Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood I remember visiting with - TopicsExpress


Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood I remember visiting with Gordy the drummer and marveling at how much fish he had in his freezer. Gordy, he loved him some fish. Just good eatn he would say in his gruff tenor. And he could sing too, but that for another time. Seeing team F-13s apoplexy at Hands Up Dont Shoot caused me to stir, for even though America finds itself adjudged, not all Americans are guilty. Seeing the verdict, in the house of laws, with the caucus all giving their verdict--on the count of falsification of narrative--did in fact do wonders for my mental health. I try not to, but I have been chuckling all evening as if I REALLY am mentally in need of medication. But then it is because I understand how maddening it is to live within a false narrative, having had the same experience at the hands of those because of which America today, and in the house of laws, was found guilty of illicit power projections on the count of falsifying a narrative. I thus asked for and received permission to initiate a dialog with F-13 in order to present an opportunity for the highest vision to govern further inquiries into todays American situation. Since I know it gets worse--according to a friend from Brisbane, the immigration situation WILL fundamentally transform America demographics wise--I thought it best to see if anything could be done before it is too late. And it just might be. In Australia, since the laws were modified to make it untenable for illegal visitors to stay, there has not been ONE record of illegal entry. I very much respect European civilization and am saddened to see it rubbished so openly by those who, like the interviewees in Watters world, seem to have little conception of the historical gravity of our times. Perhaps, then, there are still those for whom this moment in history can be taken advantage of, before the sun sets on a glorious Greek Era. In Islam... S.I.R.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:14:24 +0000

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