Do We Believe That We Can Avoid Regret In Our Future Through - TopicsExpress


Do We Believe That We Can Avoid Regret In Our Future Through Proper Thinking? (John 8:58 KJV) Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Let me share this with you“Wiseman Phungula is what he is because of the Grace of the Lord, even though there is some life challenges but Im well in my life, and I am thankful to God for that.” These are my words that I always speak into my life. I have discovered that Im thankful to God for the life that God has given me. You came across my mind today as I thought of these words. Our breakthrough is about to come as we embrace proper thinking. Proper thinking is important in declaring who we are. When we do not have proper thinking, or we do not think about our actions then we will have a bad declaration, and bad situations will occur to our-self. We must not forget that we have a mind to think. We must always think about our actions and how will it affect the people around us as well as our-self. Proper thinking leads us into right decisions, and we will reap the consequences. I hear the Lord saying that this is the hour that He is realigning our thinking and causing us to see things from a perspective that we have never viewed them before saith the Lord. We are beginning to come through some hurdles, and some hurts but this is the time that God is going to lift our faith and causing us to declare a new victory for our-life. Let us take time to observe our-self. If we feel that we are experiencing the same thing over and over again, then we must think of the things that we decide and do. We must think and observe the things that we do and take time to accept comments from people that will help us see the situation in a different perspective. Proper thinking can save us time and regrets about our decisions. With proper thinking, we are able to see the decisions that made things easy for us. We will see the decisions that have bad results in our-life.Let us take time to observe our-self and review our actions, with proper thinking we are likely to make right decisions. Proper thinking can save us from having regrets in our future, and we will see that we did not waste our time on something that will not bring good for us. I am requesting us that we get that most holy book and read this holy verse of Scripture.“Amen”. God bless you! Wiseman M.Phungula.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:48:11 +0000

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