Divine Plans Are In Place: If we actively seek knowledge, the way - TopicsExpress


Divine Plans Are In Place: If we actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively apply knowledge, the path will be cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be followed by others. Given the scope of their knowledge suppression mechanism — and if that fails, the overwhelming nature of their overt invasion — is there any hope? Yes, there is hope in the sense that divine plans are in place to balance the equation and give us a fighting chance of transcending alien manipulation and escaping our fragile physical conditions. The help we receive from higher sources is of a catalytic nature, meaning it merely assists our own efforts. From one perspective, 3D earth is little more than a prison planet run by tyrannical forces about to implement their “final solution.” We cannot fight as prisoners because we are too weak. To avoid enslavement and liquidation, we must become empowered by first escaping this prison – thankfully with the help of those who have escaped before us. This means accepting divine help, transcending our limited physical states, and evolving into 4D beings ourselves. Only then will we be on a level playing field with our alien manipulators. From a more metaphysical perspective, 3D earth is a school of hard knocks. The quantum leap in evolution we require to withstand the overt alien takeover is not impossible, it is inevitable – every life lesson we learn brings us closer to graduating from our three dimensional physical existence. This process is natural and need not be forced; for those of us who have chosen the path of integrity and truth, our individual destinies are intertwined with the divine plan, and we have been synchronistically guided since birth to have the right experiences needed to prepare us for what is to come. Among us are numerous advanced souls from higher realms who have incarnated into our world to help destabilize the alien control system and catalyze the evolution of those ready to graduate for the first time. Many don’t remember who they are or where they came from, and from early childhood most are heavily targeted by negative forces for self-destruction due to their threatening roles as system destabilizers. Those who overcome these obstacles grow strong enough to contribute toward the divine plan by spreading knowledge and assisting the evolution of others. They are former prisoners who have come back to show others how to leave the prison. Many of these we might call “positive aliens.” Take note that no one is chosen or special – anyone can take part in the divine plan who chooses to follow his or her heart and seek knowledge. Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through deception and fuels our evolution. Because of knowledge, the alien agenda will be exposed. Because of knowledge, we will evolve new insights and metaphysical abilities that can prepare us to better counter an overt alien takeover. Divine forces are at work to help us learn – if we actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively apply knowledge, the path will be cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be followed by others. montalk.net/alien/35/synopsis-of-the-alien-master-plan
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 11:32:57 +0000

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