Disappearing People’s Issues Amidst Politics of - TopicsExpress


Disappearing People’s Issues Amidst Politics of Polarisation ----------------------------------------------------------. (Presented in one day convention organized by LokRajNiti Manch at Gandi Peace Foundation,Delhi.) Every citizen of soil has notion of “freedom and liberty” as per knowledge of nature and scientific technology of the time within the superstructure of hum ----------------------------------------------------------. Every citizen of soil has notion of “freedom and liberty” as per knowledge of nature and scientific technology of the time within the superstran-kind about governance and social values system for which man-kind has played active role and sacrificed their lives from the inception of life at this planet to achieve fundamental rights for individual as wel for collectiveness. Claiming largest democracy and plural society.India should lead with a Realistic Response to the issues of people of India in particularily and of world people in general by understanding the present Enviro-Bio Crisis which Lies In Restructuring it on Federal/ Confederal principles to empower the people at gross root level that is village as unit with decision making power of political legislation and in economic development in their jurisdiction. In process of Human Social Development human-kind passed through Positive and Negative aspects. The man-kind mostly obeyed the nature ( On the concept “Obey the Nature, Nature will lead Man has to follow ) although development of food and shelter for survival and social values of commitment, family responsibility, honesty, little ratio of exploitation man to man and of nature was major achievement in governance from Tribes to Kingship where the suffering was also high in shape of slaves in chains and due to that liberation wars were also fought by the human-kind and alternate models were developed from “food gathering, pastural society , agricultural society and then industrial era. In industrial society the governance model developed into nation-hood with political parties with the principles of politics of power by hook and crook ,might is right, muscle power, money power, majority will rule with the direction of conquer to every one ( on the concept of “Conquer the nature, man will lead nature has to follow ) where Man has become Master and during the period of last 300 years the parties ruled the man-kind under Adam smith’s basic economic principle of “self-interest” and Marxian basic economic rule of state nationalization of every thing which were one-sided in view of human’s bio-social nature. Both measure development, prosperity and progress in terms of monetary growth and not in the context of human and environmental development. The latest understanding of Man-kind is directing us that Man is not the master (On the Concept, “Neither Nature will lead, nor man, Both have to walk side by side “ ) but only a one process of nature existing in crores on the principles of “Unity in Diversity”. In accordance with natural law of unity in diversity, the human society develops through a Two-sided interaction, i.e., between nature and human community, on the One hand, and among the people (comprising various formations, groups, sections and individuals) on the other hand. It changes and develops in accordance with the general operational mode of interaction through the alternating motions of mutual unity and mutual struggle. The mode of existence of mankind is biological, while its mode of living and functioning is social. Hence the character of man-kind is Bio-Social. The present corrupt global capital system and its compliant nations for which US stand as the unchallenged policeman of the world has become more unilateralist and belligerent. Accompanying most destructive Eco-Bio Crisis, this corporate development model is in a serious trouble. Profits are falling, many corporate companies have been found involved in big frauds and scandals. The claim of liberalization being a social institution of wealth creation and of prosperity and progress-generation has got exposed and facing an unheard of crisis, ( from Egypt alongwith other Arab countries,EuroupFrench,Greece,Asiaen etc., ) posing a very serious challenge to mankind. India should also take this moment as one of reckoning and reflection, of thinking about what kind of society we would like to have .It is time to ask ourselves, that we are creating an economy that is helping us to achieve those aspirations of people. These systems have created a society in which materialism dominates moral commitment. The rapid growth that we have achieved is not sustainable environmentally, socially, in which we do not collectively as a community to address our common needs, because individualism and market fundamentalism have eroded any sense of togetherness of interdependence and have led to rampant exploitation of unprotected individuals and increasing social divide, erosion of trust, transparency, accountability and tolerance. In India development process is facing serious challenge due which Rich/Poor Divide is increasing at on unprecedented scale, poverty and unemployment are spreading fast. Military budgets, Black money, Corruption in lakhs crores ,Big scandals,Missing of 157 files of coal scam, Challenge to CAG regarding her findings,RTI ACT”amended purely in political vested interests, Application in Supreme Court to review the judgement regarding ban on criminal convicted in elections, Price rise, Falling price of rupee 1:$65 i.e., rupee1:Pound 100 in world market. It is resulting that Indian economy is sinking. Area of corruption, crime, violence and suicides in India is vastly expanding, taking political and economic spheres and their executives are in its fold. Human rights violations, discrimination against minorities and other weaker sections