Divine Cryptology: Chapter 1 Moses/Moshe and the Priests of - TopicsExpress


Divine Cryptology: Chapter 1 Moses/Moshe and the Priests of Amen By Mark C Vinson (Edited 08/14/2014) What I have classified as “Divine Cryptology” I believe, points to a possible origin of Judeo-Christianity perhaps even leading one to the origins of Judaism, or where the Prophet Moses got many of his primitive beliefs, remember he was a prince of Egypt. I use gematria, a type of kabbalah, or mystical world which utilizes several different languages to unlock codes or linguistic encryptions. First Ill use simple English gematria and then the Douay Rhymes Latin (Vulgate), and then of course Hebrew. My science isnt quite a science yet so theory is all we can hope for in my field of research, although, perhaps it can shed some valuable light into the past. Number 193, The Catholic (Universal) connection There is a thread of this number, 193, a number that spans three languages and hundreds of years, perhaps it was left by The Gods or the Most High for us to find, or could it simply be by chance? While investigating The Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582 In Parallel Columns (1872) by a Samuel Bagster I started noticing what I call numerical patterns, that is what I do, I search Biblical or (religious) languages or texts for patterns, sequences of numbers, encryptions you can call them, either random and by sheer chance or if Im lucky something more. First, what we call simple English gematria, not as sound as the other languages, and it can be more open to clustering around certain numbers although they can all do that but less frequently in the Hebrew and Greek more of a science, like numerology. I started noticing a 193, 391, 139 pattern in the languages. First in English, the “Roman Catholic Church” adds up to “193” in simple English gematria, and then the Lord Jesus Christs name in the Latin/English (parallel columns) is spelled “Jesus Nazarenus”= “193”. Remember its ecclesiastical Old Latin, kind of like old Proto-Latin unlike modern Latin or Spanish. And then there is the Holy Spirit, “De Spiritu Sancto” = “193” both found in the Latin Vulgate written by the scribes of the Catholic Church ages ago. What I look for is something that could perhaps be left behind by the scribes, in this case it is the number, 193. Kind of a strange coincidence that the Bagsters Latin Vulgate I was researching at the time was 139 years old back in 2011. The Language of Moses The code of “193” can be traced back even further in the Hebrew...The name of “Jerusalem” as written in the Bible (w/o the final yod) ירושלם adds up to “193” through modern Hebrew “total ordinal values”, which seems at first to be perhaps why they followed that pattern, but then there is more. During the time of the exodus from Egypt the god in prominence was “Amun/Amen” who at the time previous to the exodus had merged with “Ra” to form “Amun Ra” where the trail seems to end. In Hebrew or I should say again in the “modern Hebrew” because there is an older Hebrew alphabet found through Hieroglyphics in Egypt that reveals where Moses got his Hebrew alphabet inspiration. The “193” encryption led me to “Amun Ra” in the Hebrew אמון רא adds up to “193” in “total ordinal values” in the more modern Hebrew, or I should say Moses alphabet not the older Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Samech was the Moon, and Sheen was the Sun. Permutations A permutation of the number 193 can also lead one to science, i.e. the distance of the moon from the earth in relation to the Sun. You take the distance of the earth to the moon and multiply it by 391 and it comes close to 93,000,000 miles away, the distance from the earth to the sun. And then there is the Messiah, add up Joshua/Jesus (Yahweh Saved) Yehoshua in Hebrew the alternate spelling and it adds up to 391( יהושע), even the James Strong numbering system records it as H3091, another “391” code. I believe it is perhaps why it has been said George Washington, if this is true, prayed to “Ra” and why you find mention of Ra in old Freemason Bibles. As they say in Kabbalah, “The end is enwedged in the beginning”, which seems to give meaning to why prayers are ended with “Amen” that can also be spelled “Amun”, concerning the Egyptian god Amun. There is even more, one of the 72 names of God is “Ra-ah” “to see” (H7200), reflects the “eye of Horus or Ra”. And if Im correct the Pharaoh Amenmesse fits in, his Nomen name of the King could of been, Moshe, born to Amun = 193, one of the priests of Amen = 193. Theoretical Amenmesse/Moshe Time-line 1391 BCE Jacob dies + 193 years = 1198 BCE Moses, they say the Torah was given 193 years after the death of Jacob. The reign of the Pharaoh Amenmesse was from, 1201-1198 BCE. In Genesis 49, it tells the story of Jacob getting his sons to promise to take his body back to a cave or tomb in the field of Ephron the Hittite...field of Machpelah near Mamre in Canaan (south of Jerusalem) that Abraham bought from the Hittites. Amarna Letters There is what is called a Tel el Amarna letter dated about 1391 from Palestine to the Egyptian Pharaoh King Amenhotep III, a letter written from Abdu-Heba of Jerusalem EA 286 reports of the Habiru/Hapiru, believed to be the Hebrew entering Canaan, stating, lost are the territories of the King, they sack the land. It would take a very large group of