Disclaimer: This is NOT a Hate Modi post! I watched 3 videos of - TopicsExpress


Disclaimer: This is NOT a Hate Modi post! I watched 3 videos of the Rajdeep Sardesai incident at Madison Square in US.. One is the video that I have attached here.. Another video is where some people from the crowd physically assaulted Rajdeep and third is where Rajdeep hit them back physically.. I also read a couple of articles that criticized Rajdeep for this incident saying that he instigated the crowd by speaking against Modi! Based on what I have seen so far, I side with Rajdeep on this! And its good bravado, although the reasons could be little different from whats obvious and that well talk about some other time.. This thing they say, was triggered by one tweet of Rajdeep which said that Gautam Adani has been touring alongwith Modi to the US and is staying in the same hotel as Modis Well, I dont think it is a big deal for us in India to raise suspicion about a politicians affinity with a businessman! But what to do, people got angry.. The crowd with whom Rajdeep was talking to at Madison Square was actually a crazy Modi following crowd ready to resort to hooliganism at the drop of hat , probably for the thrill of it! This is exactly the concern that was raised by BJP critics back then before elections.. Its like a nightmare unravelling to truth in front of our eyes.. Yes, we have taken hooligans to the US too so that we can silence and outspeak any other criticism! Now if u dont mind, have a look at that video; Rajdeeps questions were not that alarming or blasphemous.. Then why this goonda raj being blindly supported by people all over? Sad state.. :-( One may say that it is mob mentality.. but then cant someone from Modi Sarkaar come out and stop them or condemn their actions? Or do they prefer it this way? Anyways, I hope we keep our eyes, ears and minds open while adoring Modi.. And trust me, I do appreciate Mr.Modi a lot and I dont hold him completely responsible for the behavior of his partymen/supporters.. Yet, such hooliganism, I detest!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:38:46 +0000

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