Do Good and Forget, Do Evil and Remember When you do good, put it - TopicsExpress


Do Good and Forget, Do Evil and Remember When you do good, put it out of your mind and forget because you did the right things in life and helped. Do evil and it can chase you to the ends of the Earth; each day you will look in the mirror and the evil that you do looks right back at you! This is where people make mistakes in life, they get on a bicycle and back-peddle. I want to see Peace in this World, but why make war to begin with? Why do you start what you can’t finish? Think well before you start, for it will penetrate right through your heart; not just your pocketbook! When you see a wrong you have to right it, not sweep it under the carpet but be the first to complain when things go wrong! Many years ago, a man named Niemöller spoke of the cowardice of the German intellectuals with the following statement: First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me! When you see an evil and you don’t speak up, either you are evil or you are afraid, fearing for your pocketbook. So who are you? If you are a brave soul, try to tell them to make it better before they keep hurting others and ultimately themselves; not necessarily through physical attack, but by their writing, radio broadcasts, or the internet where they are perpetuating evil. Warn them, tell them, “Why do damage control when you don’t have to do the evil deed in the first place?” The Golden Rule is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In the Craft we say “And harm ye none.” This doesn’t just mean don’t punch someone in the nose, it is about your words and actions; how you make fun of the sick and poor because you are healthy and can afford a meal in a fine restaurant or a lovely vacation. In the long run, you have nothing because when the final question comes, “Who are you?” What will you say? Are you a restaurant or a business? What are you leaving behind? Did you do something for this World to make it a better place? I was taught by my father; he had a degree in humanity and caring and was the smartest man I ever knew, a most decent, loving father. My mother was a stern piece of work; my father was kind but he was no push over; he knew Magic and how to give to Humanity so he would live. He was never cheap and miserable; he never stopped giving till he passed from this World and even on that day he was still giving. I don’t berate you for your money, it is your actions that you think no one will call you out for! When someone tells you not to take an action that does not serve, you make a mockery of them because you are an empire builder, (remember Nero and Caligula) and have all the answers; but what are you really building and with what building blocks? Anyone who falls into this category, think well of what you’re doing! Are you doing the work of the Craft or not? Are you making slaves of the people who work with you? My people work WITH me, they have dignity I want them to have a kind of dignity that reflects the God and Goddess within; when you take it away you are enslaving that which you believe, you are enslaving the God and Goddess. Be honest, take not more than you need and always give back! In the final analysis, the Gods give back to you. I know this for a fact because they gave me back my life! I want people to shine, if you do something wrong I want you to own up to it, to be genuinely sorry for what you have done; not to save yourself or your businesses but so you don’t repeat it. Chances are given, but soon enough, if you don’t do the right thing, They take things away! I have seen people become the fatted calf; they think they’re riding high when all of a sudden they lose something money can’t buy. When you say you are sorry, are you truly sorry? Or is it to save a business that you fear is going down the toilet, or a relationship you are afraid to lose? Think well before you put yourself in your own evil hell! I wish you all prosperity, healthy lives and Joy, and remember what I say! What is your true motive in life? Is it Joy or to make someone suffer because of your strife? What good is an apology once the deed is done? Speak up, help people! Don’t write “like, like, like” because you want to be a part of what does not exist! Say it, voice your opinion! It does matter, be a beacon unto the Craft and the Craft will be a beacon to all Humanity! Make our people shine and your life will be as pure as summer wine! Blessed Be! In the Light I Remain, Reverend High Priestess Lori Bruno Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church Salem, MA and the Vast Cosmos
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:16:35 +0000

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