Dissolve America! Duh...It’s already dissolved! By Ron - TopicsExpress


Dissolve America! Duh...It’s already dissolved! By Ron Avery Michael S. Rozeff a retired professor of finance living in East Amherst, New York has written an article posted at LewRockwell entitled US is Failed State where he talks about the present need to dissolve America. He has written Essays on American Empire: Liberty vs. Domination and The US Constitution and Money: Corruption and Decline both of which are free ebooks at his website. He opens his article by saying: “America is a very sick patient with a curable cancer that, if left alone, will cause death. The cancer is the Union or the state known as the U.S.A. More commonly, the Union and the U.S.A. are referred to as the U.S. government, the federal government or simply the government. It is the body established by the Constitution that administers the powers described in that Constitution. Phasing out and dissolving the U.S. government, which can be done by constitutional means, will remove the cancer and restore a degree of health.***The main reason Americans should dissolve the Union is that it is a failed state.” Rozeff attempts to prove his point by first saying that the main purpose of government is to keep the peace and by reminding us about the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, World War I our invasion of Russia in 1918, WWII, the Korean War, intervention in the Middle East and the resulting 911 Terrorism further resulting in war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somehow he forgot Vietnam, my favorite. Regardless, he can easily be misunderstood. The sole purpose of government is to protect the property of each individual citizen, consisting of their life, liberty and possessions. In doing this job peace is the result but government cannot prevent an act of war by someone else, foreign or domestic. The job of government then is to protect property not prevent war. Rozeff then says that the government by not preventing war has instituted war. That is a big jump that is made without looking below for water. He has not made the claim that the government actually started any of the wars, which I would do, but simply has instituted them by not preventing them. Then he says the government has infringed upon our rights by allowing these wars and invading our privacy and denying our rights “in the name of protecting its citizens.” Rozeff further shows how the court system has failed to protect the people from government overstepping its authority by upholding government crimes rather than declaring them violations and demanding repair and conformity to the law of the land. All of us morons will have to agree with that. Then he shows how the “two-party system” or democracy and voting has failed to correct government. Even though he calls all this a “failure to keep the peace” we know what he means, namely, failure to protect our property, including our liberties, constitutional and otherwise. Lastly he shows how the media, or the “fourth estate” has failed to do its job to keep government within it limited authority. Rozeff closes by saying: “Dissolve the Union, Dissolve the U.S. government. Do it in steps, if need be, but do it. Do it constitutionally or by actions deemed constitutional by the individual states. America is one big pressure cooker and the U.S. government is keeping the lid on. There is no need for an explosion. Remove the U.S. control and the natural energies of a free people will be released productively.” One can quickly see that Rozeff, though getting close to the answer, is still a misguided anarchist as most writers are on the Lew Rockwell website. But let’s see where he makes his main mistake. He is calling for the people to dissolve a dissolved nation. John Locke in 1689 said that “nations dissolve themselves from within” by no action taken by the people thereof when the government changes its form by law without the prescribed means of approval by the people, in our case, an amendment. If you have a contract with a yardman to mow your yard that says the terms cannot be changed without your written approval and he stops mowing and starts cleaning your pool instead without your written approval but sends you a monthly bill for mowing are you required to pay that? If he resumes mowing the yard and demands payment of all bills are you required to pay that or any part of that? Do you owe the yardman for his pool cleaning? What has happened! The yardman dissolved any contract you had with him by changing its terms without your written approval. To get out of this contract do you need to appeal to him and ask that he let you out of the contract? Neither do the states or people of America need to ask the federal government for leave when the form we agreed to is no longer practiced and has been changed by law without amendments or approval by the people or states. There is no need to dissolve a dissolved union. However, there is a need to construct a new lawful government which will protect our property, a task impossible for a people without lawful government, contrary to the whim of anarchists, who believe all things are better without government of any kind. The good news: In two years dissolution will be heard in every honky tonk in America. Ron Avery is a semi-retired architect, author and speaker on topics regarding Christian theology and the principles of property that regulate every aspect of lawful government.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 23:14:49 +0000

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