Discussing the JG kerfuffle, Ive mentioned Sandra Turner in three - TopicsExpress


Discussing the JG kerfuffle, Ive mentioned Sandra Turner in three separate posts, but nobody had the slightest interest in her fate. What ever happened to Sandra Turner? Like JG, she did something shocking, and like JG claims, she did nothing wrong. She was just following employer instructions. So can we compare the treatment of a celebrity male media star with that of a black woman earning a bit more than minimum wage at an extremely responsible job? Was she reinstated? Was she awarded compensation? Did she receive an apology? Well, thats annoying, an archive dot org URL that works in a browser fails on a facebook page. So Ill exceprt from the archived article: ** Airport guard tries to check officers ID, gets arrested ** By COLIN FREEZE, The Globe and Mail With reports from Steven Chase in Ottawa; and Jonathan Bjerg Moller in Toronto Tuesday, September 25, 2001 The fear that grips North American airports has heightened tensions and led to the arrest of a security guard whose attempt to check a uniformed police officers credentials caused her to be handcuffed, strip-searched and criminally charged. Until last Thursday, 37-year-old Sandra Turner made $9.53 an hour at her job at Torontos Pearson airport. But her security credentials have been revoked as she awaits next months court date when she will answer charges that she created a public disturbance. The altercation that led to those charges began when the 5-foot-4 security guard tried to stop a police officer as he walked around her checkpoint. She says she tapped Constable Luis Simoess elbow. The police say she grabbed him to get his attention. There ensued an angry row that ended with dozens of gawking passersby witnessing Ms. Turners arrest. I didnt do anything. To me, I was doing my job, she said, adding that she was crying and embarrassed as she was led away in handcuffs through her workplace of three years.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 06:33:15 +0000

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