Disgrace: Democrats walk out of Benghazi Hearing In a - TopicsExpress


Disgrace: Democrats walk out of Benghazi Hearing In a spectacularly disgusting display of arrogance and lack of compassion for the victims of the Benghazi attack and their families, 15 democrats walked out on a Thursday hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee just as family members of the four slain Americans were about to testify before the gathering. The sleaze balls that showed the utmost disrespect for our Ambassador and soldiers and contempt for their families are listed below, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM needs to be voted out immediately and replaced with actual Americans: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY) Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) Rep. John Tierney (MA) Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO) Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA) Rep. Jim Cooper (TN) Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA) Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA) Rep. Mark Pocan (WI) Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL) Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL) Rep. Peter Welch (VT) Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA) Rep. Steve Horsford (NV) Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM) The September 11th 2012 attack on the US embassy in Libya has long been on the collective minds of the American people. We have demanded answers over and over as to why Ambassador Chris Stevens was repeatedly denied assistance prior to the violent torture and slaughter of himself and three other Americans after a 4 hour fire fight. Troops were prepped and ready to intervene – and were told to stand down. Why? Why was Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Doherty abandoned to a horrific death? The Obama Administration continues to foil all efforts to uncover the truth, despite his campaign promise of “transparent government”. This has been the least transparent government in the history of our nation. It is becoming increasingly clear that most of those in office have little regard for the damage they do by the stroke of a pen. While they sit in cushy offices making six-figure salaries, their families unaffected by the tragedies on the home front, the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces of broken hearts and tattered lives. For these Democrats, who are supposed to be representing the American public, to walk out of the hearing shows a complete lack of empathy. They don’t care what goes on as long as it does not affect them. Well, I am telling you, boys and girls, THIS needs to affected them! CALL TO ACTION I encourage you all to flood the offices, emails and phone lines of the aforementioned soulless monsters in office and notify them of your outrage, regardless if they represent your state or not. Additionally, it is vital to spread the word and educate the American public about what is really going on in our government. Make family, friends, coworkers – whoever – aware that THIS is how our elected officials treat our American Heroes. Involve yourselves as much as you can in seeing that each and every one of these idiots are voted out of office. Only then will they realize that their actions not only affect the American public, but they WILL affect them too when they fail to adhere to the will and the voice of the American people.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:59:35 +0000

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