Divine Feelings (2) - John 2:13-17 Jesus Christ was not a quiet - TopicsExpress


Divine Feelings (2) - John 2:13-17 Jesus Christ was not a quiet lay about, indifferent, careless, unconcerned individual. He was passionate about what He believed in, and still on the subject of divine feelings, you must embrace divine feelings to feel what God feels over His work and this will change your approach to the things of God. Whether you like it or not, I want to tell you that until you begin to feel the same burden that the Lord feels over His work, you don’t qualify for higher things in Zion. You see Jesus Christ chasing out those that wanted to turn His Father’s house into a house of merchandise instead of a house of prayer. Every Christian worker in any living church must see to it that the things that become priority issues in church are those things that further the work of God. When nobody cares about what is happening to people that come to church or people that gave their lives to Christ, nobody is following them up, nobody is discipling them, nobody is going out on evangelism, then we have a bunch of Christians that are about to incur the wrath of God. What are those things that make you angry? What are those things that you see in the church of God that displease you? Does it displease you that the choir is not singing as they ought or it doesn’t concern you? Does it displease you that the paint of the church is peeling off? Does it displease you that one or two or three people didn’t come to church today? Are you concerned or indifferent? If you are unconcerned, I recommend that you change today if you want to go far with God. The people that go far with God are not indifferent, they are committed people. God is calling you, not just to sit as an onlooker in church but to see critical places of need where you begin to respond to the help of God. Just as the Bible says in Isaiah 6, today God is always asking “who will go for us?” And until you respond to go for God, there is a measure of the anointing and divine commitment you cannot see. Start responding when men are needed to help the work of God in your day, and I pray that the Lord will help you in the name of Jesus. Prayer: Lord, help me to show more concern for your work. Let the zeal of your house consume me as it consumed Jesus, that it shall come to pass the things of God’s house would be paramount in my heart in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 05:17:00 +0000

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