Discern with wisdom! #Churh, Do not confuse.the white horses and - TopicsExpress


Discern with wisdom! #Churh, Do not confuse.the white horses and it riders with the pale white horses and it heresies of blasphemous apologetics riders. They are both doing their job and serving their purposes, and although they may love yahweh , thy renounce his ordiances because of traditional ways. This is all our fault, humanity has always driven the wheel of religion for decades. #YAHWEH, HAS ALWAYS HAD A PLAN, AND THATS WHY MANY OF US ARE #SETAPART AND WILL NOT BOW TO #BAALM, #PHAROAH, #HEROD and yes the list is to broad to mention, however the vastly known are among #HERODIAS,#ABIMELCHK,#ANTIPAS #AHAB Truthfully: EVERY KING, HAS A KINGDOM, AND OFFICIALS UNDER THEM. AND MANY HAVE JUST BEEN TRAINED UP IN IDOLATRY, AND VEILED UP IN THIS MOVEMENT. #Beeyeeawaken ‘Slaughtered souls’ McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia quotes John Jortin, an 18th-century English Protestant, born of French Huguenot parents, as saying: “Where persecution begins, Christianity ends . . . It was after Christianity had been established as the religion of the [Roman] empire, and after wealth and honor had been conferred on its ministers, that the monstrous evil of persecution acquired gigantic strength, and threw its blasting influence over the religion of the Gospel.” By the fourth century C.E., that old serpent, Satan the Devil, had brought forth his masterpiece of deception, the apostate religion of Christendom—a Babylonish system hidden under a “Christian” veneer. It is the principal part of the seed of the Serpent and has developed into a multitude of conflicting sects. Like unfaithful Judah of old, Christendom carries a heavy bloodguilt, having been deeply involved on both sides in World Wars I and II. Some political rulers in Christendom even used these wars as a pretext for slaughtering anointed servants of God. Reporting on Hitler’s persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a review of Friedrich Zipfel’s book Kirchenkampf in Deutschland (Fight of the Churches in Germany) stated: “One third of them [the Witnesses] were killed, either by execution, other violent acts, hunger, sickness or slave labor. The severity of this subjection was without precedent and was the result of uncompromising faith that could not be harmonized with National Socialistic ideology.” Truly, it can be said of Christendom, including its priesthood: “In your skirts there have been found the blood marks of the souls of the innocent poor ones.”—Jeremiah 2:34. Since 1935 faithful young men of the great crowd have borne the brunt of persecution in many lands. (Revelation 7:9) Even as World War II ended in Europe, in just one town 14 young Witnesses of Jehovah were executed by hanging. Their crime? Refusal to “learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) More recently, young men in the Orient and in Africa have been beaten to death or executed by firing squad over the same issue. These youthful martyrs, worthy supporters of Jesus’ anointed brothers, will surely have a resurrection into the promised new earth.—2 Peter 3:13; compare Psalm 110:3; Matthew 25:34-40; Luke 20:37, 38.a Who Army Are You Really In? In heaven their is not churches, prayer warriors, Ministers or any room for pride and divination. JUST A Highpriest, who ways has already been established way before the foundations of the earth. #Revival #Global #Warfare #Royalpreisthood
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:39:57 +0000

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