Divine Sweet Soul...As this incoming wave of energy, which will be - TopicsExpress


Divine Sweet Soul...As this incoming wave of energy, which will be at its height of intensity this weekend, blankets our experience of Creation, immerse your Self completely in it, allow it to wash over and envelop you, cleansing and clarifying you in ways not yet experienced. Settle fully into the space which your Beingness occupies, refraining from pressing against the edge of the moment so as to satisfy the egoic need to control, know or run. Allow Spirit to guide you, breath by breath, through this shedding of the old and the remembering of your powerful, true Beingness. Like the experienced surfer who has prepared with heavy water training, anchor your Self by holding strongly to your Divine Intuition, Divine Wisdom and Divine Presence as this powerful wave of higher frequencies gracefully flows over you. Allow the fear of the ego, which may desire to revert to old and familiar ways of coping as it realizes it is no longer the navigator of your experience, to dissolve effortlessly away like drops of water in the warm Sun. Release any routines or habits that once created a sense of wellbeing and security as keeping them will hinder the revealing of your true Divine Light and alignment with your purpose. This is your free will choice, sweet souls, if you desire. You may feel like you are swimming in new, unfamiliar waters...this is true...surrender and simply allow it to be so. Consciously open every particle of your Beingness so as to receive and embed the upgrading energies deeply; then trust and allow them to unfold in alignment with your specific souls journey. Create every moment from a place of alignment with Source. You may be blessed to be surrounded by a tribe of others whose experiences are similar which may fill you with encouragement. You may be challenged to be the Lighthouse, the beacon of Light in the middle of a stormy night, for many who are just beginning the remembrance of their Divinity. Empower your Self with the knowing that regardless of your circumstances, you embody the strength, wisdom and knowingness required to maintain your upgraded frequency. Your relationship with Self, which is Divine Source Love, will guide and carry you through every moment if you allow it to be so...All is Well and All is One...I love you...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:39:35 +0000

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