Disappointments are inevitable but we would do well to remember - TopicsExpress


Disappointments are inevitable but we would do well to remember that our footsteps are ordered of the Lord and so much more if like David of old we are praying as he prayed...O LORD, order my steps in thy word (light) and when we take that step of faith responding to go and to haught that disappointment may be nothing more than aligning us for his appointment. Saul who was fervently and zealous for what he believed to be truth never lost momentum when he became a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ but was passionate about reaching his world with this glorious revelation of the mighty God in Christ and the grace that wrought such a mighty work in his own life which had been so steeped in works that never brought him one ounce of peace with God. Paul sought the Lord earnestly to go into Asia to preach the gospel to those who were otherwise without hope in this world but to his surprise the Lord said NO GO! Disappointed? Absolutely but not discouraged enough to quit seeking an open door! So he besought the Lord again and desired to see if possibly the Lord would open a door of utterance for him in Bythnia but this would be another disappointment as God said in no uncertain terms NO! Surely he would now get bitter and self willed and go and justify why he went anyway...why that is the way a lot of works are opened today in our world and it is no wonder they struggle to ever make an impact upon the devils stronghold and that is because when you claim to be a believer and a man of God and yet you are self willed and rebellious for that is exactly what you are! Make no mistake the devil isnt bothered in the least while you get your praise on, as obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams! Dont you shout me down now as you know Im speaking the truth! Now why did God ever give me this assignment of the prophetic office I will never know as it isnt the life of glamour and glitz! I shudder when I think of the Johnny come latelys that are more interested in momma looking hot rather than looking Godly, and they are more interested in showboating stylish clothes when a John the Baptist wasnt driving the latest vehicle and sporting the latest fashions but was a voice crying in the wilderness and giving light and direction to a people who had become comfortable living in absolute darkness! We would see Jesus....let it be what we give our world! I must hasten to move on but when Paul submitted to the Nos, he was soon to get direction thru a vision of a man in Macedonia saying come and help us...No it wasnt come and get a big love offering but it was spend and be spent for the propagation of the gospel! Paul knew of a certainty that he had a hint of direction and it was assignment received! Dissapointment was his appointment and what a delight we have had in preaching on Jail house rock, all because he accepted dissapointment with contentment to know that God had a plan and though there was attendant pain associated with being in the absolute will of God he could count it all joy knowing that God would never leave nor forsake him. Before Johnny or Jane knows where the gas pedal is, please show them where the brake pedal is! Im convinced if you cant obey NO...You wont hear GO!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:17:17 +0000

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