Divine Cryptology by Mark Carlton Vinson 03/03/2014 3:33 - TopicsExpress


Divine Cryptology by Mark Carlton Vinson 03/03/2014 3:33 PM Chapter 1 Christ and Jupiter Symbolic of Gods Power, Teachers of gods I believe Jesus Christ was communicating or inspiring me earlier this year when I sent out emails concerning my Judeo-Christian beliefs, in them I pointed out that I believe 5/5/2014 was significant concerning Revelation 5:5 “The Lion of Judah” or Christ. God was overwhelming my life with the color red and inspired me to go out and buy Carnelian the stone of Judah. God opened my eyes to all the red objects in my life, my first new car was red, the truck I own presently is a red Dodge Ram, even red ribbons I tied to posts out back previous, etc, etc,. The color red and orange are the shades of carnelian. After further examination and analysis I also noticed “Jupiter” called “The Teacher of the gods” by the Romans has been in my sign Cancer for quite some time. The sign where Jupiter is Exalted, and its the only planet that has been in my sign for quite some time recently. Jupiter stays in Cancer from, June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014. Exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Earlier in the year I had noticed Jupiters influence from a birth chart I did from January 24, 2014 an eventful day I had where I noticed Jupiter was in my sign with no other planets around, and that all the other Planets were scattered on the other side of the heavens forming through the coordinate lines a giant cross. Jupiter stays exalting in Cancer for about a year or so, why for one reason I believe the sign Cancer is considered to be the sign of the prophet. “55” = שמש Shemesh “The Sun” I kept discerning the number “55” in the last month or so, overwhelming me. כהן גדול Kohen Gadol total ordinal values of High Priest adds up to “55” in Hebrew. On 5/5/2014 this month I was wondering what would take place, I kept discerning the number 5 with a 5 on a key to my garage and a 5 written on a wall by my garage. Something drew my attention, making me think of Revelation 5:5, “The Judah Lion” = “55”, and “Knowing One” = “55”, using the numerological alphabet system. The Sun in Hebrew, שמש Shemesh, adds up to 55, in Hebrew ordinal values. The (Jerome) Latin Vulgate One reason why I believe in the Old (Jerome)Latin Vulgate, the Latin/English of Jesus, Jesu = “55” and Satan = 55, were both cooked in simple English gematria (see: Latin English Alphabet) to this number. The number “55” also being the number of the Sun in reference to the verse, The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. Both are associated with the Latin word Lucifer simply meaning Morning Star, Light Bearer or bringer, Christ as a metaphor, as denoted in Blue Letter bible, 2 Peter 1:19. The Letter “J” At the time last month someone had given me a letter J (long story) and I associated it with Jesus. Although, unaware, Jupiter was exalted at the 15th degree (strong point of influence) on that very weekend of 5/5/2014! Jupiter being the 5th planet from the Sun and the letter J or Jupiter the “Teacher of the Gods”, “Star of the King”. On old calendars Jupiter is assigned with the 5th day of the week or Thursday the fifth day of Sabbath, and is associated with Horus and Amen, the calendar indicates Jupiter as The Star of the King. Also watch the History Channels Jupiter I have posted on my Facebook page. They say Jupiter was aligned with I believe Venus in c.3 BC and could of been the Star of Bethlehem, the Star of the King, Iesous/Jesus. Hindu astrology Concerning Hindu astrology, Jupiter is exalted or placed at a high or powerful level of influence at 5 degrees Cancer my sign. This signifies Deep Exaltation in the heart of the Darma Pada of Pushya Nakshatra in the sign of Cancer which provides for the astronomical Reasoning of Jupiters Exaltation degree. Esoterically speaking, when Jupiter is in Cancer (which signifies the heart), and is being influenced by Bṛhaspati (the teacher of the Gods), and is directed toward righteous action (Dharma pāda) Jupiter is functioning in 100% exaltation, concerning everything Jupiter represents. See: Exaltation Wikipedia The Creator God I believe in Christ, and the Creator God who I call El Elyon (The Most High), who I believe our reverence/worship should be directed toward. “He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water”. Rev. 14:7. “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” Rev. 14:12. The two pillars I call them concerning the Judeo-Christian scriptures, what my faith hinges on. God has influenced my life and purpose many times as a prophet for helping myself and others live in accordance with our beliefs and not in contempt of those beliefs for purposes of equity. At times, especially in todays world it is “extremely” tough for myself and many of us to be faithful, and not be hypocritical or in contempt of our faith. The Dream Sometime around 2004 I had a reoccurring dream where I thought I saw Christ in the distance, and me standing by a