Discuss........ I will be easy on the ban hammer ;) Posted by - TopicsExpress


Discuss........ I will be easy on the ban hammer ;) Posted by Mike Mineo 1/3/2015 9:30pm I posted this in the 80s - 90s room. It was removed. Unfortunately someone from the secret room has reached a position of authority in that room also. I plan on posting this in my room to share with my 11,000 members from all over the world. So either get off our back and make it right or we are going to keep pushing. The last thing you are going to worry about is if us old school guys know CAN BUS. This is an appeal for support to the men who started our industry, the old school competitors and shop owners of years past. Over the last 10 months of being on the internet, I have encountered some of the worst, most despicable behavior from people who are currently steering and controlling our industry. There is a secret Facebook room with 488 members. You will be very surprised by the names of some in this group. The pot stirrers and know-it-alls bash anyone and everyone who gets in their way and the hanger-ons jump in for brownie points. Ray Rayfield from Linear Power is currently suffering their wrath and being targeted. I am currently also suffering their wrath and have been targeted. Proponents of Old School equipment are being targeted. I DO NOT know these people personally. A little back story....I tried to talk to some of these guys about what we are trying to do with the Car Audio Worldwide page and how their behavior and attitude is not the direction we are going with the room. We now have over 10,800 members from over 40 countries around the world. A lot of the members use Google translate and we dont want their English criticized or them talked down to. I ask them to cool it with the forceful, negative rhetoric . They ridiculed me and said the industry has changed and I no longer know anything about it. Mind you, just because I stopped competing doesnt mean I left the industry. As I was speaking to one of them on the phone, he told me the reason I have not been around is because I was in prison for tax evasion for 10 years. (BIG LIE). And as he is telling me that, his workers are in the background making jokes that Im old and in a wheel chair and laughing. That is a horrible lie that I hate the fact it has spread around the back fence gossip. This man is an competition judge as are several in this secret room. I have tried to reach out to the powers that be in this particular organization. but, they are always too busy to talk to me. Why would I want to compete with these guys judging?? I sent out a LinkedIn request letting people know I am looking for a career opportunity in the industry. As some of you may know, I relocated from NYC to Florida. Some of the secret members received my request. They immediately took my request to the secret Facebook room and proceeded to ridicule, call me names and literally told a shop owner I am not a good guy end quote. Apparently I am a has been who only built one good car. I talk too much, its hard to get me off the phone and they debate whether I am a narcissist or a psychopath. When they found out someone was, in their wordsleaking information to me from their secret group, they didnt care about how hurtful it is what they have said and about the lies they are spreading. Nor did they feel any shame. What they were concerned about was...... who the rat is that told me?? How about this quote from a preacher who is in the secret group. By the way, I have never heard of his guy. This is what he said and I quote... Mike Mineo is OLD SCHOOL He competed with an 80s camaro and ran old equipment back then. Leave him with the DBs on the 80s 90s auto sound forum. He does not contribute anything positive to the industry today; as do most of the guys in there end quote. They troll other rooms as well, attempting to take them over and push their cookie cutter agenda. Shop owners have told me their websites have been trashed by them. I believe in Custom Car Audio, not cookie cutter, marketing quack jargon. In the last week of so it has been brought to my attention, one of the main pot stirrers has put his sights on ZR Speaker Labs. He is on his home Facebook page making fun of this international company and the wording on this companys website. He does not call the company by name, he uses a derogatory name he made up for them , but if you do a Google search on the quotes from his Facebook page it takes you straight to ZR Speaker Labs. Which is a respectable speaker company that has been around since the early 80s. I kicked a lot of them out of the Car Audio Worldwide room for several reasons. They were either extremely rude to members, giving out the wrong information, calling members names, bashing me, having bets on who would get kicked out, trolling and the list goes on and on. I found out who the owner was of this secret group. I sent him a message and ask if I could come in and clear up the bashing that was done about me. He told me I do not meet the requirements and preceded to tell me they can say whatever they want in that room. DO you know, he turned around and posted the message I sent him regarding my request to join on the wall in that room? And they spent the next day or two bashing me more. At one point pot stirrer extraordinaire said I should have ask nicely to enter and for help from their cast network in finding a job. Are you kidding me?!?!?!?! I wanted to clear my name. If all else fails they bring up religion and swing it like a sword, as if that somehow makes them a good person. One of the cronies said this in the secret room....... Are you a part of the car audio group or the 80s and 90s group? Well those are HIS playgrounds (talking about me) where he allows ignorance to thrive and punishes the masses by lashing out on folks that are legitimately trying to impart knowledge end quote. When I first came onto the internet earlier this year, a few of this crew whispered in my ear that Scott Buwalda was the problem in the industry. That he was controlling the competition organizations etc etc. At first I believed it. They can be very convincing and are quite the wordsmith. But after watching, listening and reverse engineering this mess. I now know it is not Scott at all. This group also makes fun of the HAT manuals. And tells anyone who will listen that his speakers are junk. Companies should not have to be bashed because another company owner in our industry has an agenda. My reputation has been drug through the mud and I have been called every name you can think of by this group of people. As a matter of fact, I am sure as soon as they read this post, you will get to see for yourself a taste of how they attack me. I am far from a politician, I am an installer and I do my job well. The first angle they will use is that I am a crazy has been. I will not bow down to guttersnipes. I will not bow down to trolls and mousy pot stirrers. I have ask them to stop repeatedly. They have not. I am not a keyboard cowboy. I will not argue with them here on the internet anymore. BUT we will meet face to face at some point. I have been slowly saving evidence for months and will share it when I am ready. If they continue to attack me and others in the industry, I will make all my information public. The manipulation works well on kids or people who desperately want to belong to a group. but not on confident men. But when they start using my name and going after my friends, we have a problem.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 02:41:07 +0000

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