Discover the Beauty of Soaking We live in a frantic, urgent, - TopicsExpress


Discover the Beauty of Soaking We live in a frantic, urgent, pressurized and chaotic world. There is no time for ANYTHING. Busyness prevails, and with the aid of technology, what required more time to be accomplished can be done at the click of a button thus intensifying demands. TIME IS BEING ROBBED FROM US. Medication has become the scaffold for emotional well-being as anxiety, frustration, grief, guilt, hopelessness and pain descend and seem to drain all life. We find ourselves weary, numb, emotionally detached, unable to feel or express feeling. WE HAVE BEEN FORCED TO SILENCE THE SOUL, though the mind continues racing. Relationships crumble as Love, designed to be activated through the life and colour of the soul, is eroded and we are left exhausted and heart -broken as life continues whizzing by. Weary means to tire; to be disgusted; grow faint; grieve; loathe. Through the idea of severing oneself from; to be disgusted or anxious, be grieved or vexed. To toil, be exhausted, to gasp. THERE IS ONE WHO RESTORES THE SOUL AND REVEALS THE TREASURE OF TRUE REST Our Maker, our Heavenly Father, Who knows and understands our inner workings, has given us keys to not only to be alive, but to really LIVE!! So, how do we do it? A. Come to Jesus. S of S 2:10 My Beloved spoke, and said to me, Rise up, My love, My beautiful one, and come away. Mat 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. 1. Separate yourself for a little while – silence any distractions (ie. Phones etc), and find a comfortable place to “chill”. Learn to BE STILL. 2. Play some soaking music - gentle music that will create a space for you to open your heart to Jesus. Why music? It creates a peaceful atmosphere and has the ability to relax the mind and ignite the imagination. It’s easy to find a spacious place when there is beautiful music creating a pathway there. Continue reading in Notes.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 18:23:53 +0000

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