people to make it appear that they are taking over. The Bible records Joseph taking his fathers body with him back to Canaan... All of Pharaohs officials, dignitaries of his court and all the dignitaries of Egypt, beside Josephs household, and his brothers and those belonging to his father’s household...it also says they took chariots and horsemen, and that it was a very large company, (Gen 50:7-9). The el Amarna letter to the King also reports, Why does the King (Pharaoh) favor them? Interesting because in the Bible Joseph was obviously favored by the King (Pharaoh), stating Joseph had become Vizier Zaph-nath-paanea, the Governor, as recorded in Gen. 42:6. Tel el-Amarna Letters, see: Letters found at el Amarna, Abdu-Heba of Jerusalem, dated about 1391, the reign of Amenhotep III was from 1391-1353 or 1388-1351. 1450-1200 BCE As a way of bragging about their slaves, there are 18th dynasty wall-painting inscriptions in Egyptian tombs which show such Semitic slaves from Canaan (the home-land of the Hebrews) making bricks out of mud and straw, with stick-wielding taskmasters forcing them to work --and the biblical account states the very same thing: The Hebrews labored as slaves in the making of bricks out of mud and straw. Such inscriptions are found in the tomb of Rekhmire, who was the vizier of pharaoh Thutmose III in the mid-1400s BC. --Professor Hoffmeier adds, It is worth noting, that the practice of using forced labor for building projects is only documented for the period 1450 to 1200, the very time most biblical historians place the Israelites in Egypt.--Thus, it so happens that at the time the Hebrews would have been enslaved; there are actually Egyptian inscriptions to verify the fact. (ref. Did the Exodus Never Happen? by K.D.Miller, Christianity Today, Sept.7, 1998, p.48) The Priests of Amen = 193 Priests of Amen, a quote from the site below giving some insight into the religion of the god Amen, from a prayer to Amen Ra; …“Hail, Prince, life, health, and strength, thou lord of all the gods, whose appearance are in the horizon, thou Governor of the ancestors of Aukert {i.e., the underworld, thy name is hidden from thy children in thy name Amen. Hail to thee... If you read the whole prayer to Amen Ra, it reads like what one might read in the Bible, definitely has Hebrew overtones. Also the part, thy Name is hidden from thy children in thy name Amen, from the prayer to Amen Ra above is exactly how the Israelites treated the Lords name in scripture, unutterable name and hiding it from the common person, not permitted to utter it. And Yahweh is considered the Hidden righteous one, same as ascribed to Amen/Amun, the hidden one. In the Strong’s concordance H528, Amon, god (אמון), it can also mean “master workman”, or a multitude, and is used as a common name. In the Bible the word we use at the end of prayers is “Amen”, spelled without the vav, אָמֵן Strong’s number H543. Jeremiah in the Bible mentions Amun translated as Amon the god of Thebes, and Jeremiah said that God was going to bring punishment upon Amon the god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings, on those who rely upon Pharaoh. The KJV translates Amon in the verse as a “multitude”, that God was going to punish the “multitude (Amon) of No”. The word is translated that way in other verses. What “Amun” means is “trust”, and the word is closely related to the word “Amen”, even in the Bible “Amun” H529 is translated “faithfulness” as well “Amen” without the “vav” H544 is translated “faithfulness”. Hebrew did not have any vowels or diacritical marks before the first century AD which can change the meaning of the word. The Egyptian form of the word “Amun” or “Amen” was written as “Amn”; more fully, Amn-Re or Ra. There is one more number that could be a possible link to the God of the Bible and Amun. The total ordinal values” in Hebrew for Amun אמון equals 112, and then The Lord God has a numerical value of 112 יהוה אלהים (Yahweh Elohim). APPENDIX: Priests of Amen touregypt.net/amenprst.htm#ixzz39dm0RnmB Amenmesse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenmesse Amenmesse as Pharaoh, I dont endorse the site fully, disputable, and may contain some fictional information based on theory. aldokkan/egypt/amenmesse.htm Tel el Amarna Letters: reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/a-abdu-heba1.htm Link to site concerning some Egyptian records of Israel below bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-victory-stele-of-merneptah-israel-1205bc-israel-berlin-statue-pedestal-relief-1350bc.htm The Israel Name Ring in the Berlin Statue Pedestal Relief (1350 BC) The Israel Merneptah Stele (1205 BC). Book, “Hebrew characters derived from hieroglyphics; the original pictures applied to the interpretation of various words and passages in the sacred writings and especially of the history of the creation and fall of man ... to which is added an Inquiry into the origin and purport of the Rites of Bacchus (1835)”. https://archive.org/details/hebrewcharacters00lambuoft The Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582 In Parallel Columns (1872) by Samuel Bagster https://archive.org/details/vulgatenewtesta00jerogoog List of Pharaohs en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pharaohs
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:10:57 +0000

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