cross/beam mounted from a tree, as if to signify, it is me, the one who needs to help the Spirit of Truth, so I have been doing just that, the best I can, but at times failing miserably. I like to remind myself of that reoccurring dream at times and that Christ was in it too, not just me. Him in the distance, and me with my cross to bear for truth. “Teacher of the gods” = “159” Divine Name Connections In the Roman, Old Proto-Italic they use to call Jupiter, Djous Pater, the Sky Father, a name I call Jupiter. The Planet is the Largest Planet in our Solar System, making it in essence what Hebrews would call God, The Most High or El Elyon, as far as the Planets go, apart from the Sun, being the largest planet in the Sky. The Romans as well as the Greeks thought very highly of Jupiter, the Greek Zeus, the Romans made Jupiter there State God, calling it there Teacher, it had to of been due to planetary influences. I believe it is highly probable humanity is in part confusing Planetary Influences especially Jupiter the Teacher of the gods for Religion, and fashioning religious beliefs around the worship of ancestors of men, and or ancient Egyptian Pharaohs such as Amenemhat, (series of rulers prior to the time of Moses), and or Amun/Amen, and another of the Egyptian Pharaohs. “Ah” or “Iah” (Iah-mose)which can be rendered as Yah, and then in about the same time period was Pharaoh Amun or Amen, (Amen-Ra) highly probable inspiration behind how we end our prayers, as Judeo-Christians, Ill mention more on that. I still say Amen, Jesus Christ said He is the Amen of Amens! The end is enwedged in the beginning, as the Hebrew Kabbalists teach. 72 = אליאל (numerical values), “Eliy-el” “God Is Mighty”(H0447) יופיטר = 72 (ordinal values) “Jupiter” The Most High Ζευς to Ιησους Iesous {ee-ay-sooce} (G2424) “Iesous(888) Christos” = “199” “Father Help” = “99”, “Jupiter” = “99” (simple English gematria), Jupiters “sidereal rotation”, a Jupiter day is 9.9 hours, and Jupiter’s “synodic period” orbital period or how long it takes to go around the Sun is 398.88 days, this is another connection to Iesous or Jesus, in Greek Iesous has a numerical value (gematria), or Greek isopsephy of “888” = Ιησους . Im not so sure all this was cooked by man, could the Greeks had known this without being taught by the “Teacher of the gods”, back when they still thought the earth was flat? Or was it discerned through Divine Revelation? I doubt it, the planet is a long ways away and would have been hard to figure, how long it took to spin around. I think God did a little cooking on his own. The Greeks and Romans could of figured the synodic period, and probably set it at “399” days most likely, perhaps where the cooked 99 comes from. Its kind of like the number “93” another seemingly cooked number in English, and the Sun is 93 million miles away, they didnt know this until after they cooked English, when it was ordered by Byrhtfero for numerical or numerological purposes in c.1011 AD. See the English Alphabet Wikipedia. They were cooking English and Latin to their Judeo-Christian beliefs, because Greek and Hebrew use numbers for letters, that reflected numerical patterns, they were extending the patterns which created a mystical element. There is no Hebrew Strongs number for יופיטר Iupiter or Jupiter, although there is one in Greek (G2203) “Jupiter” in Greek is, “Ζευς”, (dzyooce) “The father of helps”, the national God of the Greeks and corresponds to the Roman Jupiter. Ιησους Iesous {ee-ay-sooce} A Greek name believed to be from the Hebrew 03091; (Joshua), in Greek Ιησους Jesus, “Jehovah is salvation”. The English letter J use to be pronounced as a “Y”. Ye-shu, as in the Latin Vulgate, “Jesu”, Greek didnt have a “sh” sound, only the “s” sound, following with the Greek ending with the masculine “s”. Influenced by “72” God, or Djous Pater has been influencing my life with the number 72, and in the Kabbalah Tree of Life Jupiter is associated with El(Elyon) and Tzadekh (H6666/H6665), [צדקה tsedaqah {tsed-aw-kaw} from 06663; righteousness, justice, right, righteous acts, moderately, righteously; justice, righteousness, righteousness (in government), of judge, ruler, king of law , of Davidic king Messiah, Righteousness (of Gods attribute), righteousness (in a case or cause), righteousness, truthfulness, righteousness (as ethically right) righteousness (as vindicated), justification, salvation of God, prosperity (of people), righteous acts] what Judaism associates with God or YHVH, The Just/Righteous One” God. Also the word Majesty can be associated with Jesus Christ in Christianity, a name God has been associating with me for some reason, even leading me to buy a book called “Majesty” in the local Burns Library, on the dollar rack, quite strange I must add. The plural of the word is associated in the Bible with the followers of Yahweh as צַדִיקִים “Tzadikim”, just ones, or just through theyre faith in God, being that our faith can be accounted for as standing justified before God, as in the case of Abraham, or Christ, through our faith we are