and atrocities against women are on the increase. Ethenic tensions are heightening and demand of small states is arising with forceful logics of federalism.Special status to Bihar,Punjab,Odisha,Jharkhand, is also a just and genuine demand in federal structure of India. But the system is misleading and dividing the people on casteism and communalism In Diplomacy India facing Trust deficiet with all surrounding neighbourers due to which China is also encircling who has made the ways and Ports in all SAARC region. Recently Military General of China Warned for IIIrd world war on excuse of Iran’s defence,While under India –US military frame work agreement signed in 2006,USA plans to draw India into its strategic alliance in Asia by planning to station military air craft in Trivandrum in India as part of his policy of encircling China ,Helbert’Hawk’Carlisle,the Commander of US Air Force said. Indian Defence policy is also occupying the top position and Sang parivar and her frontal organosations making pressure to build India as biggest military power by developing its own nuclear weaponary as their policy. Change for the better or face gradual destabilization as public mindset is disturbed. Obiviously, Indian Political parties are not standing on the facts and neither on the burning issues of Indian people ,they have and they are continuously Polarising the Indian society as agenda of RSS- Hindutva,Mandalism ,Gandhian Reformed Hindu Humanism,Marxian Economic Fundamentalism and Admsmith’s SelfInterestism under two Big alliances i.e., NDA and UPA.Another mode of communal polarization by playing fixed communal matchs in UP between SanajwadiParty and BJP/VHP while in JammuKashmir National Conference and BJP which is engineering communal trouble to which central government is warching as mute spectator merely to gain support to pass their desired bills. And this current polarization is going to have a great impact on our social life.The killing of senior Rationalist leader Narindera Dhabolekar is also due to afraid of reasoning to rightwing forces. Intolerance is a fearful situation A new political alignment is in offing.Sharpening communal and caste strife and worsening ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- economic position are going to be the other fallouts, which has downgraded in status, investment is going away and unemployment increasing. This developing situation can properly be met if all Internationalist and National Democratic forces forge a broad front against personality-based,family –based political opportunism, communalism,casteism,secretarianism,secessionism and corrupt corporateism.As corporate lobbies at Mumbai and at Karachi are making obstacles in India-Pakistan relations due to which Dialogues on Peace process and trade on other routes (Bhagga-Punjab,Suchetgarh-Jammu,Rajsthan etc.,) had interrupted repeatedly .These Lobbies have 70% trade through Sea and have maximum profit and the same is most costly to the people of nearer and nearest regions . INDIA NEEDS AGENDA OF FEDERALISM/CONFEDERALISM BASED ON PEOPLE’S EMPOWERMENT AT GROSS ROOT LEVELi.e., VILLAGE AS UNIT ON THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERDEPENDENCE,MUTUAL TOLERATION,TRANSPARANCY , TRUST AND TRUTH. Learning from the past experience, it shows that the post-1947 India’s National Model had not worked well and needs restructuring. Taking into account the present reality of emerging regional communities the world over demands that India’s restructuring be made in the light of the SAARCC Community. Adopting a correct future vision (which accords with the most dominant social trend i.e., the globalization of the interdependence of the countries)immediate task for the people of India:- * To establish a rational, just and fair social order in India immediately serving the interests of Nature and mankind. *To resolve all internal conflicts through dialogue including JK problem.While resolving JK problem the genuine leadership of JK people should also envolved in dialogues *To organize India on federal basis this will in resolving India’s ethenic, communal and casteist conflicts.Special status of JK should not diluted and on the same lines the special status to Punjab and Bihar should also worked out. *Full democratization of all institutions, upholding of the rule of law. *Empowerment of people (their involvement in decision-making, supervision of all developmental, economical and cultural spheres from village level to national level. *Right to reject, Right to recall, Every election manifesto should be legal document. * State funding in all elections at every level, to free from money and muscle power. *To protect the system of nature on one hand and serve the interests of the people, (removing social inequalities disparities like rich-poor, rural-urban, gender inequality etc.) on the other. To involve the people especially the women in the work of environmental conservation and population control. *Economic growth on 2-sided mechanism should balanced market-generated Growth and state-organised social justice directed by the principles of Sustainability, productivity, equity, democracy and transparency. Both history and sociology emphasise that no social change can take place. Anywhere if the concerned people remain unaware of the need of such a change .In fact, every social change is the result of a given social environment that moulds peoples mindset. The only route to solve any social problem lies in the awakening, involvement and organized strength of the masses and team of selfless organizers. Thus, the sole guarantee of transforming the aforementioned basic agenda into reality rests with the changing of the public mindset in its favour. September,1st.2013. I D Khajuria National President, Internationalist Democratic Party (IDP) idkhajuria@gmail---09419152093 Disappearing People’s Issues