Dissapointing would be an understatement but make sure your - TopicsExpress


Dissapointing would be an understatement but make sure your fitness dream doesnt start and end in the same week like our boys in Brazil. You can learn a few things from Englands World Cup nightmare. Heres my top 5 Rule #1: You got to have support Just like England werent, you have to have a team behind you to help you on your way. Its a lot harder on your own and you can lean on that support from other people to help you get to where you want to be. We saw that last night. So dont be afraid to ask for help, gain confidence from others stories and use your family as a support mechanism. If other people are on your side, theyll more than likely help you when you need it the most. (hopefully thats after the first week!) Rule #2: Just as you need support, you also need to take responsibility. Dont point fingers when things arent going your way. Look deep with in yourself and ask yourself if youre doing enough. Chances are you probably arent. Youll need to take yourself to the next level and stop blaming others for your failure. Stop missing the last set on the sprints, go to bed earlier, and prepare yourself properly for the day ahead. Take responsibility for your actions as theyll determine your outcome. Rule #3: Preparation is Key England have had game plans but they didnt quite stick to them and now their fate is out of their hands. Prepare your food for the next day if youre going to be busy and dont have the time to cook. If you dont, youll end up being worse off and probably snack on all the stuff you dont need. Prepare your workouts, know exactly what youre doing with them and how much weight youre using etc. The old saying is a good one Failure to Prepare, Prepare to fail Rule #4: Use your head Both times England have been behind, drawn level and lost it at the end to a sucker punch just when were searching for the winner! Similar thing can happen to you. You may be having a great day, and may want to do more than youve got written down on your workout but use your head. Be sensible with it. Aiming for more is never a bad thing but just bear in mind, you may overtrain, become tired, fatigued or worse, pick up an injury which will KO you for a while, or in Englands case, 4 more years of hurt! Rule #5: Dont F*!k it up! You have a chance, just dont f*%k it up by not listening to the last four rules. Just like England have. Feel lucky, youre able to completely change your life around and not many people can say or do that. Dedicate 100% of yourself to your new you all of the time and youll get there, slowly but surely. There you have it, my top #5 rules for being better off than the England team right now. If you have any more tips, feel free to post them in the comments section below :)
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 15:47:18 +0000

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