saved, standing justified. See צַדִיקִים in the Hebrew Masoretic text in: Genesis 18:24; Job 36:7; 1 Kings 2:32. It doesnt have its own Strongs number it is associated just with H6663 (an encryption of a personal number in my life) A strange connection is made with Christ and myself with the title, Tzadekh = “75” in simple English gematria, the total of my name in English in the numerological alphabet system, in one form of its English spelling. יופיטר = 72 “Jupiter” The other day something kept revealing the number 72 to me, and I looked outside and was amazed to see it was 72 degrees, they say the God or Planet Jupiter regulates the weather, in mythology. And then I added up the Name of Jupiter in Hebrew, יופיטר and it came to 72, I was ecstatic. In Judaism it is believed that there are always 72 Righteous or Just ones on the Earth at any given time, or else God would destroy the earth. Jesus sent out 72 disciples. Melech Ha Mashiach = 72 in the numerological alphabet system, “The King Messiah” in English. And “The King” as associated in Christianity as Jesus Christ, “Melech (King) Ha (The)” = “55”, in simple English gematria. God connecting me as a banner, or guide on The Hebrew form of Tzadakh, צדקה adds up to 199 in Hebrew numerical values, my name in Hebrew adds up to “199”...מארק קארלטון וינסון... a connection I share with Jesus Christ. In Greek, “Iesous Christos” = “199”. Never forget God is your Savior, and granted you because of your faith in Him. “However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness”. Romans 4:5 Hebrew/Latin/English Gematria Linguistic Connections and patterns Tzadakh צדקה (see above) in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life relates to the Sephirot, “Chesed” חסד , “mercy” and is associated with, Goodness χρηστός Chrēstos (G5543), loving-kindness, charity (benevolence), Majesty and the mercy of God, “El” the Mighty One, and “Jupiter” the Greek, “Father of helps” . The base word is “Tzadek” צדק (H6663) and the total ordinal value of צדק is “112”, and the name YHVH Elohim יהוה אלהים “The Lord God” adds up to “112” in Hebrew numerical values. My birth day numbers, 6 + 24 + 19 + 63 = 112. God is using me as an ensign for me to proclaim these truths to the world. The Egyptian Creator “Amun Ra” אמון רא = 193 (Hebrew total ordinal values) and the “193” Connection Sometime around 1700-1640 BC an Asian population, the Hyksos, Semitic people from Palestine, seized power in northern Egypt (the Delta), theyre capital was believed to be Avaris, where the Joseph seals were found. They introduced horse driven chariots, among other things, this was during the 15th and 16th dynasties (see the videos “Exodus Decoded” and “Bible Battles”). After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos(1532 BC), (Biblical Exodus) and with the rule of Ahmose 1, believed to be Moses brother, (Iah-mose/Yah-mose), “Amun” a local Deity of Thebes aquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun God, Ra, as Amun-Ra, or it can be spelled, “Amun Re” = “72”, in simple English gematria, although with an “e” it would be spelled different in Hebrew with an “Ayin” instead of “Aleph” on the end. 193 = אמון רא “Amun-Ra” using the more modern Hebrew total ordinal values, not the old Hebrew alphabet found in hieroglyphs in Egypt, see “Hebrew Characters derived from Hieroglyphics” John Lamb, 1835. 193 = אמון רא “Amun-Ra”, using Moses alphabet revealing there must have been a Moses connection, with its link to Jerusalem “193” = ירושלם both using the total ordinal values of Mosess alphabet. Mosess alphabet was different changing or purposely altering the Hebrew letter ש “Shish” שיש symbolic of the Sun, to “Shin” שינ representing “teeth”, instead of the rays of the Sun. And ס “Samech” סמכ , while they say the meaning is unclear, which gives rise to suspicion to Moses. What it does mean in modern Hebrew is to support”, “a wedding ring”, while according to Egyptian hieroglyphs it was ס Sah” סאה The Moon”, the heavens that declare Gods glory and majesty was removed. Once again, after the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos(1532 BC) called “The Expulsion” depending upon which version you read, or which “stone”, “Stella” you read one comes up with a very different story. The Spirit of Truth leads me to find the Truth What story should I believe, the missing stones of Mosess (Ten Comm.) or the ones still here as seen in the video Exodus Decoded, testifying against them. Some believe the Ten Commandments or the concepts seem to have been taken from Egypt, even the Sabbath שבת was recorded as בשש Bash-shish” “The Daughter of the Sun”. Mosess “Stones/Stellas” the Ten Commandments no one can find, with many saying there is no proof of Mosess Exodus, and no stones to prove the divine nature of the event with God on the mountain. While there is an Egyptian Stella telling the story (see Exodus Decoded) in a different way, calling the ones expelled “evil ones”, strange how Moses made the name of the Sun God “Ra” or “Re” into a byword or “sin”, רע “Ra” “evil”(H7451), when