Discerning the voice of GOD... JESUS said to Nicodemus The - TopicsExpress


Discerning the voice of GOD... JESUS said to Nicodemus The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) HE is saying that just as the natural man hears the wind, so does the man born again hears the voice of the Spirit... Its not hard to know when the Spirit of GOD is speaking, when you are born again- the LORD tells us that MY Sheep hear MY voice and I know them, & the voice of a stanger they will not follow- There are many that have gone out in the world who do not speak from GOD, but will appear to; however, in this hour, the LORD requires HIS children to know without a doubt that HE is indeed speaking and when HE is not. This will save you alot of heartache and disappointment. Just as Issac trusted the voice of Jacob, in reality he was looking for Esau, but he heard Jacob. We must be careful to the voices we yield unto in this hour- not everyone speaking is speaking from the LORD. Let me give you an anology- Youve heard the addage- Pressure bursts pipes, right? Well, what you may not know is the primary cause of pipes freezing is wind chill, which occurs when cold air rushes over a warmer surface. (Catch that) When you hear the voice of the Spirit of GOD, it is like a rushing wind erupted from your Spirit- You cannot handle the Word because it is quick and powerful, it is uncontainable, it is life. The Spirit of GOD speaks life, not death. HIS Words bring hope, not condemnation. HIS Words are profitable for your soul. Just remember the next time you hear a Word before you agree with it, do it pipe test, is the Word quickening your Spirit or is it stale- second hand, without power. This is a test to what is really from the mouth of GOD and what is not... I pray this helps- I was instructed to write this, and although it is long, I know it will help you as you continue to seek HIM in truth...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:28:06 +0000

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