Divided……We Fall There’s an old adage....”United we - TopicsExpress


Divided……We Fall There’s an old adage....”United we stand, divided we fall.” “Divide and conquer”….is another one. This has been proven to be true time after time throughout the ages. This old ploy is being skillfully implemented by Obama; his Attorney General, Eric Holder; Al Sharpton, who , at last count, visited the White House 83 times as of December 1, 2014; Jesse Jackson; Louie Farrakhan and all the liberal, progressive Democrats intent on fundamentally transforming our country into a socialist state. They singlehandedly have done more to incite racial divide in this country since the ‘formal’ end of segregation over 50 years ago! They deliberately whip up anger in the black community by inserting themselves into different events with Obama himself right in the middle of all this. From Obama’s premature comments regarding the police in the Gates affair where he condemned the actions of the Cambridge police…to his comments in the Trayvon Martin case where he invoked his ‘ imaginary’ son…and most recently in the Ferguson riots encouraging the rioters to keep up their protests….Obama’s actions incite more discord among the black community. Going back to 2009 and the case of voter intimidation lodged against the New Black Panthers during the election of 2008… where they were actually witnessed intimidating and blocking elderly white people in an attempt to keep them from voting….the new Attorney General, Holder, simply threw the case out. Not satisfied with the Grand Jury verdict in the Michael Brown case…in spite of many eyewitness reports…the actions of Obama, Holder and the other race baiters helped incite the violence, riots and massive destruction in Ferguson and around the country which continue to this day. However, Obama and the radical leftists continual policies to divide us are not limited to racial issues alone as they continues to undermine and attack Christianity at every turn while supporting every Muslim cause or complaint that arises. Of course…we mustn’t forget the ongoing attacks on the ‘rich’ and their deliberate ploys to increase a permanent underclass which the Democrats must have to keep voting them back into office. As Assemblyman Dan Logue once said…. “You can control a dependent people….but you cannot control a free people!” Think about that…. if you depend on the government for welfare, food stamps, unending unemployment benefits, free cell phones, etc…you’ll keep voting for more of the free stuff. But, if you are working and don’t need any government aid….they can’t control you because you don’t need big government…you can make it on your own! Keep in mind, they are successfully dividing our country as they continue their fundamental transformation. It’s imperative that we remember we’re all Americans first and we must not allow ourselves to continue to be divided….or…our country will fall! Carol Byers
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:03:47 +0000

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