Amidst Politics of Polarisation ----------------------------------------------------------. (Presented in one day convention organized by LokRajNiti Manch at Gandi Peace Foundation,Delhi.) Every citizen of soil has notion of “freedom and liberty” as per knowledge of nature and scientific technology of the time within the superstructure of hum ----------------------------------------------------------. Every citizen of soil has notion of “freedom and liberty” as per knowledge of nature and scientific technology of the time within the superstran-kind about governance and social values system for which man-kind has played active role and sacrificed their lives from the inception of life at this planet to achieve fundamental rights for individual as wel for collectiveness. Claiming largest democracy and plural society.India should lead with a Realistic Response to the issues of people of India in particularily and of world people in general by understanding the present Enviro-Bio Crisis which Lies In Restructuring it on Federal/ Confederal principles to empower the people at gross root level that is village as unit with decision making power of political legislation and in economic development in their jurisdiction. In process of Human Social Development human-kind passed through Positive and Negative aspects. The man-kind mostly obeyed the nature ( On the concept “Obey the Nature, Nature will lead Man has to follow ) although development of food and shelter for survival and social values of commitment, family responsibility, honesty, little ratio of exploitation man to man and of nature was major achievement in governance from Tribes to Kingship where the suffering was also high in shape of slaves in chains and due to that liberation wars were also fought by the human-kind and alternate models were developed from “food gathering, pastural society , agricultural society and then industrial era. In industrial society the governance model developed into nation-hood with political parties with the principles of politics of power by hook and crook ,might is right, muscle power, money power, majority will rule with the direction of conquer to every one ( on the concept of “Conquer the nature, man will lead nature has to follow ) where Man has become Master and during the period of last 300 years the parties ruled the man-kind under Adam smith’s basic economic principle of “self-interest” and Marxian basic economic rule of state nationalization of every thing which were one-sided in view of human’s bio-social nature. Both measure development, prosperity and progress in terms of monetary growth and not in the context of human and environmental development. The latest understanding of Man-kind is directing us that Man is not the master (On the Concept, “Neither Nature will lead, nor man, Both have to walk side by side “ ) but only a one process of nature existing in crores on the principles of “Unity in Diversity”. In accordance with natural law of unity in diversity, the human society develops through a Two-sided interaction, i.e., between nature and human community, on the One hand, and among the people (comprising various formations, groups, sections and individuals) on the other hand. It changes and develops in accordance with the general operational mode of interaction through the alternating motions of mutual unity and mutual struggle. The mode of existence of mankind is biological, while its mode of living and functioning is social. Hence the character of man-kind is Bio-Social. The present corrupt global capital system and its compliant nations for which US stand as the unchallenged policeman of the world has become more unilateralist and belligerent. Accompanying most destructive Eco-Bio Crisis, this corporate development model is in a serious trouble. Profits are falling, many corporate companies have been found involved in big frauds and scandals. The claim of liberalization being a social institution of wealth creation and of prosperity and progress-generation has got exposed and facing an unheard of crisis, ( from Egypt alongwith other Arab countries,EuroupFrench,Greece,Asiaen etc., ) posing a very serious challenge to mankind. India should also take this moment as one of reckoning and reflection, of thinking about what kind of society we would like to have .It is time to ask ourselves, that we are creating an economy that is helping us to achieve those aspirations of people. These systems have created a society in which materialism dominates moral commitment. The rapid growth that we have achieved is not sustainable environmentally, socially, in which we do not collectively as a community to address our common needs, because individualism and market fundamentalism have eroded any sense of togetherness of interdependence and have led to rampant exploitation of unprotected individuals and increasing social divide, erosion of trust, transparency, accountability and tolerance. In India development process is facing serious challenge due which Rich/Poor Divide is increasing at on unprecedented scale, poverty and unemployment are spreading fast. Military budgets, Black money, Corruption in lakhs crores ,Big scandals,Missing of 157 files of coal scam, Challenge to CAG regarding her findings,RTI ACT”amended purely in political vested interests, Application in Supreme Court to review the judgement regarding ban on criminal convicted in elections, Price rise, Falling price of rupee 1:$65 i.e., rupee1:Pound 100 in world market. It is resulting that Indian economy is sinking. Area of corruption, crime, violence and suicides in India is vastly expanding, taking political and economic spheres and their executives are in its fold. Human rights violations, discrimination against minorities and other weaker sections and atrocities against women are on the increase. Ethenic tensions are heightening and demand