it says in the Bible that the Hebrews “plundered” Egypt, and left armed, why the Pharaoh probably went after them. It sounds like they took what wasnt theirs to take. Another strange thing is the “Hyksos” were known for murder, and theft. Moses killing someone as recorded in the Bible, and for “stealing” when they left. The Two Commandments they broke when they got to Canaan seemingly murdering man woman and child as recorded in the Bible, and taking what wasnt theirs as far as food when they got to Canaan as recorded in the Bible, when they first got back to Canaan. Amun in Hebrew adds up to 112 = אמון , my birth numbers linking me to “112” above, and then יהוה אלהים = 112 , “The Lord God” or YHVH Elohim. God is connecting me through numbers leading me with the Spirit of Truth as a flag or guide on. “The Truth Will Truly Set Us Free ”! “Roman Catholic Church” = 193 The Papacy by many Considered to be the Office of the Anti-Christ Here are some more linguistic connections to the Universal Church or the “Roman Catholic Church” = 193, through simple English gematria and English transliterations of Ecclesiastical Church Latin taken from the Jerome Latin Vulgate. “De Spiritu Sancto” = 193 (The Holy Spirit) , “Jesus Nazarenus” = 193. This next one connects both of the inspired numbers I have mentioned, “159” and also “193”. Jerusalem adds up to “193” total ordinal values in the more modern Hebrew alphabet, “193” = ירושלם Jerusalem”, and “159” in the Egyptian old hieroglyphic Hebrew. An “Inspired Alphabet” = “159” “The Roman Alphabet” = “159” “Spirit of Truth” = “199” Judaism is waiting for the Messiah to come, they believe one sign will be when the world becomes, “Totally Guilty”= 199, which seems to be now, and they are awaiting, “The King of Jerusalem”= 199, both 199 in simple English gematria. Im a sign or “guide on” of the coming age, one who carries the flag; what I did in my unit 1/9 in the Marines. “The King of Israel” = 159, my house number, and my birthday adds up to 159 if spelled out, two different ways. “Yahweh” according to Jehovahs Witnesses can be defined as “He causes to become” = 159 in simple English gematria. “Yehu”(H3058), my old phone number, means “Yah Is He” adds up to “159” in Hebrew total numerical values. “King of Israel”, מלך ישראל adds up to “199” in total ordinal values in Hebrew. My birthday spelled out in the numerological alphabet system... Six(16) + twenty(26) + four(24) + nineteen(41) + hundred(38) + sixty(25) + three(29) adds up to “199”. Christ is the son of God, and the phrase “God’s children on Earth” = 199 in simple English gematria. I call my religion what I follow, “Spirit of Truth” = 199 in simple English gematria. I like to follow the Law of God, even though its tough at times, which I believe will protect you in the coming crisis, “Law is protection” = 199. The Lord lead me to buying a “Red Calculator” = 133 the other day and (H3091) יהושע Yĕhowshuwa` adds up to 133, in total ordinal values. “Salvation” or “Whos Help is Yahveh” = “203” and so strange I have a silver plate with 203 ribs around it, there all signs of the end of an age. Mashiach I believe in a two Mashiach theory and I believe we all can exemplify this last days Mashiach as “totally guilty”, well at least me anyway. Listen to what Rabbi Harav Ginsburgh of inner.org says they believe about this end times Machiach, concerning the “Hebrew Letter Nun” it seems to be reflective of my life. [“Mashiach is also referred to as “the miscarriage” or, literally, the “fallen one.” As we will learn in the secret of the letter samech, the nun does not appear in Psalm 145, but is supported by God’s transcendent mercy, as expressed by the following letter, samech. In general, nun corresponds in Torah to the image of falling. The soul of Mashiach experiences itself as continuously falling and dying; if not for the ever-present Hand of God “catching” it, it would crash to the ground and shatter to death”. The consciousness of fall is the reflection of the egoless state of the fish, in its natural medium of water, when forced to reveal itself on dry land. This is like the experience of a hidden tzadik when forced from Above to reveal himself for the good of Israel and the world”.] Mahdi The strangest thing is Islam believes in Christ and that He will come back to assist who is called the Mahdi...[According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdis tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-dajjal literally, the false Messiah or Antichrist.] See Wikipedia Mahdi. The Antichrist is by some believed to be the office of the Papacy. I believe the Mahdi is possibly the seventh angel. In Goodness χρηστός Chrēstos G5543 “And be ye kind (G5543) one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you.” Eph. 4:32. Good Day, peace, Mark Carlton Vinson (Revised and amended). For Biblical references to the seventh angel see, Rev 10:7, 11:15, 16:17. 06/03/2014 3:33 PM
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:36:27 +0000

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