Do Not Take the Mark of the Beast (666) If You Are Left Behind - TopicsExpress


Do Not Take the Mark of the Beast (666) If You Are Left Behind when Jesus Returns!!! If you are one of the ones that are left behind after Jesus returns to take His followers to heaven, unfortunately it is because you chose to reject Him and not follow after His ways. You will be facing the most difficult time in your life because the Bible talks about a seven year Tribulation period that will follow Christs return. This is when God will pour out His wrath upon the earth for all those who rejected what Jesus did on the cross. He died on the cross so you and I could have eternal life in heaven. The time for Christs return is very near. All of the things that the Bible said would happen right before His coming are currently taking place now. We have seen plenty of earthquakes in the last year and a half alone. The weather patterns have been very strange. Violence is more rampant than ever before. Tensions between Israel and other nations are starting to rise more and more and its only going to get worse. The New World Order is all set up and ready to go, but the last and final thing that needs to take place is still happening. The Gospel, which is the good news of Jesus, must be preached in every part of the world before He will return. This is taking place very rapidly today. With the increased technology that the Bible speaks about which is also another sign in the last days, the Gospel is being preached in the most remote places of the earth. The Christian television stations have thousands of satellites around the world and this is being accomplished at a fast pace. The only good news about being left behind after Christ returns is that you will have a chance to repent even during this terrible time. The Bible says that inummerable of people will come to know Christ during the Tribulation period. It will be a very difficult time to live and if you accept Christ, you will most likely be killed/beheaded for your profession of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is better to be killed and go to heaven, then to spend eternity in Hell separated from God forever and ever. The anti-Christ will come to power during this time and there will be a one world government and religion (Please read Revelation 13). This is nothing new. The Bible talks about this and the preparation for this has been in the making for several years now. Many of our past Presidents have also mentioned about this coming New World Order/One World Government. Unfortunately, they do not realize how horrible it is going to be. They may think it is a good thing for the entire world to be united as one, but everyone will be told what to do in every aspect of their life. Basically, everyone will lose their freedom - earth will literally become a PRISON PLANET!!!. There will be no such thing as freedom of religion or speech anymore. Those days are over. Once the anti-Christ comes to rule, the world is in for UNPRECEDENTED TYRANNY AND GREAT SORROWS!!! If people do not conform to what this man wants, you will be killed. The Bible talks about the mark of the beast which is represented by the number 666. Everyone will be required to take this mark to buy and sell, but by doing so they will lose their soul to Hell forever and ever. If you are left behind, you do not want to take the mark!!! Yes, you may starve to death or be killed, but again by not taking the mark, it shows that you belong to Jesus. That is why it is going to be the worst time to live on earth. Hunger is a terrible thing and you may be tempted to take the mark, but there will be people on this earth warning you not to take it. Again, you will die but at least you will be in heaven with Jesus forever. People do not realize the horrible times that lie just a very short time ahead. We could be talking just days, weeks or a few months when all this will take place. My heart cries each day for those who will be left behind to face all of this. Everyone had a choice and that is why Jesus will not return until every single person has been given a chance to accept Him as their Savior. No one can say that they did not know and that it is unfair that they were left behind. Recently a friend of mine who is not a Christian, posted something on Facebook which made my heart break. She said that she was somewhat sad that day because her little girl went to work with her husband and she missed her a lot. It made me sad to think that all of her children will be gone when Jesus returns. The thought of knowing how she will cope with that, was almost too overwhelming for me. I think about all the people that I know who are not Christians and have children. One of these days a real nightmare will happen for them. Children are precious and innocent in Gods sight and they will be taken to heaven when Jesus returns and be spared the Tribulation period. It will be the most horrifying experience for parents and for everyone because they will know at least one person who is missing. Fortunately, if you are reading this and Jesus has not returned yet, you still have time to get right with Him. Dont put it off any longer!!!. The Bible says that Today is the day of salvation. That means that you may never get the chance again to accept Christ, so do it while you can before its too late. You must repent of your sins and live a Christ like life until He comes. If you are reading this and Jesus has already come back, you dont need to despair because you still have a chance to repent. Just remember, whatever you do, do not take the RFID/mark of the beast!!! We will meet in heaven one day. Look for me for I will be there. God bless you!!! Romans 10:9 -11 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:49:01 +0000

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