Disciplined Our attitude and response to discipline determines - TopicsExpress


Disciplined Our attitude and response to discipline determines whether we are Gods sons or not. A few weeks ago my wife was challenged me about being late for an appointment with someone. When she was challenging me I felt humbled. All these excuses came to mind. I was only 3 minutes late, it wasnt a big deal, etc. As I was driving away I knew I had a choice. I could accept the truth, respond to the Lords discipline and step up or make excuses and stay the same. So I humbled myself and stepped up. I received it as the Lords discipline and submitted myself to it. Our attitude and response to discipline determines whether we are Gods sons or not. Hebrews 12 says that God disciplines those He loves and that everyone receives discipline. It tells us that no discipline seems pleasant at the time but later on that it produces a harvest of peace and righteousness for those who have been trained by it. How do you respond to the Lords discipline? We can make excuses, justify ourselves, blame others and harden our hearts or we can humble ourselves before our Father and receive His correction. If we humble ourselves then we prove that we are in fact Gods sons. Much love ALL IN
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:49:34 +0000

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