District Police are requesting the public’s help in relation to - TopicsExpress


District Police are requesting the public’s help in relation to an attempted stealing of a motor vehicle (car-jacking), which occurred in Rossmoyne today (14/11/2014) between 2:30pm and 3:00pm. The incident occurred on Leach Highway between Bull Creek Drive and Karel Ave. At the time the victim was driving east along Leach Highway in blue Mazda 3 and was stopped at a red light. She observed a black Holden commodore sedan with three males in it pull alongside her and stop in the right lane. Two males got out where one of them attempt to open her driver’s door whilst the other banged on her rear driver’s side passenger window with his elbow. Fearing for her safety she drove through the intersection and continued along Leach Highway to the next intersection. A member of the public, in an older green 4x4 pulled up alongside her and stated he had just seen what happened and was calling the Police. Offender 1 description – Caucasian male, early to mid-20’s, brown hair (Mohawk style), medium build, average height, wearing a dark top, wraparound sunglasses. Offender 2 description – Caucasian male, early to mid-20’s, medium build, dark clothing, silver watch Offender 3 description (driver) – Dark skinned male, 25-30 years of age, round face, short black hair. If you can help with this please call crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:21:12 +0000

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