“Diversion, subterfuge, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi,” Pelosi - TopicsExpress


“Diversion, subterfuge, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi,” Pelosi said, according to CBS News. “Why aren’t we talking about something else?” What difference does it make now? - Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. Dude, this was like two years ago. - Former White House National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor Let me tell you, Nancy, why we arent talking about something else and what difference it makes, Madam Secretary. Dude, almost two years ago, four Americans lost their lives in an American compound in Benghazi, one of which was the United States Ambassador to Libya, because elements within the Department of State failed to heed the numerous warnings from people on the ground in Benghazi which called for more security there. A lightly secured compound where questionable activities involving numerous operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency was overrun by Islamist terrorists with direct ties to Al Qaeda - as well as a second CIA safe house - over the course of eight hours. The President apparently was on ONE call with his senior advisors but never visited the White House Situation Room, according to someone who was actually there. No US forces were sent to the rescue, even though one two brave former Navy SEALS were using laser targeting identifiers from a rooftop for guidance of munitions to be used on the attacking forces - munitions which were never dropped in their defense - thus exposing the former SEALS location and resulting in their deaths as motar rounds were walked into their position by trained motar teams within the enemys ranks. The Secretary of State tied to make the attack fit the Administrations narrative that terrorism was on the decline and Al Qaeda was on the run by beginning the deciet that this attack stemmed from a non-existant protest over some obscure video. The intelligence community never acknowledged any protest or link to a video. She continued that deception while talking to the families of the victims when the bodies arrived at Andrews AFB. Talking points and preparations for continuing that protest narrative continued as UN Ambassador Susan Rice was prepped for the round of Sunday morning talk shows, further misleading the American people with the narrative that President Obama was strong on foreign policy and security, especially against terrorism since, I mean, hey, Osama bin Laden was dead, right? It was a terrible thing that the Islamic world was so upset over a video that had been posted on Youtube that they protested in Egypt and now Benghazi, the Administration wanted you to believe, and now these brave Americans died..... Presidential contender Mitt Romney was questioning President Obamas foreign policy abilities and it was important to counter that. An election was less than two months away. Has anyone been brought to justice for these attacks? Has even an asprin factory been taken out by the Commander in Chief to at least give an appearance of strength, concern and justice? Have the four people in the Dept. Of State been fired for dereliction of duty - even after the much touted Accountability Review Board found they were culpable in the security failures? Secretary Clinton told me in Committee that she took Responsibility for what happened under her watch but she failed to resign for that reason and now wants America to make HER the Commander in Chief. Dude...what difference does it make and why are we talking about this? Well, shouldnt we hold our President and his Administration to a higher standard - one where we can trust what they tell us? A standard that says we wont accept lies, especially when they are used to deceive the voters days before an election in order for certain people to remain in power? A standard that says, if you serve our nation overseas in the foreign service or the military, and something goes down, we will bring every resource at our disposal in an attempt to come to your aid? That is why pushing for answers on Benghazi is important to me......that and vindicating the death of Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Dority.......
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 03:04:21 +0000

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