Disclaimer: This post is going to piss off a lot of people but - TopicsExpress


Disclaimer: This post is going to piss off a lot of people but frankly I dont care. Id also like to add that I am not a Rihanna fan...and this is a super long post. Lol Last night, someone asked me what I thought of Rihannas dress. First off, I hadnt seen or heard anything about it until yesterday when I was asked about it. Fortunately for me, I utilize my time in a way to where I dont have time allotted in my life to keep up with celebrity gossip. But after it was brought to my attention, I went online to search for the images of this dress and I found it. Wasnt hard either. At this point, I am pretty sure that we have ALL seen boobs and ass so Im not understanding what the big deal was. In addition, for those of us who have worked as REAL professional models, we all know that this is nothing out of the ordinary on the runway, especially on European runways. I was more shocked by the number of people who took time out of their day to completely bash Rihanna than I was of the dress itself. But then by looking at the photos of the people who made the harshest comments, I could see what the REAL problem was. A lot of people made comments about how they would NEVER wear anything like that. Good. Thanks for doing the public such a great service because based on your profile pic, until you drink a couple of thousand green smoothies (or whatever that stuff is that people mix up in those NutriBullets) I wouldnt want to see you dressed in anything other than a jogging suit. Although Rihannas dress isnt anything that I would personally wear, I have to admit that her body looks great and she wore the hell out of that fishnet and crystals ensemble. Tons of people complained about her not being a role model. That is the universal anthem of lazy parents....the type of people who let their children watch hours of tv and surf the web unsupervised because they are too lazy to actually engage with their children unless they are recording them for a video to upload on Facebook. NEWSFLASH: YOU are responsible for being a role model to your own children. NO ONE ELSE IS and if you didnt want that responsibility then you should have never had kids to begin with. Then, there was this special group of women from the peanut gallery that felt it was necessary to state that Rihanna would never get a man dressed like that. Maybe they didnt get the memo. Rihanna is young, beautiful, has NO KIDS with money in the bank (net worth of $90 million) AND a cute Carribean accent. Im pretty sure that she has more options and a higher probability of finding a man than the average broke and busted chick that took the time out of their unemployed or minimum wage work day to insult her. Some of them were probably miserably single and others were probably mad because their man couldnt take his eyes off of Rihannas goods. She can get a man. Dont get it twisted. In fact, let me put this in perspective for you: If given the opportunity, she can get YOUR man. Hell, Im straight and she can get me. Im just saying...LOL So dont say what she cant get. I have quite a few single, affluent, professional male friends who would date Rihanna in a heart beat but would never give a woman with children and/or no college degree, the time of day. Some of you fully dressed people couldnt get a man if you tried because you have other issues....or because you ARE an issue. So NEVER say what a man/woman doesnt want because I am pretty sure that we all fit into somebodys category of what they dont want. Women are ALWAYS the first in line to bash another woman and I am pretty sure that it stems from insecurity and jealousy. Reality tv has certainly exploited and added more fuel to an already existing issue amongst women and in a sense, has actually applauded and encouraged this type of behavior. And of course you had your hypocritical, religious fanatics who judged her, cursed her and offered to pray for her, all in the same sentence. The sad thing is that at the end of the day, her dress had NO genuine impact on the personal lives of the general public yet so many people felt compelled to make it a personal issue. And after all of the bashing, what did they gain? A couple of Likes on their comment or post? Boy, I bet that made them feel accomplished. Lol My advice: If you want to take it THAT personal, how about printing out a picture of Rihanna in THAT dress and taping it to your refrigerator, mirror and treadmill? Focus on what you can do to improve YOURSELF and stop worrying about what other people are doing. We could ALL use some improvement in our lives. Whether it is losing/gaining weight, pursuing an education, or seeking spirituality, there is something about ourselves that we could be working on instead of wasting our lives away, bashing people that dont even know we exist. And if you are so offended by what you see on tv, then change your viewing material or start turning off the tv and reading a book.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:33:04 +0000

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