Discharge..... Yes....... Its planned for today :) Weve had - TopicsExpress


Discharge..... Yes....... Its planned for today :) Weve had a go at this several times to varying degrees over the last month but it looks like today is a go Its like launching a ship of sorts. So much to get in order, people to see, items to schedule. This being our second transplant, things are not as overwhelming as the first time. Aaron is quick to learn what he needs to know for his post-transplant living. Our heads are still swimming a bit We will be living down here in CA for the next one to two months for follow up care. It will be a hectic schedule at first but should ease into a more manageable routine as time passes They have promised us a week home for Thanksgiving if Aaron continues to do well. He and I left WA mid January of this year and he has been hospitalized since. We cant wait to take him home for even a short stay. Twenty hours of driving one way will be worth it.....remind me later that I felt that way As to Aaron himself...... He is doing really well. Gaining strength daily and working hard on his recovery. One of the doctors who takes care of us on a regular basis spoke yesterday of having never heard a word of complaint from Aaron since he has known him. I choked up.....I dont like when that happens to me but it was worth it He still has a hematoma and he continues to need dialysis. Both are being managed and we continue to pray for healing of both. We continue to feel so blessed in spite of both As to leaving....... Im going to miss these people that surround us daily. As in A LOT. You simply cant work through tough and emotional places together without forming bonds with those you have shared those battlefields with We know we arent really saying a long term good-by as the transplant life will continue to bring us back here for many different reasons. Somehow thats oddly comforting. Dont worry if that seems strange to you....it probably is, but then so is living in an ICU ward for months As to special people...... There are so many. I cant fit them all. But some I simply feel compelled to mention in this space for memories sake Our Attending Physicians...... Dr. Farmer ~ you are a comforting and commanding presence all at the same time. How do you say thanks to someone who does what you do? God used you to, hands on, save our boys life. You vigilantly expend yourself in watching over your small bowel transplant family and we fear what might happen to us all if you get hit by a bus Dr Agopian ~ you have gone from Fellow to Attending Physician while we have been here. We voted for you :) You have shared your skills and your life with us. We wish you and your family the best. You bring heart every day to this liver unit Dr Kaldas ~ though you werent a hands on presence in our case, thank you for talking me down off the cliff that very hard night Our Fellows ~ Dr Joe ~ We wish we could close our eyes and twitch our nose and turn you into an Attending here. It will be UCLAs loss if they let you go. Every patient, nurse or caregiver that has spoken of you has had nothing but good to say. You bring compassion and calmness to every challenge Youre bright and humble and we appreciate you. Carrie ~ I have a strong feeling we wouldnt be getting out today if you hadnt gone to bat for us yesterday and worked through all the tangles. Thank you!! Just one of the many things you have done in looking after us. Getting to know you has been a joy Diego ~ You and Adam created a continual sense of fun here in a really hard place. Your friendly competition and bantering brought laughs and lightness. You listen well. A great trait to find in a doctor. Your humor slipping through your dead pan expression continues to catch me off guard…in a good way Adam ~ This process would have been so different without you. You have been a continual advocate for us. You have a unique blend of brains and maverick. You think outside the box and cut through red tape. It’s good doctor stuff Youve taken some hits for us and we know it…. and we thank you. You have gained my trust in spades Our Specialist…….. Dr. Wilson ~ If I liked rock stars I would call you one But I don’t….so I won’t. You have been a key advocate for us every step of the way. You don’t follow patients outside the hospital and yet you are following us. Thank you! We have been told many times that we have been blessed with the best Kidney doctor. It’s true Our Charge Nurses….. Jeannie ~ You inspire me. No matter what I’m doing in the future, your example will be a benchmark for me. You enter the unit in the evenings and bring a sense of “rightness” with you. You have the ability to make each patient feel as though they are on your radar and of personal concern to you. You do “excellent” so well Martha ~ What a surprise you are. I was a bit afraid of you in the beginning. Now I see a woman of compassion. That pic you took of us will always make me think of you. Your kindness has touched us Our Nurses…….. Oh wow you all are amazing!!! Having our daughter going to school to be a nurse has a whole new meaning to me after “living” here with you. What an amazing calling! Jill ~ when we walk in in the morning and see your blond head or your name on the door we smile. Yes! It’s going to be a “Jill day.” It’s all good. Jill washes hair in bed. Jill walks through fire with you. Jill calls her own dentist and begs him to stay longer to see you when you have a bad tooth. Then she calls a taxi and sends you off meanwhile taking excellent care of your boy in the bed. You are intuitive. We love you Jill Maureen, Joyte, Abby ~ advocates, all of you. These girls can stare down the doctor or the patient. Nothing fazes them….whatever is best for the patient. Strong. Smart. Capable Sirin ~ I type your name and I smile. If you were wrestling a mosquito I would be hard pressed who to bet on. Yet, your smile could slay a dragon. You create fun and you get the important stuff done Ed ~ Ingenuity. You fix or create whatever is needed to make it better for the patient. You smile perpetually and give off a vibe that everything is going to be just fine. I regularly believed you Lexy ~ You don’t miss anything. The night we heard Aaron was rejecting, you handled my tears and went forth to get everything to make my night stay the best it could be. My contacts containers were labeled with my name and loaded with solutuion. Smiley faces to boot. You go “above and beyond” as though it’s the regular thing to do. Anticipating the needs of others is a norm for you. Please come visit us in our other life like you promised Gaiane ~ If the patient is sedated you are the answer. Patient safety and wellbeing is second nature to you. You excel at cleanliness on behalf of the patient meanwhile smoothing every sheet and arranging lines away from the body to prevent sores and breakdown of the skin. The room feels safe and protected with you in command. No sloppy washing or half-hearted sterile procedures here Alex, Sam, Rebecca, Bethany ~ Beautiful women who deal with bodily fluids and trauma like it’s “no-big” You make the process look easy Callie ~ there is a reason you are frequently asked for by families with critical patients. I picture you with at least five kids someday You are chill. You are competence. You are PNW blood and we relate The list goes on and on….. We have been blessed to know each of you and your care of our boy has been such a gift to us. From unit directors to care partners, from nurses to volunteers….. all of you have served us and blessed us. We are so thankful! Family care goes hand in hand with patient care in this place May the Lord bless each of you for your care and kindness to us ~ The Moss Family
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:34:57 +0000

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