Divine Discourse on Namasmarana Every name of God has power. - TopicsExpress


Divine Discourse on Namasmarana Every name of God has power. But that power should be utilized properly. Each name has a power. Once upon a time, a king told his parrot to go and chant the name of Rama to the crow and make it too repeat the name. The parrot dutifully went to the crow and said, You may be black, Oh crow! But listen and chant Ramas name. It will make you bright. Doing so, the crow fell down dead. The parrot felt very sad at this and reported to the king as to what happened. But the king told the parrot to do the same task to the peacock this time. Oh peacock! You are beautiful and grand. Chant Ramas name and your glory will grow, said the parrot. The same thing repeated there too. The parrot was now worried. Understand the significance of Akhanda bhajan. There is a difference between Akhanda and Khanda. The latter is to think of God momentarily alone. Akhanda bhajan is to think of Him always, every time and at all places - in all three levels of consciousness. There are three needles to tell the time. If one moves, all others also move. One round of first makes the second move one unit and so on. The hour hand is given most importance. So also, the longer variant of the bhajan – in the morning, afternoon, evening and night is more important.Both birds had died. But now the king told the parrot to tell the same to a new born calf. Oh King! Let me not get an additional sin now. I will not kill a baby, pleaded the parrot but to no avail. With trepidation, the parrot requested the calf to chant Ramas name. Doing so, the calf too breathed its last s last. Finally, it came to be known that the prince was born. What was the reason for the human form that the prince had. The Lords name liberated the soul from different bodies, of the crow, the peacock and the calf to finally gift it a human birth. This news spread all over the kingdom. Ramas name made the crow a beautiful peacock. The peacock evolved into the calf and the calf in turn got a human birth. Everything is divine. God is in every creature. But God specially takes a human form and so the human body is very special. It is Gods grace that results in human form. But inspite of repeating the Lords name, there is no transformation in man. This is because there is no understanding, faith and Love. Faith is love. That love is needed. Man is not uttering the name with Love. He is on the lookout if the tune, beat, etc. are all fine. The mind is wavering. Thus we see no transformation. The mind should be kept steady on the name. When a song is being sung, the others (especially the singers) are planning for next song. Thus, man remains man and does not evolve. Change can come about within with thinking of God alone. The sacredness that one attains by chanting and thinking of the name is not noticed by others but the individual knows it. . It is not possible to attain totality by uttering the name once. Do your job but keep in mind that it is Gods work. Thus think of Him always. When women cook, they add pulses, salt, spice, etc. While doing so, if they say, “This is for God”, then it gets sanctified. Dont degrade it by offering it to members of family, cook, guests, etc. At every step, think of God. God is in every cell and atom. But man does not realize this and feels that he is moving forward. All progress is worldly if one is unaware of the inherent divinity. Consider all your actions, words and thoughts as that of God. The feeling behind the chanting is most important. If you say whole heartedly once, thats enough. It is equal to hours of chanting. The feeling makes it like the hour hand of the clock. It has value. Otherwise you can keep chanting like the seconds hand of the clock, which goes on moving but with little value. The feeling is like the hour hand which is most important. Dont bother about what people say. Nowadays none say His name from the bottom of the heart. People say that they cannot sing His name because of cold, cough and voice not being fine, etc. Atleast sing within yourself. That will give strength. Gods name is matchless. It can bring back the dead to life. Savitri was sad when the husband was gone. But Satyavan came back to life. It is only in Bharat that resurrections have occurred by Lords name. Bharat is very special. No place is like this. A pure mind is important. Meerabai also finally said, Oh Lord! From the depths of the ocean, I have collected the pearl. Let me not drop this back into the ocean. If you need liberation, Gods name is needed. You are all sparks of Divine. And so you must all be like how I am. The same purity of Love of God must be in you too. The whole creation is reaction, reflection and resound. So realize that you are Divine. Never forget this. If this is remembered, it amounts to reading Bhagavat Gita fully. Be Godly. Mamaivamsho Jeeva Loke, Jeeva Bhoota Sanatanaha. I am you and you are me in qualities and righteousness. Dharma arose from feeling which came of Faith. Faith is Truth. Truth, Dharma, Faith and Love are all God. Live in Love. You may have many difficulties. Dont waver and change mind due to them. All these will pass easily. Waves keep coming but water is still. Have the steady waters of Faith. Thoughts are waves like the passing clouds. They are not permanent. Develop Love and nothing will remain that you cannot attain. Earth and sky can be transformed into one another. That Divine power is in you. Never neglect Gods name. The power in it is known to all those who have experienced. All that glitters is not diamond. Die - mind is diamond. Do not chase temporary pleasures. You will be cheated if you chase them. Once you have decided to hold on to the Lord, hold on to His feet firmly. They will be with you always, everywhere. Install the Lords name in your heart permanently. Your life, then, will be sanctified. That is your shakti, bhakti and mukti. Never catch passing clouds and pass out. To teach this we have the Akhanda bhajan - to sing for 24 hours. In between if you keep going and coming, that is Khanda bhajan. It is tough to connect the pieces. Even if you go home or for food, keep singing His glory. God never said to give up everything. Just think of God as you do your activity. krishna said, Oh Arjuna! Fight thinking of me. Then that is true war. War is not shooting, killing and bombing. There is nothing great in it. Doing your work and think of Lord, you will survive and live smilingly. A smiling face is needed. Do not have a castor oil face. True happiness lies in union with God. When you get some worrying thoughts, do not kill yourself. Especially those that think of marriage, this thought disturbs. Even if it comes, tell yourself, It is not marriage but my-rise! Singing the name is liberating. You neednt worry about tune and beat. The beat and tune of the heart is one - So Ham - I am that. Keep that tune, its enough. It is a great fortune to do namasmarana. We have bhajans here everyday. That is a great fortune. Do not miss and spoil that fortune granted to you. It will lead to fulfillment of your lives. After that, Swami asked the boys to sing. It was nearly 7 o clock when He called for the Aarthi and retired.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 05:30:57 +0000

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