Disclaimer: My vent So after 13 days from the date I was - TopicsExpress


Disclaimer: My vent So after 13 days from the date I was injured at work, I was seen at Duke Medical Center and granted they are a great hospital, my experience with care was short of expectations to say the least. I had a couple of resident doctors who did most of the work on my leg and if I was the normal person walking in the door would have probably noticed nothing wrong with the service given. They were lost, questioning each other on several simple things about how to do it, how each other would do it and so forth. With their lack of I guess knowledge or experience I just sucked up the pain and let them do their thing although requesting for additional irrigation of the wound so I wouldnt get infection. The three doctors that so called cared for me, the regular doctor assigned to me, a Plastic surgeon and an Orthopedic doctor I can not recall any of them actually looking into or investigating my wound. They took 4 X-rays and took a picture on a phone to the Ortho doctor for his opinion but all was done was stitches to buttercup the mangled muscle beneath my skin. Yes, my muscle was ripped apart and I get that at this point they may not want to do anything to the muscle. Anyway I was sent away that night with absolutely NO instructions for car during the next 10 days until my next appointment. I asked the doctor to make sure that at this point when I went to the Orthopedic clinic that some type of patient care for rehab of my muscle would take place. No instructions on heat, ice, staying off or on my leg. Nothing. So for the next 10 days I wing it with care from family. Dependent on a crutch for most of the time I made my way back to my appointment 10 days later. When there, no patient care whatsoever for my actual injury. The doctor I was to see was only a plastic surgeon who was looking at my incision and to take my stitches out. Really, and to top it off he suggested that I could do without the crutch to get around. I was like, Id love to but up to that point I had needed it so my butt wouldnt fall like I had done a few days earlier. Better yet, he did not even know that the dog bite had ripped my muscle into. So his instructions was to contact my employers occupational therapist or workers comp to see a Orthopedic doctor. So I go home and contact Workers comp who says that they can not make the referral that the doctor has to. Well tell me what doctor because somebody down the line has failed to do their job. So to make all this short, I hope due to lack of patient care somewhere I have screwed up my leg more than I should have. I have no feeling on my leg anywhere around the bite and a mass of scar tissue within a half inch to inch all the way around the wound. Read up on torn muscles and the likelihood to re-injure. Very likely especially in an area like this that you use every day. So Im going back to small town, I called my primary care doctor this morning and within an hour have an appointment to see him. Whether workers comp pays it or not, I trust my hometown doctor to give me the care I need more than the big city doctors and especially workers comp who is going to look out for their best interest. Ughhhhh!!!! If you read all of this mess, thanks for allowing me to vent a little bit.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:44:15 +0000

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