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Dla zainteresowanych wyjazdami - oto możliwość uczestniczenia w projekcie zaprzyjaźnionej organizacji: Projekt w Niemczech: Tytuł projektu: Growin Art Village Lokalizacja: Grabowsee położony nad malowniczym jeziorem w północnym Berlinie, Termin: 23 sierpień - 02 wrzesień 2013r. Ilość miejsc: 5 osób w wieku 18-25 lat, 1 osoba bez limitu wiekowego Całkowity koszt: 300zł - dopłata do transportu/przejazd mikrobusem, wyjazd z Krakowa Zakwaterowanie - szczegóły w opisie Wyżywienie, program, zakwaterowanie* oraz 70% kosztów transportu jest pokrywane ze środków Komisji Europejskiej. kontakt: email: biuro.strateg@gmail Piotr Wróblewski 664-143-865 Dear Attendant, We would like to invite you to participate at the “Growing Art village” in Grabowsee 2013. This is situated at a wonderful lake in the North of Berlin, near the city of Oranienburg. Here it is planned to build a growing site-specific exhibition using an old hospital as gallery and workshop venue. Grabowsee is an abandoned hospital complex that was functional as Tuberculosis Sanctuary in the 1920s. Later the Russians used it after the war until the late 80s, as a hospital for soldiers. Until the troop withdrawal in the beginning of the 1990’s the buildings have been abandoned and started to decay into the landscape, dissolving into a natural habitat it is surrounded by. It is now on protected land and slowing being renovated and preserved to keep the natural structure and beauty of the historical Monument. The intention is to create an Academy for alternative learning in Grabowsee. Our Plan for 2013 is to create an interdisciplinary project that accumulates towards a small art festival at the end of August. This will slowly expose more and more possibilities for public interaction with the space. Therefore we invite you to come to Grabowsee from 23rd of August until 2nd of September to be part of a cultural exchange to create, discuss, swap ideas, work and make a celebration with young committed artists from different countries, backgrounds and fields. This will therefore produce a platform where Artists participating from Europe will get together and meet with international Berlin based artists. The Different workshops and lectures are planned on the following topics: Light Construction Float Solar kitchen Construction of a solar shower History Grabowsee Landart Gallery Clothes, screen printing The focus is beside construction on the history of Grabowsee. Therefore material artifacts were secured in an archeological digging, which should be integrated and presented within the exhibit. The concern is not only to set up a short period exhibition, all effort put in the site should also lead to a sustainable framework for future projects, activities and exhibitions. Apart from the workshops and activities within the group there will be the opportunity to focus on own work. For this purpose preferably the area and materials from the site should be integrated. It is not possible to offer a special budget for your own projects in addition to traveling, accommodation and catering. Of course necessary things like tools, construction material, paint, cloth, etc… will be provided, but anything specific to any ideas you have for the project, will have to be provided by yourself. The project will start at 23rd of August with the day of arrival and for the next day the beginning of the projects and workshops is planned. For further information please see the detailed schedule at the documents end. Accomodation: For overnight stay there will a camping site prepared when you arrive. Please bring your own equipment like, tent, sleeping bag, warm and also rain clothes, cutlery, dishes, flashlight and so on. Also please have in mind that there could be some mosquitoes at this time of the year so please be sure to carry your own mosquito protection like spray or mosquito net. Catering for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be organized by host.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:04:54 +0000

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