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Disclaimer: I will not be responsible for your boredom or lack of understanding or confusion thereof, if you hate lengthy material write ups, kindly do not read this. If you start to read; then read to finish. THE “LOOSE” AND FIND STRATEGY (Satan’s mind game applied on humans) This inevitably relates to matters of faith. If you hate discussing them, you are a liar to own self. Subsequently, if you enjoy discussing every aspect of it then you lack wisdom. Limiting the definition of “Wisdom” to mean the “Christ and all aspects of our subconscious that harmonises with super conscious mind (The mind of God).” Now, it is a confirmed universal law, that we are different, alternatively stated, humans are neither same nor equal. At this point I’ll echo such sentiments and affirm its trueness as embedded in the universe. Believe me reader we are not the same, am not you and you’re not your other friend. I write this you read; the product of my articulated thought. Mankind differ even in their thinking style and response to situations that affect them. To get back to the mind game of Lucifer, having confirmed that he is more knowledgeable than men .Then one of the major strategies he applies in destroying the matters of Christian faith is misleading to a temporary lost “path” and find you again later; getting a believer out of the His former true belief and faith. All nearly believe them. It must be so since they have not accorded themselves any slim chance for secrete and personal meditation prayer. Meditation prayers have the inherent divine power to unmask the truth without consulting the alternative man of God(I do not mean men of God should not be consulted, of cause they must be consulted) Allow me, to say; “You’re always at war within you” This war (which you rarely notice) is spiritual. The moment you consult your fourth dimensional state and let your conscious mind and soul leave you temporarily while in a state of trance. During this state (interaction) one adopts a powerful inclination; in fact more powerful than your normal self. Now, upon renewing yourself with perceived results which at this point are still clear in your mind; armoured war is launched in your conscience and it’s corrupted with malicious alternatives. The alternatives open the spring of doubt within you…The alternatives here are likened to malicious soft wares like those which prompt/steers a computer into malfunctioning state. I will lead you to four impact questions. One for which the answer is “God” and three for which the answer is “Satan”. Find and suit them by yourself. Who is responsible for you entering into this state I have referred to here in? Think, Who presents your mind with these alternatives? Think. Why does the “who” present the alternatives to your mind? Think Why can’t the “Who” let you forget whatever you’ve perceived instead of confusion with alternatives? The “who” cannot let you rely on your intuitive memory simply because our knowledge of intuition powerless in this sphere or alternatively put, because your fourth dimensional state resonates well with your subconscious mind and the subconscious does what is called ‘obedience to the order (That powerful dimensional state)”.It’s common knowledge to philosophers that intuitive memory diminishes with time and age. Simple. Your obedient subconscious mind in conjunction with the super conscious mind, record every minute detail of the interaction (Graphic memory) for you to apply. You‘ve now seen how it works. A believer is left with one thing, not to apply that revelation upon accepting the alternative. You neglect your subconscious order by adopting the alternative (Satan’s deception). All these lead to confusion. At this juncture if you think I’m a theologian or psychologist or some spiritual therapist then you’re indubitably off base. When the “Who” (Satan) misleads you, He leads you to an alternative path and bombard your conscience with utter conviction. He assures you of being in the right place at the right time. And that you were initially lost and found again. You are a “prodigal son” May be. But if at this point you happen to create personal time and space for consulting the fourth dimensional state within you, different answers are unveiled to you leading you to self-discovery once more. It’s power with each one of us. Creating personal space and time are two things we are always steered away from by the evil one. If we happen to defy His attempts, Satan comes second round this time more powerful that the first attempt. It presents alternatives within the spiritual realm immediately we are in the powerful 4th dimension: So Satan is found everywhere in the spiritual realm. This is how other faithfuls are snatched, removed from their real Christian faith and are redirected to another faith in the name that all worship one true God that you will be born again. How can this “Who” proposes to you to be born again? Even Jesus never attracted disciples that way. If you truly follow his example you will be guided on the path of truth just to find yourself where you were before (If at all you were misled) or join where true Christ lives and acts are manifested. Not embedded in any name but in action that leads you to discover the name. Not the name leading you to action. Written by Alphonce with the help of God.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:56:20 +0000

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