Discussing a religious aspect of news events can be dangerous - TopicsExpress


Discussing a religious aspect of news events can be dangerous territory. It is an open invitation to ridicule and marginalization. It can get you dismissed as being naive and having unfounded or foolish positions. To a large degree, most of what we refer to as religious is by nature, not possible to prove scientifically. That is where the faith part comes in. But that isn’t the purpose of my comments, other than to preface my dissertation with the caveat that I don’t really care what kind of label is attached to me. I know who and what I am. Having gotten that preliminary statement out of the way, it came to me as odd how the liberal progressives, generally considered to be a godless bunch, are so involved in the pro-radical Islamic movement. At every moment they are really doing little more than orchestrating the choosing of sides and exerting pressure in a great theological war that is in the initial phase of going from a planning stage to an active one. I’m talking about the Islamic war on Christianity. I am not going to use this opportunity to attempt to validate Christian views over Islamic, or the other way around. I am going to address the hypocrisy that is on display by the left. Few can argue that a war on the symbols of Christianity is underway in America. A glaring example of this is the transformation of Christmas into the “Holiday Season”, and the conversion of a “Christmas Tree” into a “Holiday Tree”. I didn’t see a name change for menorahs being announced anywhere. Sticking with the Christmas example, the dilution of the holiday through a 1966 creation is also evidence of an attack on Christianity. The Wikipedia on Kwanzaa describes it as “the first specifically African-American holiday, to ‘give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society.’” I translate that into creating a substitute for Christmas or Hanukkah, replacing a deity with oneself and one’s race. (Not unlike the blind obedience elicited from many black Americans to a racially similar president.) Not only are they then dismissing or minimizing the role of God or Christ in the celebrations, they are in effect elevating themselves to positions of equal standing. The plan is evident all around us; I simply chose the most obvious instance for the sake of a quick means to make my point. We all see a multitude of examples on a nearly daily basis. From this platform of equality, it is much easier to create the argument that god-like humans are powerful enough to change the planet through global warming; therefore we must be taxed and controlled to prevent it. They make a similar argument in population control. They contend that the almighty government of the “Super Power” knows best. You must abort or practice birth control, use their vaccines, whatever argument they wish to make. The government is going to great lengths to insert themselves as our new lord and master. And they are being successful. Most of us didn’t expect an attack from our own government and they caught many of us off-guard. We were indoctrinated in school to believe that the government acts in our best interest and can be trusted with the power we gave them. For a while that was the case. In an effort to further minimize the role of Christianity and ultimately its existence, the left has aligned itself with Islamic fundamentalists. They are supporting them with our tax dollars, not only providing the means through which to wage a war upon us, but the power to do so through control of national governments abroad and increasingly, local governments at home. There is a vast and intense push to convert the world into an Islamic Global Government with the totalitarian Sharia Law as the means through which the elites will control us, they’re caliphate. This is not so much about a clash of religious beliefs as it is a clash between power-crazed tyrants and their intended victim populations. This plan has been in the works for a long time. The progressive left is very patient and very thorough. They influence trends and behavior through duplicity and time. They create a network of actions which alone or in limited numbers would not be enough to have any real impact and might well go unnoticed. The combined totality of their creations is very frightening. They seek to ultimately convert the world into a godless servant population, with themselves positioned as the technologically enabled false deities. The battlefield is much larger and the opponent much more devious and entrenched than we are able to see. Once the monster is unleashed, we will feel the effects on all sides simultaneously. If we are unprepared we will fall. This is my interpretation of what is ongoing but not only mine. I am just adding my voice to the chorus. As I stated at the beginning, I don’t care too much what criticism may come to me. We are all entitled to our own opinions and interpretations of what we see in the world around us. This is mine. I’ve already been granted a right to freely speak it, not by government, but by a higher authority. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for more posts from Rick Wells, or to “Like” him on Facebook.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:10:45 +0000

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