Do I have a story to share, with you… I was looking to buy a - TopicsExpress


Do I have a story to share, with you… I was looking to buy a minivan today. I drove my old Saturn Ion onto the lot. I love my Saturn but as our family is getting larger I wanted something bigger, something with a bit more space for a family of five. I looked around and the dealership didn’t have any used cars. Additionally I couldn’t afford any of the new cars there. I was leaving when the salesman came out to talk to me. We discussed some options while out on the lot. He assured me that he could get me into something I could afford with a trade-in on my Saturn. Best yet he thought that I could keep my Saturn and he could get me into that new Odyssey I liked. It wasn’t much better than what I had now but it was bigger and would fit my family better. It was lacking little things like power windows, CD/MP3 player, you know; none of the bells and whistles that my Saturn had. But it made it affordable for me to buy. That and he had a few deals for me because he wanted to help a young family out. How nice of him. While going over the paperwork they would check out my car and see what I could get for it. The salesman told me that he could get me a new minivan for around $200 a month with nothing down and possibly no trade-in. Awesome, I could keep my Saturn for work and Katie could use the new minivan to tote the kids around. However half way through the paperwork it became clear that I would have to trade-in my car to get the minivan and keep those payments at around $200. I was a little wary at this point. While on the phone with the bank the salesman told me that I wasn’t going to get what we thought on the trade-in because of new standards on trade-ins and the payments would be more like $300 a month. By the time I got off the phone with the bank the monthly payment had gone up to $400 a month due to some additional taxes, titles, fees, etc. I was furious with the guy. I had wasted half my afternoon working a deal that now I couldn’t do. I didn’t need the minivan right now and there’s no way I could afford those payments. I wanted a larger car but I could make do with what I’ve got now. It might be difficult but when things get better we could get that minivan. Besides it was new. I likely could get an old one for cheaper and I told him as much. The salesman fired back that new laws in safety prevented dealerships from selling older cars now so good luck finding that “deal”. I was shocked. What sort of crazy place did I just walk into? No more old cars for sale. This guy was clearly a pathological liar. What was I thinking, my father-in-law works in the car business I should just be talking to him. I’m out of here. However, I couldn’t leave just yet as they still had my car in the garage. At this point I was not being very Christian. My ire was up and I was demanding my car so I can get the heck out of this crazy place. The salesman looked at me and told me no. NO! He told me that he was not going to give me my car back. That it is no longer “safe to drive”. He then proceeded to tell me that he could knock off twenty-five bucks from the minivan payments. Dude was very luck that I didn’t crack his head in right then and there. I didn’t know what to do other than call the cops. This guy just stole my car. I told him I’m calling the cops and I’m suing him, the dealership and everyone and anyone affiliated with him unless I get my car back immediately! The nerve, I’ve never even heard of something so crazy. On the phone the cops told me that he (the salesman) had done nothing wrong. WHAT! That new federal guidelines state that unsafe cars are not to be driving and that I was lucky that something didn’t happen to me or my family while driving such a shitbox. Had I just slipped into the twilight zone? Was there a coup last-night by China? I felt light headed and needed to sit down and think about this before I started busting skulls. Then I realized that this wasn’t my car but how our new healthcare laws work. As Dennis Prager says “the bigger the government the smaller the people”. There is no fixing this mess other than to repealing it. -Frank
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 18:22:34 +0000

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