resurface in an an even darker manner that will eventually drive them away again. It really is a no win. But here is how you win: When someone walks out on you in your time of need and pulls a Houdini, send them one last message informing them that what they did was cruel and hurtful and extremely immature and because of that you can no longer have anything to do with them. Of course their ego will inflate and they will strut around proudly flouncing their peacock feathers saying they can do better but just wait, eventually you will see their bald behinds with one feather tucked between their bony legs after their goose gets cooked by a bigger badder peacock. Then they will know how it feels to be hurt. Always remember that how you treat others is your Karma, how they treat you is theirs. Do your part and leave the rest up to God. His justice is so much badder than ours then forgive yourself and get a massage. Always know someone wants to touch you. You are loveable. Don’t disappear on yourself. You are your best present. LUIS SPEAKS
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:32:08 +0000

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