of small states is arising with forceful logics of federalism.Special status to Bihar,Punjab,Odisha,Jharkhand, is also a just and genuine demand in federal structure of India. But the system is misleading and dividing the people on casteism and communalism In Diplomacy India facing Trust deficiet with all surrounding neighbourers due to which China is also encircling who has made the ways and Ports in all SAARC region. Recently Military General of China Warned for IIIrd world war on excuse of Iran’s defence,While under India –US military frame work agreement signed in 2006,USA plans to draw India into its strategic alliance in Asia by planning to station military air craft in Trivandrum in India as part of his policy of encircling China ,Helbert’Hawk’Carlisle,the Commander of US Air Force said. Indian Defence policy is also occupying the top position and Sang parivar and her frontal organosations making pressure to build India as biggest military power by developing its own nuclear weaponary as their policy. Change for the better or face gradual destabilization as public mindset is disturbed. Obiviously, Indian Political parties are not standing on the facts and neither on the burning issues of Indian people ,they have and they are continuously Polarising the Indian society as agenda of RSS- Hindutva,Mandalism ,Gandhian Reformed Hindu Humanism,Marxian Economic Fundamentalism and Admsmith’s SelfInterestism under two Big alliances i.e., NDA and UPA.Another mode of communal polarization by playing fixed communal matchs in UP between SanajwadiParty and BJP/VHP while in JammuKashmir National Conference and BJP which is engineering communal trouble to which central government is warching as mute spectator merely to gain support to pass their desired bills. And this current polarization is going to have a great impact on our social life.The killing of senior Rationalist leader Narindera Dhabolekar is also due to afraid of reasoning to rightwing forces. Intolerance is a fearful situation A new political alignment is in offing.Sharpening communal and caste strife and worsening ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- economic position are going to be the other fallouts, which has downgraded in status, investment is going away and unemployment increasing. This developing situation can properly be met if all Internationalist and National Democratic forces forge a broad front against personality-based,family –based political opportunism, communalism,casteism,secretarianism,secessionism and corrupt corporateism.As corporate lobbies at Mumbai and at Karachi are making obstacles in India-Pakistan relations due to which Dialogues on Peace process and trade on other routes (Bhagga-Punjab,Suchetgarh-Jammu,Rajsthan etc.,) had interrupted repeatedly .These Lobbies have 70% trade through Sea and have maximum profit and the same is most costly to the people of nearer and nearest regions . INDIA NEEDS AGENDA OF FEDERALISM/CONFEDERALISM BASED ON PEOPLE’S EMPOWERMENT AT GROSS ROOT LEVELi.e., VILLAGE AS UNIT ON THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERDEPENDENCE,MUTUAL TOLERATION,TRANSPARANCY , TRUST AND TRUTH. Learning from the past experience, it shows that the post-1947 India’s National Model had not worked well and needs restructuring. Taking into account the present reality of emerging regional communities the world over demands that India’s restructuring be made in the light of the SAARCC Community. Adopting a correct future vision (which accords with the most dominant social trend i.e., the globalization of the interdependence of the countries)immediate task for the people of India:- * To establish a rational, just and fair social order in India immediately serving the interests of Nature and mankind. *To resolve all internal conflicts through dialogue including JK problem.While resolving JK problem the genuine leadership of JK people should also envolved in dialogues *To organize India on federal basis this will in resolving India’s ethenic, communal and casteist conflicts.Special status of JK should not diluted and on the same lines the special status to Punjab and Bihar should also worked out. *Full democratization of all institutions, upholding of the rule of law. *Empowerment of people (their involvement in decision-making, supervision of all developmental, economical and cultural spheres from village level to national level. *Right to reject, Right to recall, Every election manifesto should be legal document. * State funding in all elections at every level, to free from money and muscle power. *To protect the system of nature on one hand and serve the interests of the people, (removing social inequalities disparities like rich-poor, rural-urban, gender inequality etc.) on the other. To involve the people especially the women in the work of environmental conservation and population control. *Economic growth on 2-sided mechanism should balanced market-generated Growth and state-organised social justice directed by the principles of Sustainability, productivity, equity, democracy and transparency. Both history and sociology emphasise that no social change can take place. Anywhere if the concerned people remain unaware of the need of such a change .In fact, every social change is the result of a given social environment that moulds peoples mindset. The only route to solve any social problem lies in the awakening, involvement and organized strength of the masses and team of selfless organizers. Thus, the sole guarantee of transforming the aforementioned basic agenda into reality rests with the changing of the public mindset in its favour. September,1st.2013. I D Khajuria National President, Internationalist Democratic Party (IDP) idkhajuria@gmail---09419152093
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 04:55:00 +0000

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